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REVIEW: 4182 The Cannibal Escape


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Set: 4182 The Cannibal Escape

Theme: Pirates of the Carribean

Price: £26.99

Figures: 4

Parts: ???


It has a nice fresh look to it, which stands out next to the other LEGO boxes. The presence of a human on the box is also new, and strange too. :pir_laugh2:


The back show the play features, as usual...



...and the top shows all the figures!


Once opened, you'll find four bags, one containing a piece of cardboard to keep the instructions and poster flat.



The poster is dual sided, one picture to do with the whole the theme and the other the set itself.



The instructions are normal apart from a couple of things. It shows the play features of a certain area after that section has been built, for example. Atleast, I don't remember seeing them before!





There are pictures of the other POTC sets as well as Alien Conquest, and the new POTC game.



Bag 1 - Figures and Spit



The figures are beautiful, all with exceptional detail, and are all different! Jack's face and the compass highlight this fact! :pir-wub:


Only Jack and Will have double sided heads, but all the figures have backprinting.



The new hairpieces feel like a new material, and look fantastic on the figures.


The spit looks the part, but swings far too easily downwards (with a figure on it) and thus looses the rotating effect. I suspect swapping for tighter technic pins may sort the problem out, though.




The spares of Bag 1 include another compass!


Bag 2 - Cage and Throne



As you can see, there are lots of bone parts!

The 'decorated' pieces are all printed thankfully, and this part is an example:


The Throne...




It fits the figure well and looks really nice IMO. The back hinges allow room for Jack's crazy hairdo.

The side spikes with skulls aare also click-hinged.



The Cage...


It's quite a complicated but repetitive build...

Another new instruction feature!


The figure fits perfectly standing up, so sitting down in it will be fine too!


'Uuga buga!'


Bag 2 spares...


More coming soon! My computer is struggling to keep up with all the photos! :pir-laugh:

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12788 posts

Thanks for the review, another set that is on the top of my list, you can expect to see this on the blog very very soon.


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Bag 3 - the Tree-winch!


Lots of brown parts here that'd be great for MOCs!

Small bag contents:


The tree is fantastic. The build is fun, and the techniques and features are great!







The winch works quite nicely if you do it slowly. I like the use of cheese slopes to keep the chain in place, but why they didn't use 2x1 slopes I don't know! :pir_wacko:



It lifts comfortably.


The platform area is a nice addition too, it give it the fort look!

Here you can see the way the dark tan branches are attached to the wall.


It does however need an operator!


The 'interior' houses a box with two swords and a bottle (filled with rum I presume) and a backpack with an tin of some sort... it's been ages since I watched the movie! :pir-blush:


Bag 3 spares:


All the spare parts:


Finished product!



Figures: 9/10 - Great selection of highly detailed figures, but another Cannibal would have been nice!

Parts: 10/10 - Fantastic range of parts perfectly suited for the theme and chosen very well by the designers!

Build+Design: 4/5, 4/5 - Not too challenging, not too repetitive! Great use of parts to maximise the feature quality!

Price: 6/10 - I think around £20 would be more acceptable for this set, but it was worth the money in the end.

Playabiltiy: 10/10 - Nothing much to say here, I think it's perfect for kids and AFOLs!

Overall: 86/100 or 86% I highly recommend this set to any LEGO fan! It really is a fantastic buy! Plus, if you end up not liking it, it's a perfect parts pack! :tongue:


As you all might have guessed, being drunk doesn't affect Jack's fighting skills!


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2058 posts

This is the only set from the pirates line I want to get sue to price constraints. But I really wish jacks double sided head had one with eye printing and one without.

p.s. you got the legs switched on the cannibals.

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2884 posts

Nice review, I think this does very well at recreating a specific scene in the film. Gotta love the the facial detailing on Cannibal Jack :pir_laugh2:

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8873 posts

Very nice. The set doesn't really seem like much, but the pieces are amazing! :thumbup:

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984 posts

Thanks for the review, JammieDodger! This set has some great parts and play features, but I think I'll pass on it.

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17 posts

Thanks for the great pictures-looking forward to seeing more! :thumbup:

This set is probably my favourite one out of all PotC line. Love the minifigs, especially the cannibals; new pieces-some have appeared before but new to me-such as the leaves with 2 different colours, which I don't have, the bones (have these pieces appeared in other sets before?), and the bottom piece of the cage; and the back panel of Jack Sparrow's chair in that the picture is not a sticker!

Yes, the price is steep. The licensed sets are low piece count per price. The problem is, though, that people keep buying them, myself included. :hmpf_bad:

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Great review. Although I have a couple notes to make. First, this isn't the first appearance of a human character on a box-- all of last year's Harry Potter sets had the three lead actors on the box, and the Star Wars boxes for a long time have had Clone Troopers on them (although that isn't as egregious since he's a CGI character in full armor rather than a human actor with a visible face).

Second, the little "Click" feature isn't new either, even though it rarely makes appearances in instructions. I'm most familiar with it from BIONICLE and other action figure themes. It's generally used to show explicitly where two parts that are already on the model are connecting, since they might not stand out as new.

I love some of this set's details, partly because I love Pirates of the Caribbean and partly because I loved Islanders, which this approaches in its overall aesthetic.

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978 posts

The presence of a human on the box is also new, and strange too.

I assume you're referring to the head shot of Johnny Depp. But didn't the Indiana Jones boxes have a real-life Harrison Ford brandishing a whip?

What is that white coupon-looking box in this shot? I can't make it out:


And I guess this set doesn't come with a card either. It's strange; I wonder why some sets have cards and some don't. Perhaps just the sets for the new movie have the cards?

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697 posts

I must say that this set appeals more to me after the review. At first I thought it was boring, but now I am convinced it is actually fairly good. Thanks for the review!

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39 posts

Great review, Thanks very much. By the way am I tripping or have you added elements to the box to make it look 3D?

I must say that this set appeals more to me after the review. At first I thought it was boring

That's the same for me

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31 posts

Great review! This was a set I wanted when I first saw the pictures but then decided against when seeing the price. I ended up buying it anyways on an impulse, and though I do not like the pricing, it is indeed a very fun set. For the size the build was fun, it looks nice, and has fun play features. While I cannot recommend it at full price, if you can pick it up on sale it would definitely be worth it.

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91 posts

Thanks for the review. A very nice set, I can almost not wait for the sets to be released here :pir-sweet:

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A lot of the photos are really dark. Particularly of the figures...


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197 posts

Nice review. It seems quite more interesting than I thought initially, thoug it can be priced... this one will come home soon or late :pir-classic:

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2949 posts

This is an awesome set! Except for the price. It contains many great parts of all sorts.

The cage has some useful tan sticks, the minifigs are great and it also has the nice bottle and sword holder.

I remember that TLG didn't want us to continue a contest with inappropriate minifigs, but actually I think barbecueing a human is quite inappropriate as well :pir-classic:

Thanks for the review!

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3162 posts

Thank you for the review! POTC seems like a good theme and I now have a bigger desire to get these sets :pir_laugh2:

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4628 posts

Nice review, Jammiedodger! This set look a lot more appealing than I initially thought. Great selection of mini-figs, and loads of parts that I could get lots of use out of. Oh, and that mystery tin in the bag must be the 'little seasoning' Jack Sparrow garnishes himself with. :tongue:

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One of the sets with Will! Those cannibals are quite nice looking, and so is that cage. :thumbup: I like The Mill better though.

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9817 posts

Another neat review JD, though personally this is one of my least liked sets in the PoTC line, the figs and elements just doesn't appeal to me unlike the other smaller sets.

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BTW, Brickset says that it has 279 pieces. It's $29.99 here in the US, unless you're at TRU, in which case it's $32.99.

Another set that I wasn't interested in from the initial pictures, but now I'm rethinking. Looks like a good design, decent playability, and lots of great parts. I'm not overwhelmed with the cannibal minifigs though. If it goes on sale, I'll probably pick one up, but not sure about it at full price.

So if I bought four of them, could I enlarge the cage into a Mad Max Thunderdome style cage? Hmmm...

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1029 posts

It seems to be nice little set, I like Sparrows face print and the Islanders, parts are nice and the cage is sweet, but there should have been also Gibbs in the set. Still, I would be interested if the set wasn't twice the price than in the US over here in Europe (40€ = 60$). Sorry, Lego, but you are asking for too much.

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