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About Fraunces

  • Birthday 04/02/1995

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    Pirates of Barracuda Bay

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  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Pirates, Castle, old-school


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  1. Fraunces

    [POLL] Which Prizes Do You Find Most Enticing?

    I updated it, FYI. Thanks.
  2. Large Category Escape from the Imperial Trading Post by A_Goodman Tapu Island by Marooned Marin The Merchant vessel Margaret Hamilton by Elephant Knight The Final Task by Math Wizard Fort de Soleil by -DoNe- small- Quadruplets? by Yellow Frog From Merchant to Pirate by Yatkuu/Gregory Coquelz "Infamous Steve and the Fountain of Fortune" by Juhlhaus Infant Steve Recruited As Royal Spy by LOTR The Child - Steve's childhood by MyFirstMOC-Hun
  3. Very nice entrance buld @Burger. Hope to see a lot more from you!
  4. Fraunces

    [OL-FB] Food for Thought

    Very nicely made interior. Good job
  5. Very good looking company! Makes me envy those beautiful red uniform a little bit.
  6. I know I am late, but this is beautiful.
  7. I love it. Something new!
  8. Fraunces

    [OL-TC2A] All the parties involved

    I really like your stories about Tristan. Would like to see more
  9. Fraunces

    [ENTRY] [LARGE] The Final Task

    Well written story and build!
  10. Fraunces

    [MOC] VOC Galleon (eastindiaman)

    Amazing ship. As a Dutchman I think you did a wonderful job portraying us
  11. Nice, I like how you put all the previous parts together into 1 coherent post. And always a +1 for those beautiful conquistador helmets. So elegant...
  12. Fraunces

    [TC2] Cat. B - Killian Goodwill

    Very good one, as the others said. The choice for a slightly bigger scale and using a brickbuild body sure works really good.
  13. Fraunces

    [TC 2 - Cat B ] The Doctor Thaum

    Wow this is one really nice! The ship is very well done as well. The picture with Iauln taking a photo is a good one
  14. This is so cool! I really love the way you are setting up this story from an Oleon spy-perceptive. Keep up the great work looking forward to the next part. Nod your are dry humor is hilarious
  15. Such an extraordinary piece of work you show us here. Very very nice.