
[COR - FB - SHIP] HMS La Belone

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Recently Capt. Willem van Baarle returned in Mesabi Landing from his pirate-hunting mission. He was leading a squadron out of Port Woodhouse that included his frigate the HMS Phama, the man-o-war Semilliante and the HMS Melampus. Van Baarle found his prey in the East Prio Sea when they encountered Kane's new flagship, Perla de Labuan, a class 9 galleon, leading eight(!) other ships under his black flag. After a fierce naval battle, the battle ended in a draw. The HMS Phama sent Paraiso to the sharks, but unfortunately his HMS Melampus did not survive the battle and was shot by a Black Flag ship.

Capt. Willem van Baarle:




Now, back in Mesabi Landing, Van Baarle was licking his wounds. He was determined to expand his fleet with a number of new high class vessels. To get an even stronger fleet, more ships are needed, which requires a special commander. Van Baarle's good friend Baron Peter Nash, a wealthy man, provided this investment. Captain Willem van Baarle was promoted to Commodore... and if the fleet grew fast enough, he might even become Admiral soon...

Let's kick some Black Flag *sses!

BoBS - HMS La BeloneBoBS - HMS La Belone


Collab build with @boeing_787_8_dreamliner. He did a major part of this build.

Class 7 Vessel "HMS La Belone" is bought by Bricksbypidy from @boeing_787_8_dreamliner, and is licensed by @Bricksbypidy

Property type: Ship

- Design vessel: @boeing_787_8_dreamliner
- Wave technique with nets: Tips & Bricks Technique # 647

Edited by Bricksbypidy

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Well done Commodore Willem van Baarle!

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Beautiful ship, so well detailed and elegant!  The water is also amazing, so impressed that you achieved that net technique digitally.

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1 hour ago, Captain Braunsfeld said:



I love seeing these ships, but it says Bricksbypidy created it with Boing_787_8_Dreamliner 747, not Boeing_787_8_Dreamliner just a small typo :wink:

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The ship is magnificent! Beautiful display as always

8 hours ago, LordsofMedieval said:

What is it? Is it a Razee?

No it's a late 18th century frigate, it's based of the French frigate "L'incorruptible" which was a Romaine-class frigate.

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I just wanted to share my admiration for this build, as the ship looks breathtaking! The sea and waves also look amazing and that's the detail that elevates the the whole MOC even more.

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Thank you all for your positive feedback! I can promise you that another ship is coming up soon! (Maybe even two, before the deadline October 31)

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