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[OL-FB] Some pretty large bones

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December 622, Somewhere outside Nouveau Oleandia, Ile Dionysus

As the winds of war started blowing again on the New Haven Seas, the exploration of the newly discovered lands was largely stalled. Knowing if the enemies had a foothold on an island was more important than studying the plants or animals living on them; discovering if Lotii agents had tried to make an alliance with a warrior tribe seemed more important than understanding the new languages and cultures.
However, a few brave men still decided to try their luck, "for the progress of mankind, the glory of the Nation, and their own name".

Expeditions of botanists, zoologists, and cartographers, part of the Oleander Royal Society of Science, arrived on the newly discovered lands alongside the soldiers. After a brief stop in Fort Arltrees, Jiangkai, or Nouveau Oleandia, the expeditions leave for the unknown: an uncontacted tribe, a coral reef, or the mysterious, unexplored jungle. Local guides, laborers and a few marines complete the teams, which will be alone and completely self-sufficient for several months. 

Scientific expedition on Crocodile Island

Among the various expeditions, a group of archaeologists arrived on Ile Dionysus (also known as Crocodile Island) to investigate some old bones discovered in the local copper mine. Some mysterious ancient bones had already emerged from the ground of Avestia, but the skeleton was too incomplete to determine the appearance of the animal. The mud of Ile Dionysus, instead, proved to be a real vault of ancient treasures: skulls, rows of vertebrae, complete and perfectly preserved skeletons... most were -unsurprisingly- crocodiles and alligators, but other remains belonged to animals never seen before.

Scientific expedition on Crocodile Island

The most surprising discovery was made in a wet, cold morning of December: the skeleton of a monstrous snake was dug out of the mud, bone after bone.

Scientific expedition on Crocodile Island

The animal must have been terrifying. From head to tail, the skeleton was at least 15 metres long, larger than any known reptile. If it had been similar to the other large snakes of the New World, this meant that it could have swallowed a horse, an ox or a large crocodile.

Apart from the scientific value of the discovery, everyone was a little concerned… that skeleton could be just a trace of an ancient past, but nobody could exclude that snakes like that still crawled in the swamps of Ile Dionysus!

Scientific expedition on Crocodile Island

A group portrait of the scientific expedition. The measuring rope was too short for the whole skeleton.

Scientific expedition on Crocodile Island

Overall view


Just a little MOC, to experiment with vegetation, mini figures and, obviously, the skeleton. Tilting a little bit the connections between the studs and the 1x1 plates gave a nice curved effect.

I will license it as a small art and culture for Nouveau Oleandia (32x32 plot size, but too simple to become a medium property).

I hope you like it!

Edited by Keymonus

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What a great idea! Good vegetation and groundwork too. So many fun details, like the measuring rope. An excellent addition to N.O. and BoBS in general!

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Very good photo story. I really hope that snakes like this don't exist anymore.

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On 12/3/2022 at 4:30 PM, Keymonus said:

this meant that it could have swallowed a horse

Surefire way to get the WTC to come in and blast everything in sight to protect their cornered market!

Nicely done. The bones and skeletons are great and look pretty fearsome. :thumbup: 

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Excellent build and story! I really appreciate your unique eye to the BoBS world, and the resulting builds from them. The skeleton came together nicely, and I love the "age of discovery" feel to the build. 

Great job!

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Thank you guys! I’m very happy you liked the build! I’m particularly proud of this vignette, and of the skeleton in particular!

On 12/7/2022 at 1:45 AM, LM71Blackbird said:

Surefire way to get the WTC to come in and blast everything in sight to protect their cornered market!

:pir-grin: :pir-grin: :pir-grin:

17 hours ago, Mesabi said:

Excellent build and story! I really appreciate your unique eye to the BoBS world, and the resulting builds from them. The skeleton came together nicely, and I love the "age of discovery" feel to the build. 

Great job!

Thank you! I always try to give some unique flavour to my builds on different islands. Here on Ile Dionysus the main recurring details will be mud and large snakes!

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Wow! I really loved this moc and pics (especially the group hug picture!)

Who knows what lurks in the mud and swamps on this forsaken New Terra Islands...

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20 hours ago, Bregir said:

Happy to see some more science being covered in the world of BOBS. Know that the Royal Society of Natural Philosophy is watching these developments closely, and will be happy to hear more of these discoveries.

Thank you! As a (sort of) scientist IRL, I’ll make my team continue their research on Ile Dionysus for sure!

13 hours ago, blackdeathgr said:

Wow! I really loved this moc and pics (especially the group hug picture!)

Who knows what lurks in the mud and swamps on this forsaken New Terra Islands...

Thanks! It may be one of those situations in which the main problem is when your discoveries start looking for you!

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