
Eurobricks Vassals
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About lenzie

  • Birthday May 7

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    UCS Landspeeder

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  1. lenzie

    Post Your Castle Army Here!

    Thank you - the bases definitely set the models in some sort of context, I'm happy with them. Re the 'lead knight' not looking immediately obvious as the lead (aside from the larger base) ...fair feedback! I'll keep that in mind for the next squad I put together. : )
  2. lenzie

    Post Your Castle Army Here!

    It took a while, but I finally crafted my phalanx of Pegasus Knights! I used the 'Knight of the Yellow Castle' minifigure from Lego collectible series #23, and the Pegasus mounts from the Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire Beauxbatons’ Carriage: Arrival at Hogwarts set #75958. Link to the YouTube video for this build is below, so you can see how they were made. And a few photos further down also. Pegasus knights - dismounted. I added full sized legs, alternate heads and hair pieces to the base collectible minifigure to give this group character! The lead knight with Pegasus mount. I had to use some 'creative' means to mount the wings of the Pegasus to the saddle. You'll see what I mean if you watch the video. : ) A view of the full phalanx from a rear quarter angle: All photos can also be viewed here: https://bricksafe.com/pages/SimonLenz/pegasus-knights
  3. lenzie

    Post Your Castle Army Here!

    @Aquila4 - looking good! I like your use of some of the vintage torsos, heads, weapons and helmets to create variety in your army. : )
  4. lenzie

    Post Your Castle Army Here!

    If you publish your photos on Flickr or BrickSafe you can click 'Insert other media' and then-> insert images from a URL. Then you don't have to worry about the file sizes etc. For some reason though it wasn't working for me when I re-tested it just now for this post (?) ...but I've done that for other posts for sure! Give it a try.
  5. lenzie

    Post Your Castle Army Here!

    There are some IMPRESSIVE armies in this thread, I just discovered it. I'm inspired to craft more squads and armies in this New Year! Here's a video of the making of my Black Falcon's Fortress garrison: Garrison photos here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/160655025@N08/albums/72177720299201257
  6. Thank you! I'm still really happy with this build & design - and it was an honor for this Fortress to be featured in the recent Blocks Magazine '100 incredible builds'! I just realised most of the image links here on this Eurobricks post were broken. Fixed now : ) All the best to you!
  7. Thank you Neophyte_brickie - these mods certainly give this set the lift it needs! Let me know if you decide to mod your own set with these changes : )
  8. Hi everyone - for those who already have or plan to buy and build the UCS Luke Skywalker's Landspeeder (set #75341), I've created an 'Enhanced Edition' of the model that you may be interested in! Fixes and enhancements are: - Reduced the length (by 2 studs) of the overly long nose of the standard model to give it a more accurate & balance look. - Added forward and rear removeable panels to show new internal details including power plant and anti-grav units in the rear; and fuel tank, sub-frame, piping and cabling details at the front. (I used the X-34 Landspeeder diagram from the Star Wars Complete Vehicles 'amazing cross sections' book as my reference when designing the internal details.) - Fixed the left hand side & top wobbly engines issue. Modification instructions are on Rebrickable here: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-126009/Simon Lenz/ucs-landspeeder-enhanced-edition/#details Video mod explanation & walkthrough can be found here: https://youtu.be/MYEt0IpRcI8 Full photo gallery here: https://bricksafe.com/pages/SimonLenz/ucs-luke-skywalkers-landspeeder---enhanced-edition
  9. Hi Rjbricks - good question! At the moment I have it broken up into its modules and under plastic to prevent it from getting dusty. I'm on the hunt for a good clear acrylic display case that will fit both the original and re-crafted Fortress + the 'UpScaler' console that I made for the pair when I showcased the two castles at a recent Lego Expo. I think I've found one from iDisplayIt UK that may be large enough. Once I have the display case the whole set-up will go on top of desk height cabinet / display case that I already have at home.
  10. Thank you so much! The texture of the walls and towers is actually something that I really thought a lot about. I made several prototypes before committing to a style and approach. I found that using too many brick patterned bricks, and/or going crazy on irregular parts for texture, and also introducing a 2nd colour like dark stone grey elements or lime green - all became very distracting to the eye. Your eyes starts to see for example only the dark grey elements and you lose the shapes and forms of the walls or tower elements. So a more organic and 'grouped' approach to texture, in the one medium stone grey palette with plenty of clear 'white-space' using regular smooth surfaced bricks seemed to work best. Thanks for noticing this detail! Thanks! See the post above about the stonework, I'm really glad people are noticing that, it's turned out well! The base I actually designed and built last. When I finished the Fortress sections and tower variations with the original 'plate-built' base that I had designed, something didn't feel right. So I spent about 4 months designing and building a base and rockwork that not only helps to 'ground' the whole model and give it more solidity but also allowed me to have fun with including interesting rock details and greenery! It was the first time I've attempted greenery for a model/MOC and I really enjoyed it.
  11. All very good points and well thought through! It will be interesting to see how my next MOCs go in terms of sales. I will still also be publishing free instruction for set modifications and improvements as these are always well received by our Lego enthusiast community!
  12. Hi there, thanks for commenting! I thought long and hard about appropriate pricing for this MOC. ...and I had to 'value' the 2 years of design work, prototyping and instruction making for a ~14,000 part highly detailed Castle build, that includes options to customise it (the tower variations), at an appropriate price. ~$20 and lower priced instructions are typically for small-mid sized MOCs, this Fortress is something very different and is a large and detailed build. I definitely appreciate though that the instructions cost and significant cost to get all the parts for this build will mean that this MOC is best suited to people who are experienced with building large custom Lego models. I'm already working on new projects which are smaller and will be more affordable to a broader audience, I'll be pricing those instructions in the range you are talking about. All the best! Simon
  13. Thank you! It's certainly been a labor of love and is now something that's taking pride of place in my Lego collection! I've just got to find a good display case for it. As we know dust = the enemy of Lego! Thanks the comment / appreciation. Cheers, Simon
  14. Hi Tobi, Yes instructions to build the Fortress are available to purchase on Rebrickable. Here's the link: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-113847/Simon Lenz/black-falcons-fortress-recrafted-edition/#details
  15. Thank you so much zoth33. I really like the base, rockwork and greenery too. I actually completed the design and build of the main Fortress sections and tower variations late last year with a much simpler base design. But the original base wasn't doing the Fortress justice. So I spent 3-4 months working on the very solid and detailed base modules, rockwork and greenery that you see in the photos. It's come up extremely well I think! Thank you SirBlake, much appreciated! It's good to have this project finished and presented to the world. This gives me time to put something together for the 2022 Summer Joust hosted by SoccerKid6!