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You have been sentenced to death by immurement !

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thindexedgif.gif Vig. 23b

What is immurement?

JUDGE: Captain Olaf, we find you guilty for multiple charges of murder and theft !

Do you have anything to say into your defense !?

CAPTAIN OLAF: arrgg...!

JUDGE: Then we condemn you to death by immurement !

CAPTAIN OLAF: yaaarrgghh...!

JUDGE: Guards, take him away to the lower walls of the citadel !

CAPTAIN OLAF: grrrr.....!


A high ranking officer inspecting the execution of the judge's decision!


The 'actors'...

Edited by SlyOwl

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I hope you like it :pir-blush: !

That I do. A harsh punnishment to be sure. Weakened the toughest men it has. But then, that is the whole point of it really. If you could improve anything, it would be to turn the guard of the citadel more toward the main section of the MOC so he looks as though he is actually placing stones. Otherwise he looks to much for display than story if that makes sense. I hope this helps. And good luck! :pir-classic:

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If you could improve anything, it would be to turn the guard of the citadel more toward the main section of the MOC so he looks as though he is actually placing stones. Otherwise he looks to much for display than story if that makes sense. I hope this helps. And good luck! :pir-classic:

Thanks for the advise.

I tried to do that, but that way he was blocking the view...You can't do that much with 8x8 knobs I'm afraid :pir-hmpf: .

I might experiment with it later this day, maybe I can come with something up, but I do think the guard standing lik this looks quite good also.

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nice entry Zorro, here we can't say that there isn't a cruel thing ^^ immurement is something horrible brrr... cruel cruel :pir-wub:

the only thing I see that can be done is to change the colour of the lamp, but If you like it blue, that's fine ^^

anyway, Good luck with the contest !

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nice entry Zorro, here we can't say that there isn't a cruel thing ^^ immurement is something horrible brrr... cruel cruel :pir-wub:

the only thing I see that can be done is to change the colour of the lamp, but If you like it blue, that's fine ^^

anyway, Good luck with the contest !

you are right, it might be better to use a brown one, I will try that later.

Thanks Guss

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Thanks for the advise.

I tried to do that, but that way he was blocking the view...You can't do that much with 8x8 knobs I'm afraid :pir-hmpf: .

I might experiment with it later this day, maybe I can come with something up, but I do think the guard standing lik this looks quite good also.

Well maybe you could have him with one leg a bit in the air as though the stone is really heavy? If that doesn't make sense then try it out and see for yourself.

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I like it....I like it very much! The minifigs are great and they both look menacing. The punishment is a good idea. Adding a barrel was another good idea. I really don't see any improvements that could be made. There's not much to say, as it is a small entry. So a 5/5! Good luck!


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263 posts

Nice (and disturbing :pir-cry_sad: ) MOC! It definantly capture's the feel of the PTV contest! :pir-classic:

Have you read The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe? This is reminds me of it.


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Really nice entry Zorro! It's a very creative (and cruel) idea.

The SNOT is very good and I like how you you offset the bricks to look unfinished.

A few bits of advice:

1) I would also recommend changing the blue lamp to either black or brown, for a more natural look.

2) I think it would look slightly better if you switched out the gray tiles on the bottom for black, brown or even dark grey, because I think there's not enough contrast between colors at the moment.

3) It would be good to place the soldier in a position that looks more like he's placing the bricks in the wall, like others have said. I don't think it would block the view too much if you placed him bent over on the right edge of the MOC.

This is a very nice entry, and I wish you luck in the contest!

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When I saw the word "immurement" in the title this was the first thing I wondered - and now I have been enlightened - so thank you Zorro!

Don't thank me yet...Mister Phes.... :pir_laugh2: , BTW have you checked out the sigfig section recently? :pir-laugh:Your Sig-fig

I'm sorry, I tossed a die and your number came out, it really is nothing personal or so:pir-grin: .

Edited by zorro3999

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This is an excellent creation, but I do have some gripes that I wish to point out to you so that you could recognize any possible improvements. :classic:

1. The blue lamp, while interesting, is a bit out of place, and would look better in black.

2. The guard's blue shoulder piece is also out of place, and would look better in yellow.

3. As others have said, the soldier should probably be facing the wall.

4. As Strawberry has noted, the floor tiles would do well to be of a different color such as grey or brown.

5. The whole creation lacks color, and where that color is present (such as in the torch), it is a bit overdone. This could be achieved by changing the roof.

Otherwise, your creation was very good!

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This is an excellent creation, but I do have some gripes that I wish to point out to you so that you could recognize any possible improvements. :classic:

1. The blue lamp, while interesting, is a bit out of place, and would look better in black.

2. The guard's blue shoulder piece is also out of place, and would look better in yellow.

3. As others have said, the soldier should probably be facing the wall.

4. As Strawberry has noted, the floor tiles would do well to be of a different color such as grey or brown.

5. The whole creation lacks color, and where that color is present (such as in the torch), it is a bit overdone. This could be achieved by changing the roof.

Otherwise, your creation was very good!

Why should the blue epaulettes be yellow :pir-sceptic: ??? I designed the guard directly from an English 1750 prison guard (from my uniform books), I am always historicaly correct in these kind of things.

Also I can't add that much different colors to a wall because it is a...wall??

I will change the blue lamp and replace it with a brown one, I will also (try) to put the soldier elsewhere however I do not think it would be better...(if I turn him his white back will show !!! Think thoroughly before you say anything people ! A white back looks like nothing... )

Edited by zorro3999

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Yes, but it just looks... boring.

Edited by Adam

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Yes, but it just looks... boring.

Actually, most people that are immured DIE because they are too bored :pir_laugh2: . Or because they sufficate, or dry out, or....

Well I know it doesn't show thatv much action, but 8x8 is just sooo small...

And it is not a joking/funny contest, if it was that I would know what to create... :pir-classic: That would be a lot easier.

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This is a good MOC. In your description, there is dialogue between the two. Nice thinking. Also, your idea for your MOC was very good and smart thinking. This is what actually happened to pirates in those days. The affect of closing him up is nice. I like the expression on the pirates face. It says I will get you for this. I personally would have chosen the blue coats instead of the red coats because I think the blue coats are better. The barrel with the tools is also a nice addition.

Possible Improvements

1) I think you could add some gold coins on the ground or add something else to it because it looks plain.

2) Why do you have a blue lamp post there? Do you have any black or gray ones because that would go better with your MOC?

3) Maybe you could add a rainbow parrot, put a snake on the roof or a rat on the roof.

4) You could have the pirate pointing a gun at the officer.

Overall- This is a good MOC. After you make some improvements and add some detail to it, it will look much better. I wish you the best of luck!


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141 posts

What a excellent display of cruelty, i'm not shure if the guards hat goes, but otherwise a good idea, and entry.

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Well, the lamp needs to be changed. And I see the cruelty, but it isn't enough. I mean he's starving of course, but there should be blood!

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Frankly I think an entry can be plenty gruesome even without blood. I can't think of a worse death than being buried alive in a wall...

And Legoking, I think giving the pirate a gun wouldn't be a good idea, because I'm sure the soldier would have seized the pirate's weapon when he was captured.

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201 posts

Interesting, it's well a made entry and shows that the imperial guards have a dark side, not just the pirates.

Very imaginative zorro3999 good luck! :thumbup:

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I like it Zorro, it is relativly avoid of gore. One thing I ask is how about you do one of your pattented Zorro reveiws of a MOC like you do to evryone else and then I have nothing else to say other than what you have already said and all I can say is .... Dito :pir-blush::pir_laugh2:

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144 posts

Nice MOC Zorro, I like it.

My 2 cents:

- Too much grey, break it up, maybe with some random bley? Or brown.

- Give the peices a clean, if you're taking photo's don't use dirty bits.

- Have the builder filling the wall in, he currently looks like he stopped for a photo opportunity

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Thanks guys, I am going to make the following improvements thanks to your advise:

- Brown lamp

- Dark grey for the floors

- A good cleaning

- The guard will be building the wall

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10950 posts

Very cruel, Zorro! :pir_laugh2:

What I like:

The whole idea is unique, and of course, cruel. The heads that you've used are perfect, and the chamber is cool.

What could be improved:

A few things that I would change would be the blue lamp (which others before me have said), and to change that to black or dark grey. Also, the brown cap looks a bit out of place, I would use a shako or admiral's cap.

But otherwise, good entry, and good luck!

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