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Found 8 results

  1. Sarophas

    [MOC] Valdemarsdag

    On this day in 1219 - 803 years ago, Dannebrog (the danish flag) descended from the sky during the battle of Lyndanisse (modern day Tallinn). According to the sources, King Valdemar had rallied his vassals and gathered a great army. No less than 1500 longships farried the crusaders to Estonia Upon landing, the crusaders began contructing a castle, the so called "Dane Castle" or Taani-linn (Tallinn) in Estonian. During the construction, the crusaders were met by many negotiators, whose task it was to stall construction, whilst the Estonians could muster an army of their own. During the evening of June 15. 1219 - just after supper, Estonian forces began a surprise assault from five directions. Chaos and panic struck and the crusaders fled from the attackers. At the point when all seemed lost, a flag descended from the sky and a voice promised the danes victory if they wielded it, and so it came to be. Or so the story goes.. In reality it was the kings wendish ally, Vitslav I, Prince of Rügen who managed to lead the counter-attack, that changed the tide of the battle. The oldest written records of this myth date to the early 1500's and seem to originate from two different sources. The other one mentioning the battle of Felinn (modern day Viljandi, Estonia) in 1208 during a different crusading campagin. The myth closely resembles other myths of divine intervention and divine legitimacy, noticeably that of Constantine the Great. According to this story, the sign of the cross appeared in the sky alongside a voice, proclaiming the famous phrase "In hoc signo vinces" meaning "In this sign thou shalt conquer". For a king, this story definitely has a better ring to it. I should also mention that some do consider the Wendish or Baltic Crusades a genocide. I thought it was worth mentioning, as we tend to look at history with a cultural or national bias. The whole Dannebrog myth really embodies this. I do find the story to be great and inspring and healthy for our national identity, but with all things, we owe it to ourselves to be honest and acknowledge the grim history of this period and the part our ancestors played in it.
  2. King's Port, Terraversa, 20th February 621 They had done it! After the fierce battle for the shore and the coastal batteries, after the long siege and the battles in the streets, after two full days of brutal room-to-room fighting in the Palace of the Archduke, King's Port had finally fallen! On the other side of the monumental square, now a labyrinth of trenches, moats and barricades, they could see the Council Hall, where the Archduke Guards and a company of Altonian mercenaries had made their last stand. With their surrender, just a couple of hours before, the Battle for King's Port was definitively over. Philip climbed one of the pinnacles of Oldis' Palace and started waving the blue flag of Oleon. Down in the streets, dozens of soldiers were watching, cheering and throwing their hats in the air. Just a few years before, the Raiders were considered the scum of the Empire, a discipline unit to be sacrificed as far as possible from the motherland. Now they were hoisting the colors of the Nation, celebrating the victory of Oleon over its enemies! ------------ My first attempt with forced perspective, I hope you like it... the inspiration is the famous picture of the Red Flag over the Reichstag.
  3. Hi, i am new member. This video is lego stop motion About Indonesia 74th independence day ceremony. Please comment. Thank you
  4. 'Dannebrog falling from the sky'. According to legend that's what finally happened after the Danes had long been praying for victory during the Battle of Lyndanisse, Estonia in 1219. It also holds the record as the oldest continuously used national flag. Religion and nationalism aside it's my birthday tomorrow and since we Danes fancy to display our flag on such occasions I thought I'd give one of my older LEGO building techniques another run with a bit more context. As most of you already have gathered, it mainly consists of the piece 'Technic, Axle 2 Notched' in red and white, framed by SNOTed slopes, both inverted and not.
  5. Basiliscus

    Tigelfáh Abbey

    I am very lucky to be partaking in part of a collaboration at STEAM 2013 along with 7 other fantastic British builders. We are building a medieval village, circa early 14th century. James has already posted his castle. My section is an abbey, loosely based on Tintern Abbey in Wales. Below is a selection of photos (I will add more after the show): Ashes to Ashes by Cuahchic, on Flickr Nicholas fitz Theodoric by Cuahchic, on Flickr Monks Procession by Cuahchic, on Flickr ********************************* I would encourage anyone based in the UK to make it along to Swindon this year to see the whole display (>14 metres squared).
  6. This is an American Flag MOC I made in LDD. There is a display stand hidden behind the main model. The 2x3 plates with holes are for hanging this MOC from a wall if it were to be built in real life. Click the picture below for a larger picture, and click here to download the LXF file. This MOC is dedicated to all fighters for independence--past, present, and future. -Toa Of Justice
  7. I made a special MOC in honor of veterans everywhere. WarHero Click any image to enlarge it. WarHero's gun, BigBoss, rapid-fires huge plasma bolts and comes with a green targeting laser. BigBoss also fits on WarHero's back, thanks to a retractable clip. Feel free to use any of the above images as a desktop background. [LXF File] - [Brickshelf Gallery] -Toa Of Justice
  8. Kai NRG

    Hamburger on a Flag

    This is pretty much a result of several table-scraps I had laying around, and I had been wanting to implement the Lowell Sphere technique for a while... and that April Fools joke gave me some inspiration... (no ostriches though!) My brother though the eagle was a penguin at first sight... *sigh* Also, I used the Brick Bending technique for the flag, which was really the main inspiration for this: Comments are welcome!