The Undo

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About The Undo

  • Birthday 01/16/1988

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  1. The Undo

    [MOC] French Frigate 'Saint Germain' PART 2

    You Sir are a Master Builder! This ship with all of it's intricate details and overall build is a top-tier piece of art!
  2. The Undo

    [MOC] Into The Light

    Wow! Love the shot, love the shapes, love the feel of it. Awesome idea and execution!
  3. The Undo

    [TC] Kraken Attackin', New Haven Sea

    Beautiful MOC as usual :) Gotta feel sorry for the crew though :( But at least Kraken got something to eat that day :)
  4. The Undo

    [MOC] The Grand Tower

    Great job with the dome and the wall details on the tower. But the whole scene is beautiful with that fantasy winter feel!
  5. The Undo

    MOC: Canal Street

    Such a lovely MOC! Pure beauty!
  6. The Undo

    [MOC] Redwall Feast

    Love this scene! It feels like just this one picture tells a story and bursts ones imagination! Very beautiful job!
  7. The Undo

    [MOC] Spanish town

    Wow, this is absolutely beautiful! Love the architecture and I love all the little details, especially those tile patterns. And you captured some nice angles with your camera, although the focus if off in some of them, but the MOC shines nevertheless. Amazing job!
  8. Cool scene! Great work on the walls and especially the doors!
  9. The Undo

    [MOC] Admiral Woodhouse Outpost

    This brings up nostalgia!
  10. Wow! The boat is great by itself, but that water technique is amazing!
  11. The Undo

    [MOC] Medieval bridge and water mill

    Beautiful scene! And I love how you made the water with small waterfalls. Nice stuff
  12. The Undo

    [MOC] DIVINER - Ice Planet 2002

    Another great ship design! Keep up the good work
  13. The Undo

    [MOC] Magni Bronzebeard

    Never played the game, but I have to say this MOC looks amazing! Beautiful job!