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Ragnarök Now Redux - Day One

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How unmanly are you? Who wants warm urine? Be manly and drink straight from the source!

But that would still be a source of warm urine, no? :look:

You think that's crap? You've tasted nothing my friend.

Why, have you had a taste of your own medicine? :laugh:

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Warm or cold, I don't think I suffer from anythin' that ox urine cures. And I'm not sure afterlife would be worth living if I did.

My tribe made this stuff called apple cider. After it ferments a bit, it's not all that bad. It's not as good as the medicinal or spiritual stuff they make, though.

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As they say, it's not the size that counts, but how you use it.

Who says that? I certainly don't. Odin knows I've conquered my fair share of rambunctious wenches and voluptuous shieldmaidens in my day.

I remember the time me and Alvette Fairhammer bested the Maleficent Mule of Norway together. Ah, the smell of blood and beast on the air, the adrenaline of glorious battle and honeyed mead coursing through the veins...the monster was slain, but my mighty blade sang well into the night!

Who are we hunting down again?

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And where should the womanly women stand?

You can stand over here, babe.

:wink: *blows kiss*

Are you mocking me? Do not mock me!

I don't have a particularly strong opinion about how annoying saying everything in quotes is or speaking in the 3rd person, but those types of behaviors strike me a bit as a way to distract us from having a real conversation. Sigrid in the third person will be particularly grating if she's planning to keep it up.

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Are you mocking me? Do not mock me!

I don't have the eyebrows to mock you. I was simply flirting with that man who can't keep his eyes off of me. :grinwub:

Where's my grinwub? I thought that was a thing! :grin_wub:

Oh, there it is.

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You can stand over here, babe.

Don't call me "babe" and stop winking at me. You're creeping me out.

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Who's this everyone? It's been used for generations for disinfecting wounds and healing maladies of punctuational nature. Everyone knows that.

:laugh: I can't even blame my phone.

It's what our ancestors did for years by firelight, passing down the story of our more barbaric acts through the act of quilting. I have a beautiful quilt depicting "The Desecration of The Giantesses by Yoric the Hung." See how I appropriately use my quotes? That's Ox Urine. :hmpf_bad:

What exactly is a phone?

Are you 100% sure that the ox urine is used medicinally?

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Are you 100% sure that the ox urine is used medicinally?

You boil it down and make a paste that disinfects a wound. It's part of our heritage.

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I don't have the eyebrows to mock you.

Just the one. But we could pretend it goes all the way across, right?

Are you 100% sure that the ox urine is used medicinally?

Jarni once read a story about Inca peoples using urine as hair treatment. Jarni would like smooth, luscious beard locks. He want ox urine too!

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You boil it down and make a paste that disinfects a wound. It's part of our heritage.

I can’t tell you about your heritage, but it sure isn’t my heritage. A true viking knows the best medicine for any wound is going out on a good raid. You know, the taste of blood on your lips, the smell of burning flesh, and the sound of some mortal wasting their last breath asking for mercy.

If you all would rather drink boiled piss, I guess that’s your business. Just let me know if anyone comes up with any real cures, like warm rams blood with the crushed bone of an ox. Now there’s medicine.

You boil it down and make a paste that disinfects a wound. It's part of our heritage.

I can’t tell you about your heritage, but it sure isn’t my heritage. A true viking knows the best medicine for any wound is going out on a good raid. You know, the taste of blood on your lips, the smell of burning flesh, the sound of some mortal wasting their last breath begging for mercy.

If you all would rather drink boiled piss, I guess that’s your business. Just let me know if anyone comes up with any real cures, like warm rams blood with the crushed bone of an ox. Now there’s medicine for you.

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Who's this everyone? It's been used for generations for disinfecting wounds and healing maladies of punctuational nature. Everyone knows that.

I'm glad to hear we're not supposed to drink it. :look: Can we get to devouring the boar and drinking mead now? :moar:

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There seems to be a lot of hubble nubble and slap dash in this afterlife, but not anything to obviously lynch. Though I have made a note of Kolgrima's seeming discomfort with such a mighty Vahallian as myself proudly revelling in my status. Valhalla is not a place for the meek and shy. As I munch on a hambone and swallow my grog, perhaps I will find time to regale us with a rousting tale or two of my exploits, pillaging my way across Europe. Ah, the towns I burned in Odin's name, bellowing laughter as I trotted away with their possessions, my belly swollen with wine. I so miss pillaging. It was great fun!

I don't have a particularly strong opinion about how annoying saying everything in quotes is or speaking in the 3rd person, but those types of behaviors strike me a bit as a way to distract us from having a real conversation. Sigrid in the third person will be particularly grating if she's planning to keep it up.

By the wizened hair of Odin's beard, I strongly agree with that this will be very grating. I don't think it's a deliberate attempt to distract though, anymore than a sausage-fetish is. It's just unrestrained role-playing.

Methinks we are viking enough without going to the effort of next-level roleplaying.

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Well our conversation seems to be getting way off topic; although I will say that ox urine clearly isn't perfect, since you know...we're all here. I'm not saying...I'm just saying...

But the point is, talking about what could of stopped us from getting to this paradise is not so important--we need to talk about the people who want to get us out of paradise! (Close second topic of importance is beard-lenght). Now I wasn't here for the last Ragnarok; but I know some of you vikings were--so, do those vikings know anything that could help us here? How did the Servants of Loki act during the first Ragnarok? It's very possible there will be similarities, in some regard to the first Ragnarok.

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Finally, someone like Naemr is talking some sense here. Sad enough, I don't think we have any concrete information to sniff those scummy scums out...

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How did the Servants of Loki act during the first Ragnarok? It's very possible there will be similarities, in some regard to the first Ragnarok.

What makes you think that? It would totally depend on who they are. Can you explain that a little more clearly?

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What makes you think that? It would totally depend on who they are. Can you explain that a little more clearly?

Sure. I understand why in part some information about the first Ragarok Lokies would be not useful, on account of--as you say--it's dependant on individual actions, but there is more to go off of than that. For instance, what roles kind of roles did they have? (What can we expect them to have this time?) In what method did they kill? (Odin's rules speak of neutrals, and I know from my past life that it can be useful to determain the difference between a neutral kill and a scum Loki kill)--I always feel that the way someone is killed can show who (Which type of role) killed them.

There will no doubt be differences between this Ragnarok and the last one, but there will also be similarities, some kinds of links between the two; case and point the return of old warriors. I feel that if we explore the past, we may be able to expect some things to happen the same as the last time. And if anything, we'll update some of the new people and move the conversation off of ox piss.

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Sure. I understand why in part some information about the first Ragarok Lokies would be not useful, on account of--as you say--it's dependant on individual actions, but there is more to go off of than that. For instance, what roles kind of roles did they have? (What can we expect them to have this time?) In what method did they kill? (Odin's rules speak of neutrals, and I know from my past life that it can be useful to determain the difference between a neutral kill and a scum Loki kill)--I always feel that the way someone is killed can show who (Which type of role) killed them.

There will no doubt be differences between this Ragnarok and the last one, but there will also be similarities, some kinds of links between the two; case and point the return of old warriors. I feel that if we explore the past, we may be able to expect some things to happen the same as the last time. And if anything, we'll update some of the new people and move the conversation off of ox piss.

"I'm pretty sure that is all engraved in the rock for all to read, anyway, I doubt your suggested course of action would help us much. If one time they did not succeed, why would Loki try again the same way? Loki's the god of trickery, not the god of predictability. If anything this is you appearing helpful without actually being helpful. Even if the way of killing is the same, then what? Is telling any killer apart going to be that big of an issue? How will that help catching a scum in a way that we couldn't otherwise?"

I'm glad to hear we're not supposed to drink it. :look: Can we get to devouring the boar and drinking mead now? :moar:

"Pay attention numbskull, the boar is off limits till the 'game' (murdering each other because they may or may not be servants of Loki), is over."

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"Pay attention numbskull, the boar is off limits till the 'game' (murdering each other because they may or may not be servants of Loki), is over."

What makes you think that there might not be any servants of Loki among us, Snotra?

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There will no doubt be differences between this Ragnarok and the last one, but there will also be similarities, some kinds of links between the two; case and point the return of old warriors. I feel that if we explore the past, we may be able to expect some things to happen the same as the last time. And if anything, we'll update some of the new people and move the conversation off of ox piss.

The only problem is we don't know which things can be expected to be "similar". As my dear wife Snotra points out, Loki's not likely to mess with us in exactly the same way as before. But, sure, we're keeping our eyes open. I'm still hungry though. :cry_sad:

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If one time they did not succeed, why would Loki try again the same way? Loki's the god of trickery, not the god of predictability. If anything this is you appearing helpful without actually being helpful. Even if the way of killing is the same, then what? Is telling any killer apart going to be that big of an issue? How will that help catching a scum in a way that we couldn't otherwise?"

Well it is true that Loki is a trickster god; and that does mean they are likely to try something different, but that doesn't me we should forget about the last Ragnarock all together.

If anything this is you appearing helpful without actually being helpful.

Is this you trying to appear as helpful by saying I'm leading the conversation in the wrong direction--by saying that I'm not helpful? No--getting the conversation away from extreme role playing is more helpful. If anything, you seem to be avoiding talking about the past--sad that Loki didn't succeed the first time?

Even if the way of killing is the same, then what? Is telling any killer apart going to be that big of an issue? How will that help catching a scum in a way that we couldn't otherwise?"

Finally, I think it is important that when the kills begin to happen at night, we know who is killed by who--I remember a past life where the town thought they were working with their vig; turns out they were only helping a killer get to the top four. It may not seem important to some people, like you, but we don't want to work with the wrong people until it's too late.

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Sure. I understand why in part some information about the first Ragarok Lokies would be not useful, on account of--as you say--it's dependant on individual actions, but there is more to go off of than that. For instance, what roles kind of roles did they have? (What can we expect them to have this time?) In what method did they kill? (Odin's rules speak of neutrals, and I know from my past life that it can be useful to determain the difference between a neutral kill and a scum Loki kill)--I always feel that the way someone is killed can show who (Which type of role) killed them.

There will no doubt be differences between this Ragnarok and the last one, but there will also be similarities, some kinds of links between the two; case and point the return of old warriors. I feel that if we explore the past, we may be able to expect some things to happen the same as the last time. And if anything, we'll update some of the new people and move the conversation off of ox piss.

There is some sence in Naemer´s speech but I don´t know if there is much to go on in reality as others pointed out. I wasn´t at Valhalla that time because I was riding with the other valkyrie but I heard about what happened but here are some of thee that were. But we don´t know if these heroes are truly still einherjar or has Loki´s poisoned some of their minds. What I am trying to say we can´t trust everything until we start having a clue about whom are servents of Loki.

But I thank thee Naemer for saying one of the wisest things today... the ox/cow piss thing was getting abit of topic

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Finally, I think it is important that when the kills begin to happen at night, we know who is killed by who--I remember a past life where the town thought they were working with their vig; turns out they were only helping a killer get to the top four. It may not seem important to some people, like you, but we don't want to work with the wrong people until it's too late.

In the previous battle with the servants of Loki, there we in fact two vigilantes originally working with the Einherjar, but because of everyone's assumptions the second one was considered a traitor until it was too late and he was turned to the dark side. :sadnew: While it is good to remember the past, especially how the veterans of that battle acted compared to when their true affiliation was revealed, to speculate any connection between the last battle and the current dealings with Loki's servants is merely a wasted exercise. "Observe first, jump second" I believe old Canute would say.

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What makes you think that there might not be any servants of Loki among us, Snotra?

"I'm just saying. There are certain people among us that will be murdering people for reasons other than the murderee being a servant of Loki."

Is this you trying to appear as helpful by saying I'm leading the conversation in the wrong direction--by saying that I'm not helpful? No--getting the conversation away from extreme role playing is more helpful. If anything, you seem to be avoiding talking about the past--sad that Loki didn't succeed the first time?

Finally, I think it is important that when the kills begin to happen at night, we know who is killed by who--I remember a past life where the town thought they were working with their vig; turns out they were only helping a killer get to the top four. It may not seem important to some people, like you, but we don't want to work with the wrong people until it's too late.

"You repeat my words and make it sound like I did a bad thing. :laugh: And sad? I was one of the people that murdered the original servants of Loki, smartass. Not saying I was personally doing well, but we did it..."

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