Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by ZORK64

  1. ZORK64

    Nexo Knights 2016

    Haven't read all of the latest responses yet due to being a bit in a hurry, but I wanted to share my thoughts on the new pics: The Knight Mech is super-awesome. It may not come with any pieces that I initially think are useful for MOCing, but I don't care. This thing is going into my collection, no matter what! Getting a Barlog Monster without Jestro's huge thing is also a good plus for me, although this one seems to lack the unique torso piece. I like the small set with the axe things. Mostly for the axe things, but the other parts are neato as well. Since I intend on getting Lance, I will either go for the library set (that is the one with the tower and the wall, right?) or his ultimate version, whatever turns out to be less expensive. The promo sets are also neat. There's actually also Axl from the Mega Man X series (which also actually had a shout-out to Guns'n'Roses Axl with the boss names in Mega Man X5). Granted, he's kind of overlooked for various reasons (he joined the fray relatively late, wasn't in many games and his debut game was one of the actually bad games in the series), but he had also a few fun entries. But yeah, I don't know anyone else with that name.
  2. ZORK64

    Mixels 2016 Discussion

    There are some very creative designs there, which I greatly appreciate. I'm also happy to see a new ball joint piece, it will be very useful for certain MOCs.
  3. ZORK64

    Nexo Knights 2016

    Whoa, this topic kinda exploded over the reveal, didn't it? Well anyway, here are my thoughts: - Generally, I really love the Space Marine-esque design of the Knights, I may or may not pick up some of these. - Axl became far less interesting to me, as the horns of his visor are indeed too wide for my planned use. However, I will probably switch to either Lance's or Clay's visor instead. In fact, I think Lance's helmet visor will work better, even though I don't like that the visor has a little plastic thingy in its middle. But anyway, they allow me to stick with the purist road. - On that note, it's kinda unfortunate for me that Clay's helmet is dark blue, not regular blue. - I love the new wall panels and the ball-jointed lava monster. Too bad both of these are mostly in the two bigger sets of the line. - The baddies have many great ideas. I don't care much for Jestro, but his mooks are wonderful. - I like the new weapons, especially Clay's Space Sword and Axl's Space Axe. - The new more generic looking parts (the shield part that is also used in Fortrex, the pyramids) are also promising and beautiful. - Oh, and of course, TANK CASTLE! The animated shorts are nice, but I'm not sure I will pay much attention to the show. Overall, this theme looks more appealing to me than Ninjago or Chima, probably because it combines fantasy knight stuff with SPAAAAAACE, and that is the kind of stuff I totally dig. Being more of a Constraction MOCist however, it's more likely that I will only buy sets that provide pieces useful for brickbuild constraction, like my Transformers MOCs. Some of the helmets and maybe the weapons may be useful for that (not to mention the Fire Golem torso). The minifig armour meanwhile could be very useful for making SPEHS MEHREENS.
  4. Oh yeah right, I wanted to return to this topic once I've seen the movie, which I did near the end of 2014. (Sorry for necroposting here) First of all, I would say that R.O.B. and Good/Bad Cop differ in some aspects to the point that they aren't really comparable with eachother. Granted, they share two aspects with eachoter... 1) They are the dragon to the big bad 2) They join the good guys in the later end of the story line. However, they also differ in a few points: 1) Their motivation/loyalty is vastly different. While Bad Cop is actually pretty loyal to President Business (and only switches sides once Business no longer has any use for him), R.O.B. serves Tabuuh against his will because he enslaved R.O.B.'s entire species, and by cooperating with Tabuuh he hoped to do some sort of damage control. Also, R.O.B. is way more fatalistic than Bad Cop, because after he fought the mooks of the Subspace Army, he was actually ready to get blastet among with his island and folks if it weren't for the other heroes to drag him out there. 2) Their appearance. Bad Cop never made a secret out of who he is, while R.O.B. shows up as the Ancient Minister until the moment he rebels against the Subspace Army. 3) This one is arguably a bit debatable, but their role in the story's climax is probably also worth noting. Good Cop hasn't much of an impact on the plot after he saves Wyldstyle on the others, while R.O.B. can be in fact the one who defeats Tabuuh if the players chooses him for this fight. I'm not sure how many of these points are really relevant to the topic at hand, but if Smash Bros. is brought up, I tend to ramble a bit, because, you know, it's Smash Bros.! (I should also mention that I haven't played Brawl's story mode in quite some time, so apologies if I remember any crucial elements completely wrong) As for the "Minidolls are not in the movie" thing, there was something else that just occured to me: As noted earlier, Metalbeard is arguably a nod towards the constraction lines, alongside with being obviously a pirate, what makes him an amalgamation of these two themes. Looking at Unikitty and thinking about the Girl-oriented themes that LEGO did, I noticed that TLG used figures different from minifigs already in past "girly" themes. Considering that Unikitty is not a minifig, I'd say she might also be a nod towards those themes as she's done in an obviously different style.
  5. ZORK64

    Nexo Knights 2016

    Since I'm mostly interested into Axel for his specific helmet piece (which might be just the right piece I would need for my Transformer MOC so I don't have to leave the path of the purist ) I will probably Bricklink that little piece. Unless Fortrex is going to be so awesome (and well-priced) that I will get the set anyway.
  6. ZORK64

    Bionicle 2016 Sets Discussion

    I'm okay with stickers because I can simply decide not to use them and get more neutral parts (in this case, shells). That was a minor problem I had with Hero Factory, because it wasn't until Invasion from Below that we got rather neutral printings which were also more versatile for MOCs. Though there were also many very nice printed shells, so yeah.
  7. ZORK64

    Nexo Knights 2016

    Quick question: Were there already any pics of the Bull Knight in plastic, or all speculations about his design and such merely based on the promo image TLG officially revealed?
  8. ZORK64

    Bionicle 2016 Sets Discussion

    Actually, the whole cycle described above can apply to almost every fandom of a long-time franchise. The whole debate of G1 vs. G2 Bonkles is very reminiscent of the "Ruined FOREVER" debates over in the Transformers Fandom, and the enormous amount of fan dumb over in the Zelda fandom is part of the reason why I rarely interact with that community (at least when it comes to the German fandom, don't know how's the situation is in other countries). I think it's just a natural part of the evolution of a fandom and a franchise. In order to keep going, a franchise will go and try new things, which some people will like, while others won't. The problem that I keep seeing is that many people are apparently expecting that even the new stuff is still exactly like the old stuff and every kind of change is plain terrible, which kind of boggles me everytime.
  9. ZORK64

    Nexo Knights 2016

    I guess so... because if they would be significant named characters I suppose they would be more prominent on the picture?
  10. ZORK64

    Nexo Knights 2016

    I'm really curious as to how the visors of these characters actually look like now. Especially Lance's helmet, because I haven't really seen anything that could give me even a vague idea of what it could look like.
  11. ZORK64

    Nexo Knights 2016

    As for this "European vs. American" thing I'd like to mention that I'm German, and yet, I am super-excited for Nexo Knights. The last time that a LEGO theme that is not Constraction caught my interest as much as this was probably the Lord of the Rings line. And even while I haven't seen the actual set yet, a Tank Castle (because the whole "castle on wheels" thing sounds like a friggin' Tank Casle to me) sounds like the most hilariously badass way of creating a huge mobile base.
  12. ZORK64

    Bricklink and Tyco Super Blocks

    I suppose it's because I'm a bit too young to know these (I was born in the 1987), but I haven't heard of thos Tyco Super Blocks before. But those castle bricks do look cool. Anyway, it sure is a funny coincidence that BL actually used some non-LEGO in that picture. Makes me wonder if this was a genuine mistake, or if the builder did that on purpose.
  13. ZORK64

    Browsing BrinkLink Find :(

    I'm actually searching for something like this too! I know that The Bloks Forum has a market place section, but so far, something akin to BrickLink but for non-LEGOs hasn't really shown up yet, which is really unfortunate, if you ask me. I can understand that BrickLink doesn't allow other brands on there, though.
  14. ZORK64

    An amazing CCBS-related revelation...

    It's nice to see how LEGO themselves is willing to break up the CCBS design pattern to give the sets a more G1 feel in terms of design. And it's also nice to get old pieces again in more colours!
  15. ZORK64

    Nexo Knights 2016

    I'm usually only lingering around in the Action Figure section, but Nexo Knights somehow appeals to me. I already liked the fantasy aspect of Chima, and of course, the Lord of the Rings sets. But Nexo Knights now takes all the good old castle stuff and mixes it with some very space-y stuff, and I really dig that. From what I've seen yet, the bad guys look a bit uninteresting (except for Mohawk Guy), but the good guys make up for it in so many ways. That being said, I have a quick question: The mouthplate-like thing on Clay's helmet, does it attach to LEGO helmets in the same fashion as visors usually do? EDIT: Also, I don't understand why everybody is complaining about the direction LEGO takes with Nexo Knights. It's not like there's a shortage of traditional Castle or Fantasy stuff out there...
  16. ZORK64

    Bionicle 2016 Sets Discussion

    Thanks for the help. Ironically, I already found that page while I was searching for info on the Nexo Knight business. I will hold back my actual judgement until I get proper pics, but from these leaks, I want to say the following: - I like the little ones. They look neato - The silver part on the masks looks like hair, which looks weird to me - New swords, yay! - Wings are among the best things ever, so giving everyone wings is the best thing ever - Kopaka's mask has me wonder about the lens... So far, I like what I see, but I still have to pick up the 2015 guys. (also I'm really curious about Nexo Knights now, just saying)
  17. ZORK64

    Bionicle 2016 Sets Discussion

    Can someone please give me some sort of pointer to those pictures you're talking about? Because I'm utterly clueless where to find them.
  18. So, I've recently updated my original LEGO Transformer (his name is Warhawk) and I'm happy with it, except for the head (at first it was Hero Factory Surge's head, now it's Bulk's head), which doesn't look like the head that I imagined (something akin to Optimus Prime or Soundwave). While I initially thought that the Kre-O Transformer helmets would be too big to fit, it turns out they are a well fit, so I could actually use a Kre-O fig head with a red visor (like Singe's, which I happen to own) in combination with Kre-O Optimus Prime's helmet to give the head I want him to have... but there's a problem (and I'm not talking about the issue of robbing the little adorable Kre-O Optimus of his iconic helmet): The colors don't match! The blue of my Kre-O Optimus Prime is visibly darker than the regular blue (I believe the proper name of it is "bright blue"?), so the head stands out even more than it really should. However, I do know that Hasbro at least uses in some sets also a blue that is much closer (if not outright the same) as good old LEGO blue, as the Kre-O Bluestreak I own is bright blue. Looking at the articles on TFWiki.net, it looks like that Optimus and Soundwave were produced and released in various colorations, but it's hard to determine if any of these redecoes are in the blue that I need. After all this long explanation, it's time for me to ask my actual questions: 1) Did Hasbro ever produce the Optimus Prime (or Soundwave) helmet in a shade of blue that is identical to the regular LEGO blue? 2) If not, are there any similiar helmets in the Kre-O Transformer Line in the fitting coloration? It must have a faceplate though. 3) In either case, what's the best way to aquire Kre-O Parts? Especially if I want to make sure the parts are in excellent condition, preferably new? I hope you can help me with this rather specific request. If all else fails, I can always go for the Jango Fett helmet, but still, getting a proper Transformer helmet would be great in that case.
  19. ZORK64

    Was 2008 the Worst Year of Bionicle?

    I liked 2008, except for the weak sockets. Though I probably should mention that I'm more of a MOCist and don't care much for the story. What were the Hagah again? I didn't care much for the Toa Metru and Hordika, to be frank. And the Inika had weird heads.
  20. ZORK64

    2016 Action Figure Wishlist

    I'd be more than happy to get brick-built action figures next year, I wonder what kind of parts would come with those...
  21. ZORK64

    Bionicle 2016 Sets Discussion

    I want to second that. I'm not all that big into the Bionicle lore, and the 2015 thread got extremely bloated with that, which made checking for set information sometimes a bit frustrating. On the topic at hand, I'd be curious to see how Bohrok would work in the new system, but I had no problem if they went into another direction again. I wouldn't mind another team of Toa with different colours, for example. Or a mix of Toa and baddies like they did in the later HF years. (and the TF fan in me would be also happy with minifigure Toa, as that would increase the number of head options for custom TFs)
  22. I got finally around to complete and take pictures of my first MOC using the new smaller Balljoints - and it's a Transformer! Warhawk is fairly poseable, can transform into a Cybertronian Truck, comes with removable arm cannons and is pretty much inscale with official Transformers toys. It took me something like a weekend to build him, and yet another day for some fine tuning. While he does have some issues, I'm ultimately happy with how he turned out. For more pics and infos, check out my MOCpages entry for him.
  23. Thanks for the suggestions, Saberwing. At first I thought all those MOCs weren't at a comparable scale, but the chibi-styled robots built by Moko show a hand design that might work, though perhaps with a few adjustments, as it would be otherwise a bit too bulky. Though to be frank, I'm already leaning more towards going flat silver, as that would give me the opportunity to use Bulk's head (which looks cooler IMHO). I just have to order another hammer head and some slopes at BrickLink, and I'm good to go. EDIT: On second thought, I think I will try the custom hand design nonetheless. I could just pick up another Mixel to get the parts I need for custom silver hands. Too bad there aren't any Mixels with the 2x1 curved slope currently available, as this piece would be also pretty perfect for overhauling the coloration of Warhawk.
  24. ZORK64

    Constraction custom parts

    The only thing that I'm missing here is the attachment for a 5th finger, but other than that, this design is pretty great.
  25. ZORK64

    2016 Action Figure Wishlist

    The stability issue mostly depends on the build. The Transformer MOC I built for example has his torso not built from the bottom upward, but from the back, which gives the whole thing a fairly solid basis - though it's not perfect, as the swivelling shoulder joints can break the front of the torso off if I'm too clumsy while posing him (I could theoretically remedy this with some additional parts, but those parts would be in the way during the transformation to vehicle mode - in other words, a non-transforming figure at this scale could work well enough in terms of stability). However, my figure is also not as tall as the regular CCBS figure or even 5764 - he's around the same size as the average Deluxe Transformer figure, which makes him only a few modules taller than most Mixels (though he has more mass, as both his body and his limbs feature more bricks). It's a fairly manageable size in terms of stability.