
Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. simplethinker

    [MOC] Desk-Scale Star Wars fleet

    Sorry for the late reply. I already have instructions for the Ghost and the Millennium Falcon up on Rebrickable. Thank you very much!
  2. simplethinker

    [MOC] Midi Venator - In Progress

    Yep, I can see how that would drive you insane.
  3. simplethinker

    [MOC] Midi Venator - In Progress

    On the engines, fair enough. Funny, I didn't notice the inconsistency. But then again I depended on pictures of Erik Varszegi's venator for the most part. Most other pictures were for the profile and large proportions. I suppose the only way to get cannon consistency is to watch a couple of Clone Wars episodes :D No problem for the fin, my pleasure. I know folks like you care a great deal about getting things right if you can, so even a wrong suggestion is useful because it can make you take a second look at your own work and double check things. At least that's the way it is for me.
  4. simplethinker

    [MOC] Midi Venator - In Progress

    Bee-Utiful. Couple of questions, doesn’t the shorter of the small engines kinda go underneath the longer small engines? And doesn’t the fin under the “tail” stretch a little more toward the end?
  5. simplethinker

    [MOC] Desk-Scale Star Wars fleet

    Oooooo!! I like the rollerskate idea. I’ll tinker around and try that as well as see if there are some other novel pieces that I could find to work in there. I’ll also see if perhaps instead of having a one wide plate inside the wedge pieces, perhaps I can get it outside. I’d use one of those pieces that is a 1x1 round plate with a bar on it and a 1x1 round plate with a hole in it.
  6. simplethinker

    [MOC] Desk-Scale Star Wars fleet

    @K_W, @krisandkris12 This is what I love about building small. It presents a unique problem solving scenario where you can’t have everything. You have to break down what you’re doing to its most basic form, kinda like pixelating it in your mind, where only the things that make it recognizable are left. @krisandkris12, I totally agree about some design elements being important enough to forgo size considerations. Trade offs, trade offs. For me, it’s good for the brain because it’s like a puzzle to make these decisions. But putting in the community is where it gets interesting. What one person deems important to include may be less important to someone else. Leads to very juicy discussions and a great variety of slightly different, but all respectable interpretations. This thread is a good case in point. As far as capital ships go, I’m almost on the edge of the size where brick-built greebling isn’t feesable at all. Sometimes I have to use elements of parts to approximate it, like the “teeth” at the bottom of wedge plates. In the case of the venator, I put some translucent 1x1s in that gap so the greebling or window effects are just slightly recessed. @krisandkris12, Yeah, it was you. I didn’t realize it because your handle is different on flickr, but on second look I recognize the symbol. I thought you meant the whole thing. I definitely can see how the mandibles can seem a bit thin. It came down to what I thought represented the greebles while also keeping the proportions as close as I could to the reference material I had. I figured the gap plus the “teeth” on the bottom of the wedge plates would break up the edge enough to do that. Abstracting something in lego is not a science. Anywho, as I think about it, perhaps I could get away with putting a few 1x1 plates with horizontal clips in that gap like I did behind the air locks. What do you think?
  7. simplethinker

    [MOC] - Rebels Phantom II - Mini

    Again, absolutely fantastic. I’m glad we aren’t competing to crank out mocs, I’d be creamed!
  8. simplethinker

    [MOC] Desk-Scale Star Wars fleet

    The dang topic won’t accept the pictures of my junker U-wing for some reason so here they are:
  9. simplethinker

    [MOC] Desk-Scale Star Wars fleet

    No, the canopy is from the official lego midi falcon. I put the item number from bricklink for that piece with the stickers already applied in the description. I also did so for some of the 2x2 round tiles that also have stickers. Please read the description and replace the pieces in the parts list according to instructions. Also, thanks for the flickr plug
  10. simplethinker

    [MOC] V-19 Torrent Mini

    I must say, you've got doing fighters in micro down pat. I not only impressed by the level of quality for the size in proportions and in functionality, but also the consistency you show in your building style. I also notice very effective use of some of the more recent small pieces like those sloped corner bits. I've seen decent mini torrents before, but those new pieces change the game and you use them very well.
  11. simplethinker

    [MOC] Desk-Scale Star Wars fleet

    Good suggestion, gotcha covered with some renders from
  12. simplethinker

    [MOC] Desk-Scale Star Wars fleet

    @ChiefPie, thanks! My thoughts exactly, which is why I took matters into my own hands. Funny, I’ve had some say the falcon is too thin, so thanks for the compliment. proportions are very important for this collection’s purpose.