Mister Phes

SET REVIEW: 6261 Raft Raiders

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6261 Raft Raiders


The good old Raft Raiders!

To be a sheep I'll comment on the price as well... However, I can't really because I don't remember the exact price, all I remember the set was over A$20 and that was too much for me! So I didn't buy one when it was released in 1993 because I just couldn't afford it! Year later however, now that I have more money and this website known as eBay, I've managed to score 3 or 4 of these at good price.

Raft Raiders is obviously to the successor to 6257 Castaway's Raft and it succeeds quite nicely. It improves on the mast idea by adding a proper sail on a mast complete with rope ladders. Besides the concept of the set being a raft, there are also consistencies with is predecessor such as barells for floatation, 3 mini-figures and a shark.

Unlike its precedessor the pirates in Raft Raiders appear in a better situation as their raft look specially built for the purpose of raiding, while the poor Castaway's Raft Pirate have thrown a raft together with whatever they can muster. The Raft Raiders also have a treasure chest, where the former only possess a map, however this treasure may have come at a price since the Iron Hook mini-figure is missing an eye and hand, while another pirate is missing a leg. Raiding must be a perilous occupatation!

Overall a solid design with a goodly amount of mini-figures and accessories, something LEGO could have refer upon when designing its latest raft, the horrible 7070 Catapult Raft. So I give it 4 out 5.

Now its your turn!

Edited by Bonaparte

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I give it a 3 as I liked castaway's better... less custom built, more emergency looking, more barrels (I always need more), more simple looking, far less likely to tip, and far,far better priced, also I have the box of cast away's and that is pretty rare in my collection... I could be biased by the fact I couldn't afford this set in 93 and by the time I tracked it down it seemed a little small...

God Bless,


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4212 posts

i'd give it a 3.

the minifigs are nice, and the accesories are good also, so i would buy it for the parts, if the price is about 12

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Cool a shark lol. :sleep: :happy:

You care to elaborate further on the actual set? Oh, that's right, you can't at the moment! :-D

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As I've previously mentioned all my reviews are based upon which set PirateBricks.com is reviewing at the time, and I'll review some of the larger sets as soon as I get my digital image input device.

Edited by mister_phes

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294 posts

My brother had this set, and its a good one! This is a quite believable vehicle for quickly raiding ships that comes too close to the pirate island.

Even if its not the best (I think its predecessor is better) giving it a 1 or 2 is like saying that 4+ pirates are better.

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Average set Phes. Review some of the larger sets.

You never did say why you thought it was average. I based my rating upon what it contains for its size, so obviously its not going to be as interesting as a larger with more pieces, but for its size the raft's deisgn is robust and has got some interesting features. I'd say its the most interesting of all the rafts in the Pirate theme.

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1758 posts

I;ve given it a 4.

Mainly because I love the set, and the figure count is fantastic.

God Lego, Bring Back Pirates!!

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Who gave it a '1'?

God Bless,


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75 posts

I'd say a 4 because it was my FIRST set I got and it amused me a lot. but it isn't all perfect, and I don't want to say why.......

.......I still like the boats better!!!!

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108 posts

I got it when it was released and liked it very much back then. I still have the original box/instructions in top condition...anyhow it's a good raft and what makes it better than average is the figures, barrels, shark, sail etc. basically all the pieces are usable if you want to build something else. Now when I'm older I like the older pirate raft more than this, back then it was the opposite. It was quite cheap as far as I can remember. about 40marks back then and that's ~6,5euros, 8USD. I should have bought more of these |-/

I give it 4/5

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31 posts

I like this one. 6257 was a little bare, I think this is a worthy successor to the 89 set. Also like the ripped shirt on the captain, looks like they're been out there a while. The sale is improved as well.


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216 posts

I gave this set a 5/5. I bought this set in hopes of using it in the future to fool pirates the same way they did in Master and Commander.

One day the Dame du Loup may get fooled by this very raft giving me the weather vane.


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6199 posts

Here's a quick little image first of all so ppl know which raft is being talked about:


5/5 here

I have this set and i like it a lot.

It's got 6 barrels, shorter brown rope pieces (not too common on a set this small), that awesome sail *y* , a treasure (never can have too much treasure X-D ), and 3 figs.

Almost all the pieces are easily usable for adding to MOC ships.


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979 posts

I voted 4/5. I do not have got this set but it looks really cute!


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4181 posts

I voted 4/5. I do not have got this set but it looks really cute!


I must say I agree. This isn't great like the BSB or SES, but it is an interesting little craft anyway. Compact and appealing.

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879 posts

Ah. My first Pirates set. I give it a 4/5 due to the included treasure. The minifigs are also pretty neat, but I never liked the old-style sharks. They were too small.

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2783 posts

If I have some extra cash I might buy this wonderful set. The sail is great and so is the raft. I love raft raiders :wub::pir-wub:

Edited by Broadside

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