
Eurobricks Dukes
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About CP5670

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    In search of litmus paper

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    old school space
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  1. Looks gorgeous! I wish we had that windscreen in trans green though.
  2. CP5670

    Is It Possible To Reintroduce Old Sets?

    The anti violence thing was never really taken seriously by the set designers though, especially with space sets. They even said later on that the ships had weapons in their minds (and in the minds of kids who played with the sets), even though they were not allowed to call them that. Some sets like 6940 are obviously SW inspired.
  3. CP5670

    Affordable place to buy old technic stuff?

    Stick to used sets, most of the non-flagship classic Technic sets are actually reasonable on Bricklink. I think most people like me already got the sets we wanted in the early 2000s when ebay became mainstream, so the prices are not rising that much anymore. Technic sets also contain less in the way of unique parts or minifigs compared to system sets, which props up the prices of the latter. MISB sets are a different matter and have ballooned in value. At one time the difference between used and MISB was not nearly so big.
  4. CP5670

    Is It Possible To Reintroduce Old Sets?

    This is a good point. I actually think even in the 80s/90s TLG would have made licensed sets if they had the licenses, and we would have grown up loving those sets instead of classic space. Everything consists of tie-ins across different types of media these days (movies, games, books, TV, toys, etc. all based on the same franchise), that is what sells to both kids and adults. My main issue with the licensed sets is the lack of sharp, high contrast color schemes with colored transparent canopies like we saw in classic space.
  5. He had a huge impact on so many of us worldwide. I used to spend hours staring at these sets in the catalogs as a kid and picked them up on ebay in the late 90s.
  6. I'm doing well, thanks! Yeah I have used Brasso to remove scratches in the past but it leaves a cloudy look on the parts afterwards. I also have a car headlight cleaning fluid that does a decent job without leaving the cloudy look, but it might not be strong enough to remove printing.
  7. CP5670

    Arachne Outpost

    Thanks, there is an ebay store called Brickstand that sells those. The print quality is very nice.
  8. CP5670

    [MOC's] M:TRON FLEET 2024

    Great use of curves on all of these. I especially like the Chomp and the front end of it.
  9. This looks great. The road train design fits really well with the style of the original. For the middle trans neon panels, did you rub off the blacktron printing or are they prototype parts?
  10. CP5670

    Arachne Outpost

    https://www.flickr.com/photos/141514326@N04/albums/72177720314766157/ Blacktron deep space installation hidden inside an asteroid field. Unsuspecting ships that stumble upon it don't live to tell stories.
  11. This is by far the best of the Technic ones, especially since there were very few Technic parts available back then. I have kept that excavator built long term: https://www.flickr.com/photos/141514326@N04/47262266881/in/photolist-24oYb4t-24oYb5k-2f1ptmn The 6000 Bill/Mary book is also really nice. I especially like the space sections. There are scans of all of them here: https://brickset.com/library/ideasbooks
  12. CP5670

    2024 Space sets

    Also within afols there are many categories: decades-long fans (like most people here), set collectors, moc builders, Star Wars/Harry Potter/etc. fans, etc. I suspect TLG doesn't care so much about moc builders and doesn't see us as such a big revenue source. They can make much more money selling $500+ Star Wars sets or $400+ Technic cars who are not into Lego specifically. They seem to have had trouble selling the big Razor Crest though. It has been often discounted at 30% and I got it for $350 after combining several discounts. I am not even familiar with that TV series and wasn't planning to get it, but the engines and interior look beautiful to a space fan.
  13. CP5670

    [MOC] Blacktron Ballista

    Great shape and I especially like the use of those aircraft engines.
  14. CP5670

    2024 Space sets

    There were several distinct sub-themes within CS with very different color schemes though, like blue/gray/tryellow, white/blue/trblue and gray/trgreen. Also the last wave of CS is almost indistinguishable from Futuron except for the minifigs (sets like 6972 or 6783).
  15. CP5670

    Quality control of lego

    Yes these pieces are very prone to breaking. It's better to never remove them once you have attached them together. However, their single plate height allows you to do a lot of things that are not possible with newer hinges, so I always keep some around.