Sir Brickalot

Eurobricks Dukes
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About Sir Brickalot

  • Birthday November 5

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    Lego Star Wars

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    Lego! Duhh!


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  1. Sir Brickalot

    EB Xmas Raffle 2017 - Winners per day calendar

    Mine arrived today. Thanks again CopMike!
  2. Sir Brickalot

    EB Xmas Raffle 2017 - Winners per day calendar

    Yes, minifigs I don’t have!! Thanks again CopMike, very excited.
  3. Sir Brickalot

    What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?

    Thanks, that’s very interesting, and annoying! Although I can’t say I don’t prefer the new version.
  4. Sir Brickalot

    What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?

    Can we see pictures? Because there aren’t any regular TLJ Stormtroopers in any sets yet.
  5. Sir Brickalot

    [PRESS RELEASE] 10260 - Downtown Diner

    ^Mine’s the same as yours.
  6. Sir Brickalot

    Don't Understand Brick Bank Hate

    I also like it, I finished building it a couple of weeks ago. It’s nice, and its details are comparable to the other modulars, but it’s definitely my least favourite.
  7. Sir Brickalot

    EB Xmas Raffle 2017 - Winners per day calendar

    Fantastic, I won! I always seem to win in the last few days. Makes it more exciting! PM sent, thanks again CopMike.
  8. I think at the beginning when Poe is facing the Star Destroyer, it is implied that BB-8 said the line because Poe replied with “positive thoughts, buddy” or something to that effect.
  9. @Agent Kallus thanks for your help in embedding the photo. EB Xmas raffle entry by SirBrickalot, on Flickr Just a simple Christmas tree in a cosy room surrounded by presents!
  10. Sir Brickalot

    [MOC] Once upon a times when master Wu was young...

    Great use of pieces, especially BB-9E’s body for the flower pot and the Bionicle armour add on for a rock! Stunning designs.
  11. Sir Brickalot

    FT: (UK) Various CMFs

    Updated list; HAVE:SERIES 5-Evil Dwarf (no accessories)-Royal Guard (no rifle)SERIES 6-Butcher (no accessories)-Genie (no lamp)SERIES 7-Grandma Visitor (complete)-Hippie (no bouquet)SERIES 10-Tomahawk Warrior (complete)-Baseball Fielder (complete)SERIES 11-Welder (complete)-Police Warden (complete)-Yeti (no lolly)-Gingerbread Man (no cup)-Female Clockwork Robot (no key)TLBM SERIES-Vacation Batman (complete)-Commissioner Gordon (Complete)-Calculator (complete)-Red Hood (Complete)TLNM SERIES -Zane (complete) -Sushi Chef (complete)WANT:SERIES 12-JesterSERIES 13-Unicorn Girl
  12. Sir Brickalot

    [REVIEW] 75192 - Millennium Falcon

    Any more entries to the contest?
  13. Sir Brickalot

    [REVIEW] 75192 - Millennium Falcon

    @Jim thanks a lot!
  14. Sir Brickalot

    [REVIEW] 75192 - Millennium Falcon

    Great review Jim! I’m looking forward to picking it up eventually. Also, I made a space slug; It’s-a me, Han Solo!