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About DanSto

  • Birthday 09/29/1966

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  1. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021 SnowMan by Daniel Stoeffler, onFlickr
  2. DanSto

    The grey wolf trail

    The wars of the past have left us many ruins that today serve as hiking destinations. This creation represents a ruin of a small outpost invaded by vegetation over the centuries. The tomb of a knight is a reminder that its destruction is probably the result of a battle, and the well, restored and closed by a gate, is surrounded by white flowers which brighten up the place a little. After being secured, this place is a stop on the "gray wolf hike", identified by the sign, and a bench has been set up so that hikers can rest there and meditate on the passing of time. The grey wolf trail by Daniel Stoeffler, onFlickr The whole MOC The grey wolf trail by Daniel Stoeffler, onFlickr And two collages of some pictures : The grey wolf trail by Daniel Stoeffler, onFlickr The grey wolf trail by Daniel Stoeffler, onFlickr Enjoy
  3. For the Fanabriques LUG february contest, the theme was Valentine Day and the goal was to build a heart including two minifigs. This is my entry : a large three hearts structure for the Valentine Dinner of a couple in love. Three hearts Valentine by Daniel Stoeffler, on Flickr The two standing hearts are rotating around the vertical axis when the back handle is actionned : see VIDEO Enjoy
  4. Microscale Discovery One from "2001, A Space Odyssey" displayed on a monolith with the correct 1/4/9 aspect ratio Discovery on monolith by Daniel Stoeffler, on Flickr Enjoy.
  5. The Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans ( https://www.salineroyale.com/home/ ) are located in France and are included on the UNESCO world heritage list since 1982. They have been designed by french utopist architect Claude-Nicolas Ledoux ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claude_Nicolas_Ledoux ) during the 18-th century. Ledoux aimed to build a perfect city around the saltworks activity ( http://socks-studio.com/2016/11/09/the-ideal-city-of-chaux-by-claude-nicolas-ledoux-1773-1806/ ) but only half of the circular saltworks have been built. My MOC is a microscale version of the present saltworks : Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans by Daniel Stoeffler, on Flickr Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans by Daniel Stoeffler, on Flickr Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans by Daniel Stoeffler, on Flickr Enjoy and have also a look to my microscale version of Neuf-Brisach :
  6. DanSto

    [MOC] Easter Rabbit

    Thanks, carebear. Well, this morning, this rabbit get caught hiding some eggs Easter rabbit hiding eggs by Daniel Stoeffler, on Flickr Easter is coming ;).
  7. DanSto

    [MOC] Easter Rabbit

    Brick built easter rabbit (a little bit too early). Easter Rabbit by Daniel Stoeffler, on Flickr The rabbit of Felix Jaensch was a source of inspiration.
  8. It looks similar but it is 50% larger than mine. So it is OK because it is a completely new build. Thanks for your interest ;)
  9. DanSto

    [MOC] BB8 mid-size (and friends)

    Just seen on Instagram into a redesign of the Sisyphus by JK Brickworks.
  10. Neuf-Brisach is a fortified town in France built from scratch by Vauban (his last work) around years 1700. The outside pattern is based on two octogonal fortifications. The inside pattern has an octogonal perimeter and most of the street are perpendicular to each others. The center of the city is a large squared "Place d'Armes" for military parades. In 2008, the "ville neuve" of Neuf-Brisach was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as part of the Fortifications of Vauban group. See : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuf-Brisach This model is made with approx. 4000 parts. Enjoy ;) Neuf-Brisach_center_1 by Daniel Stoeffler, on Flickr Neuf-Brisach_complete by Daniel Stoeffler, on Flickr The complete Filckr Album :
  11. The scale in architecture-like model is not relevant if you consider the Savoy house and the Burj Khalifah tower, for example, and has nothing to do with the parts count which is more related to the details included into the model. IMHO, lego would not use 1x4 bricks because the final model would be awfull. In my model, each block is approx. 12 x 3 studs : so the scale is approx. 3 times larger than what you suggest. But with this scale, my model allows to include some details like the 6 levels of each block with the windows, the various terraces, the step and lift section, the various roofs, ... : this details give the residential character to the building -which is essential for me - which would absolutely not be the case with single 1x4 bricks (it could be a factory, a bunker, ...)
  12. Architecture style version of the Interlace Condominium in Singapore ( https://www.archdaily.com/627887/the-interlace-oma-2 ) which won World Building of the Year 2015 at World Architecture Festival. The scale is around 1:800 and approximately 3800 parts have been used. Interlace_AVG by Daniel Stoeffler, on Flickr Interlace_AV by Daniel Stoeffler, on Flickr All pictures : https://www.flickr.com/photos/77709542@N06/albums/72157673455650747 Enjoy
  13. DanSto

    Effective High Speed

    At such speeds, crashes occur often and these videos are essential because we need clearly to improve (i) the security of the visitors by using higher plexiglas protection and (ii) the braking ability of our trains. As said, I hope that videos of these trains running of the LGV will be available soon and I will post them. Some recent videos by Denis H. : Fana'briques 2015 : Briqu'Expo Rhone-Alpes 2017 :