
Your opinion on Reverse Engineering new Sets

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I feel as though many people are overly critical of reverse engineering. I think many have to appreciate the skill it takes to get a roughly accurate model of something. Yes, it does ruin the surprise a bit, but I think that it is part of the fun to see the model built in real bricks and not on some glossy photoshopped box art. If you don't like it no one is forcing you to look at these replicas

Just my 2 cents :classic:

Edited by Rishab N

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If you ask me, i don't even understand why this hole discussion about "pro/con of reverse engineered new sets" exists.

- The builder had fun making it.

- If you like the appearance/function of it or have an hint for making it more awesome then comment. What else matters?

I don't see the reason why it should be less worth than any other MOC (like stated by others, it's actually harder to get the details out of a single 2D picture).

Nothing, absolutely nothing can be more pleasant than a new lego box with the fresh scent of new parts.


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Like _Cookie_ and others, I don't see the point. I even wondered that this topic survived til a second page...

Dudes, don't forget: times have changed and the intensity and way we communicate about our hobby is way different than before the internet, but in the end, Lego is still about building.

So: let's leave the keyboard alone and build :classic:. Let those pieces glide through your hand and hear that lovely sound!

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lego know all of this and that is why if you really have a lot of parts and can reverse engineer quite well you'll only be able to do the cheaper sets 100% and what percent of your captive market would that be anyway?

new parts and new techniques are always present in the larger (and even simpler sometimes) sets - unique colours etc...

the mix they have to release is a careful concoction of marketing - very hard to do and lego get it right most of the time...

I just took apart my 8421 for a good clean and cleaned each piece individually - *now* i appreciate why lego went studless - so much easier to keep clean...and re-clean....

before I put it back together I may have a go at some reverse engineering now I have achy fingers and 1441 parts sitting in a box...

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Just wow.

Somebody doesn't like reverse engineered models and everyone dogpiles on him like he's the biggest jerk ever. Maybe his tone was harsh, but then again, not everybody here has the same cultural interpretations...

Frankly, I kind of agree with the Italian guy. While it may take a skill to do it, I don't see the point. In a few months, we can build the actual sets. Are some people really so impatient? For that matter, if they wanted to make these things, why not MOC them before TLG designed them? I looked at the leaked images and had no desire to make them before the sets came out, and when the reverse engineered versions first started popping up, I didn't really care for what I was seeing, I just didn't say anything.

But god forbid someone come up with a topic that everyone doesn't feel the same about... That might spark interesting conversation.

/grumpy rant

Edited by rollermonkey

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I don't see the point.

It is a very interesting challenge. Simple as it is. And that is exactly what lego building is about, isn't it?

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When I was young I saw all sorts of wonderful sets in LEGO magazine that I knew I wanted... but were too exspensive for me to ever get. So I would do the next best thing, and reverse engineer the builds as best as I could from what I had. And it was a lot of fun, there is a challenge to it that following the instructions didn't bring. Even later when I could get the set, I still tried to build it on my own first. And it didn`t spoil the sets at all, actually I had more fun. I got to see how close I got with my attempt, but even more fun was that I finally had that X-wing or Chrome Crusher and it was new, it had the right parts and colours and minifigs, and I had my other parts back again.

All that to say, it`s a ton of fun and I think it`s really cool to see people doing it.

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Just wow.

Somebody doesn't like reverse engineered models and everyone dogpiles on him like he's the biggest jerk ever.

To be fair, only a couple people disagreed with him and went toe to toe.. Mostly everyone else just gave their opinions...

If people want to attempt to reverse engineer a model, I say more power to them if that is their preference... dokludi has acquired a bit of forum fame by building some very close replicas in the past and some people find interest in his early representations of them...

I don't even bother to build any sets when they do come out, but I am not going to tell anyone else how they should be building or what they should or shouldn't be doing... To be honest, I don't know why this stupid thread was made in the first place...

Edited by Paul Boratko

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First of all, I do love reverse engineering, but not on models that still has to come on the shelf!

Second of all, to prove out you are a great builder you don't necessary need to reverse those "not yet on the market sets", you can google tons of pics and reverse them!

Third of all some of you are propably too youngh to remember that back in the days there use to be only paper catalogues, no internet....and that was go to the shops and find them on the shelfs.....we were all excited, we almost couldn't believe it, and was such a joy to open the box and start to build it....step by becoming one thing you and the set!

It's not about the skills of that guy who made the reverses,

it's not about the sets itself,,.,.,,,I'm talking about the MAGIC at "undressing" a set as you would do with a woman......

And as final, you guys should consider also other opinions.....not just one!

Edited by TheItalianBrick

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I don't see how seeing some additional, probably miscolored pictures of a model can spoil the pleasure of actually getting a set...

And I don't get this undressing-a-woman analogy at all. I still have much pleasure with undressing my girl even though I saw her naked a million times.

There is much more to it than visuals. The smell, the touch, sexual arousal and the excitement of what you are going to do in the next few hours (I'm talking about opening a Lego box)

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I was hoping this tread will be discussing the techniques used in the sets.. there are hints for new parts also, such a discussion would be interesting and mind challenging

because it is ones imagination experience and skills to discover what parts lie behind the visual blurry picture, id like to have such a discussion rather than pointing out who likes reverse engineering or not

just my 5 cents here :)

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First of all, I do love reverse engineering, but not on models that still has to come on the shelf!

Second of all, to prove out you are a great builder you don't necessary need to reverse those "not yet on the market sets", you can google tons of pics and reverse them!

Third of all some of you are propably too youngh to remember that back in the days there use to be only paper catalogues, no internet....and that was go to the shops and find them on the shelfs.....we were all excited, we almost couldn't believe it, and was such a joy to open the box and start to build it....step by becoming one thing you and the set!

It's not about the skills of that guy who made the reverses,

it's not about the sets itself,,.,.,,,I'm talking about the MAGIC at "undressing" a set as you would do with a woman......

And as final, you guys should consider also other opinions.....not just one!

It's not like anyone is getting these models 100% correct anyways.. They are only building what can already be seen and then guessing the rest of the way.... So it's more like "undressing" a woman and finding something you were not expecting...

I just think that anyone should be allowed to build anything that they want without anyone else telling them that they shouldn't and making a thread about it... It's bad enough that Technic is only being used by a small minority of people now, so who am I or anyone else to say "What you are building is pointless"...?

There are certain build techniques that people use that I don't necessarily agree with, but I would never publicly say "You shouldn't build like that"... Who am I to tell people what they should or shouldn't build with parts that they bought with their own money..?

Edited by Paul Boratko

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It's not like anyone is getting these models 100% correct anyways.. They are only building what can already be seen and then guessing the rest of the way.... So it's more like "undressing" a woman and finding something you were not expecting...

I just think that anyone should be allowed to build anything that they want without anyone else telling them that they shouldn't and making a thread about it... It's bad enough that Technic is only being used by a small minority of people now, so who am I or anyone else to say "What you are building is pointless"...?

There are certain build techniques that people use that I don't necessarily agree with, but I would never publicly say "You shouldn't build like that"... Who am I to tell people what they should or shouldn't build with parts that they bought with their own money..?

Infact mine was only an opinion: for me it is pointless! The question "why that guy is doing it" it's rethorical..... And please also stop saying I have opened this tread on reverse engineering.......because I have not!

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I never meant it to come off as you made this thread, I know that you didn't, sorry if it came off that way... I was mainly referring to whomever created it in the first place...

I just don't think that Yes or No thread about building is something that should exist... I could see if it involved something questionable or morally wrong...

Why was a thread made to basically target one guy and try and see how many people want to slap him in the face..?

There are a HUGE group of people out there now that think that Technic in general is pointless and don't accept it as legitimate building...

Edited by Paul Boratko

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Why was a thread made to basically target one guy and try and see how many people want to slap him in the face..?

There are a HUGE group of people out there now that think that Technic in general is pointless and don't accept it as legitimate building...

I've already said that I respect and appreciate his own creations, and his building skills of course!

Anyway about the LEGO TECHNIC in general...that's such a shame cos if you ask me technic should be the only one called "LEGO" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: conclusion....everybody has an opinion we don't always agree on, but we should respect! :blush: So probably we can end the topic here? :thumbup:

Edited by TheItalianBrick

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And in all honesty, if this thread is important enough to still exist, shouldn't it be in the General forum..? It's not like Technic is the only theme that people try to reverse engineer... I've seen many threads similar to this in the past that were created in the Technic forum that got moved elsewhere because even though the creator was looking for answers from his Technic brothers, mods felt that the thread may also appeal to more than just Technic people...

I would be interested in seeing what system builders think about this subject...

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Paul, this thread was part of the 2015 thread and was split from it to form it's own thread when the reverse engineering stuff started to be discussed and some controversy began to brew. :classic:

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