
Eurobricks Vassals
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About fulk

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    Vehicles (especially buses)


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  1. fulk

    [MOC] iveco 480.12 bus

    Thank you ! Recently I discovered that the door mechanism isn't working well, so I'm looking for something different. Any suggestion are welcomed Happy building !
  2. fulk

    [MOC] WWII VW Type 82 "Kübelwagen"

    Great job !
  3. fulk

    [MOC] Pneumatic Hose

    A very good job and great idea, thanks for sharing !
  4. fulk

    [MOC] iveco 480.12 bus

    Some updates added: Internal back part: put 2 usable seats instead of 4 because those were not usable from minifigs (not enough space). Internal / external back part: added the engine accessible from an opening hood Internal front part: added the internal door for the driver
  5. fulk

    [MOC] iveco 480.12 bus

    Thank you !
  6. fulk

    MOC Lighthouse Island

    Oops sorry...I just looked in "lego town" section and found it without checking the date
  7. fulk

    MOC Lighthouse Island

    Amazing job !
  8. fulk

    [MOC] Ambulance. 4 Studs.

    Very cute ambulance A good mix between new and old pieces !
  9. fulk

    MOC/MOD - Council Truck

    Very nice model with all that details ! You made a good job !
  10. fulk

    MOC - City With Lighting

    Amazing...it leaves without words !!
  11. fulk

    Gravel ship in LDD

    Wow, great model ! Can the escavatore move forward and backward ? And just for curiosity, did you make also the interior of the cabin ? Congratulation !
  12. fulk

    [MOC] Super Speedway

    Well done man ! Despite the big size your diorama is full of details, I like it !
  13. fulk

    [MOC] iveco 480.12 bus

    You are damned right, that movement is pretty complex to be realized with lego bricks. I made many researches all over the web and many many tests (on LDD) untill I reached this solution.
  14. fulk

    [MOC] iveco 480.12 bus

    Thank you Jasper ! In theory the doors mechanism works. I'm not completely sure about it because I only tried it in LDD. As soon as I will have the pieces I will test it from real.