Rogue Redcoat

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About Rogue Redcoat

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    fighter plane chase

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    Indiana Jones, pirates


  • Country
    United States

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  1. Rogue Redcoat

    New Minifigure Factory

    Yup, you can use them, and I would love to see some pictures of your other pirate-themed minifigures :)
  2. Rogue Redcoat

    New Minifigure Factory

    The new Minifigure Factory from Lego was released online in the U.S. and here is the torso I designed ;) When it comes I am planning to swap out the arms for red, and I will add some photos. Here's the back of the torso the design is not perfect since in order to create a design like this you have to add letters and then reshape them to size hence the cross belts buttons, buckles and so on. Here's the link to try :D P.S. I know I have not been very active on Eurobricks but I have had little time to build in the past few months I will see if I can be more active in the following months :)
  3. Rogue Redcoat

    Useful Pirate Pieces from other Themes?

    Or a black-coat soldier/officer!
  4. Rogue Redcoat

    [POLL] Imperial Soldiers

    They look great!
  5. Rogue Redcoat

    Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion

    Yeah, I think that Indy will get another show, and if they wanted they could just not put the Nazis or the Russians in at all, just do some classic adventures fighting other archeologists. I'm certainly not here to dispute that the Nazis were awful people, but I'm pretty sure that the TV show never showed them it focused on young Indy and his adventures during WW1. Also, a movie like the first or second nowadays would certainly get a PG-13 rating some state that this was the kickstart for the whole 13+ rating.
  6. Rogue Redcoat


    Very nice build, I love the video at the end
  7. Rogue Redcoat

    [MOC] ship voc 'Batavia' 1628 scale 1:40

    Here are most of the photos from the Flickr album...
  8. Rogue Redcoat

    [POLL] Imperial Soldiers

    I voted for the newer redcoats because redcoats are my favorite however I just got one of the new bluecoat torsos and they look very nice and I'm hoping we see them in red soon. As for a new color, I would love to see white, they would make a nice French army.
  9. Rogue Redcoat

    Hello all

    Welcome to the Eurobrick's forum, I see you had some of the classic pirate sets, very nice!
  10. Rogue Redcoat

    Best MOCs / Must build MOCs?

    Before I name any MOC's is there a certain theme you like, like pirates, space, castles, etc?
  11. Rogue Redcoat

    The Three Investigators / Die Drei Fragezeichen (Kids)

    Very nice I especially like the curvature of the abandoned water tower, the series reminds me of reading the Hardy Boys when I was young.
  12. Rogue Redcoat

    Coattail legs for LEGO minifigures

    Aye, they would make spiffy-looking continental marines, now all they need is a ship, and then they are off to raid Nassau!
  13. Wow, Lego ought to hire you as a minifig designer!
  14. As much as I would like this there is no way, Lego makes minifigs in flesh colors if they are based on real people (besides Lego friends).
  15. Rogue Redcoat

    [MOC] Imperial Outpost Fortress

    Wow, I love those windows, I can't wait for any updates/modifications :)