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  1. The trailer wheels on the prelim pic are way better suited, but could go without the cover. Oh yeah! There is so much more possible here.
  2. And they get all the proportions right. Maybe it's time to go back to studs xD
  3. Ok, I have to wait for the review videos for this machine. Hmm... let's dissect this: Truck: - Cab looks good, the idea of the small transparent panels as headlights are nice - Chassis is very standard. The only thing which interests me is the connection of the (thanks Lego!) twin tires onto the diff, although 3 axles+suspension would be better... - tanks on the chassis look very cool, now Lego is using the looks of what MOCers did 15 years ago :D - looks like you can shift the a locking mechanism on the fifth wheel - White colour again... could be so much cooler in a more fancy colour like purple, (dark) blue or green... Trailer: - bog-standard, at least some colour variation with black, DBG and some red accents - wheel choice is very strange, the 42098 looked better in my opinion... not perfect, but better. - very sturdy build with the 3x19 liftarm racks Excavator: - I just don't know what to make of it. Some angles (back) look good, but most of it doesn't - the arm looks so thin, I mean compare it to the 42053! - double bucket, really? Why not the 7 x 10 bucket? - same link mechanism for bucket as the 42121? That's just poor... Would have been a perfect chance the medium pneumatic cylinder in DBG... - the LBG 2L thin liftarms on the side of the bucket are cool play feature as they can catch the chains of the power generator unit! - the cab looks like a mish-mash of tinkered solutions, but looks like is openable
  4. I don't have the older ones, but here is a digital comparison:
  5. Very authentic, especially the modularity of this system :-) One suggestion you might consider is using the new tires from the 42160, which are almost the same diameter as the old rubber tires, but a bit thicker.
  6. Great news, if the set fullfills the promise :-) So far, most trucks in that scale were really good or outstanding (42078, 42098, 42112 and 42128) so my hopes are high!
  7. I even hope for a semi truck/Trailer combination. But maybe with many System pieces to achieve the recognizable look, it will come down to the setup which @1gor mentioned. At least give us twin tires on rear axles, TLC!
  8. Hopefully this contest drags me out of my (temporary) Lego abstinence :D
  9. So nice to see this finally finished! What a machine you built here
  10. It's gonna be a straight 6 according to the article...
  11. Brilliant model with lovely blue color scheme :-) Somehow, this model seems way bigger. I first thought it would be with the 81 mm tires. Sadly, this ladder piece isn't available in orange :-/
  12. Very cool model and welcome to the forum! Even if I like the tractor tires better, your tire choice in this combination is better for this model.
  13. In this scale, the details are amazing! Personally speaking, there are too many details for my taste :D I'd love to have a pneumatic cylinder with telescopic layout :-)
  14. Would be a nice successor to the 42110, as it's now 5 years since it was introduced. Hopefully we don't get just another chassis on the same suspension, just with a updated gearbox, but also other wheels (audi wheels would be cool, but maybe look too offroadie, as most G500 are more street-stylish.... sadly. And please TLG: NOT BLACK AGAIN!
  15. Brilliant Model and VERY recognisable! Front-Page material :D