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CDC2 CMF: Gideon

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My entry for CDC2 Category 1: Populating Historica



Kaliphlin merchant
Trade is the lifeblood of Kaliphlin, and the merchants are the true masters of the southern realm.

Khel'Zarim battlemage
Warden of the eternal flames burning in castle Zar, high up in the Rakath mountains. What she doesn’t know about fire is probably not worth knowing.

Barqan astrologer
The city of Barqa is a center of glass making in Historica, and subsequently its stargazers have access to some of the best telescopes in the known world. Many celestial objects have been discovered and named by these scholars, and even more has been written about the supposed influence on the events of Historica by these heavenly denizens.

Petraean swordsman
A soldier loyal to the Kaliphlin High Council. As important as the trade itself are the guardians of the trade routes.


Elven ranger
Only seen when they want to be noticed, the elven rangers are keeping intruders and the more sinister beings of the forests in check.

Satyr axeman
The satyrs are usually a jovial and peaceful folk, who prefer a good evening of dance to the tune of flutes and drums under ancient trees in the forests of Avalonia to adventure or violence. However, don’t underestimate them when they, however reluctantly, have applied war paint on their faces...

Antyrian guardsman
A true Avalonian warrior. Fierce in combat, loves to hug his town’s hallowed trees and probably wears tights under his chainmail.


This lady is the wife of a minor Mitgardian jarl, and a former shieldmaiden. While her husband might be in charge of the jarldom, she is definitely the one in charge of the household. The keys to the longhouse are hers, and whenever the men are off to war the thralls of the estate know better than to be lazy…

Minotaur geologist
The mountains of Mitgardia are hiding many veins of valuable minerals, but only the most hardy geologists can endure to search for them. Be sure however that whenever a rich vein is discovered, dwarven miners are swift to start digging there...if they haven’t already done so from below.

Algus warrior
Far north of any lands habitable to warm-blooded beings, these frigid creatures thrive. From time to time packs of Algus venture south, causing havoc to the lands of Historica. Last time however, they were thwarted by the searing flames produced by burning black oil from Kaliphlin.


Many exotic plants thrive in the Moruth Swamplands, and some even dare to harvest them. When harvesting the seeds of some of the more rare carnivorous plants, the herbalist does best to imitate being a plant himself to not be the one harvested for nutrition.

Werewolf bounty hunter
You would not want to be on this lycanthrope’s hit list...

Cyclops matriarch
The cyclops tribes of Nocturnus often have strong female leaders. The matriarch is skilled in making various concoctions, to heal friends or poison foes, as well as herself pick up a weapon to fight neighboring tribes or intruding Avalonian adventurers.


Illyrian lawyer
This counselor knows all the paragraphs, precedent and loopholes of Varlyrian law and can for a suitable sum of gold twist it to any outcome for his client.

The ancient caves of the island of Varlyrio hide many secrets and riches, and many young noblemen set out to discover these.

Rego palace guard
Guarding one of the palaces of the Rego is probably the most honorable duty a Varlyrian soldier can have. A peculiar property of Varlyrian armor is that it is usually thicker on its back side.

(Thanks @Ecclesiastes for extending the deadline, although it took me until the last day to put an entry together anyway :innocent:)

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Ooh, those Kalaphlin figs really shine! Then of course I like the Varlyrians next best, great use of parts for the lawyer and that very regal looking guard! About the armour... so true :laugh: ! Suddenly I wish I had one of those shiny ash axes... The Kalaphlin merchant is classic, of course, and with upgraded little details, and it's so great how all these figs give a distinct atmosphere! Other favorite is the Werewolf Hunter.

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These are all great--my favorites are probably the astrologer, husfrue, herbalist, and palace guard.  Brilliant portable scales design for the merchant and great combo on the algus figure! 

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Thanks! :classic:

2 hours ago, Umbra-Manis said:

Where is the cape on the astrologer from?

The cape is the inside of Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak bb0871

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Great work on all of these!

My favorites are probably the Kaliphlin Merchant (love his handheld "weighing scale"), Barqan Astrologer (love the re-use of that Harry Potter "invisibility cloak"), Petraean Swordsman (lovely colors/parts combos; especially love that shield), Nocturnan Herbalist (really love his "plant disguise" + backstory) and the Rego Palace Guard (the parts combos are great, especially the leg-armor combo).

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These are crisp Gideon, very nicely put together.  The Satyr axeman, the Algus warrior (obviously!), and the Werewolf bounty hunter, are great; but the Rego palace guard, the Petraean swordsman, and the Herbalist are my favorites!

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Nice work.  Photography is really top notch, as usual.  Very clear.  The astrologer is fantastic, and I love the throwback to the Algus.  What's the shield on the Petrean swordsman from?  I don't recognize it.  The cyclops cracks me up and the painted face on the satyr is really in character.  Great job!

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On 11/6/2021 at 12:44 AM, Grover said:

Nice work.  Photography is really top notch, as usual.  Very clear.  The astrologer is fantastic, and I love the throwback to the Algus.  What's the shield on the Petrean swordsman from?  I don't recognize it.  The cyclops cracks me up and the painted face on the satyr is really in character.  Great job!

The shield is an ordinary round shield with a 2x2 printed dish on it.

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On 11/8/2021 at 4:15 PM, Gideon said:

The shield is an ordinary round shield with a 2x2 printed dish on it.

Ah, OK, I see that now.  The angle makes it look like the shield is printed.  Very nice!

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The Kaliphlin figs are my favorite - they are all so terrific!  Especially the scales of the trader.  But the cloak and hourglass of the Barqan astrologer are very fitting.  I'll have to remember your Petraean swordsman in case I need to make knights for the capitol.  Your other figs are also fitting for their guilds - I'm impressed at how natural they all belong.  I particularly like Algus warrior, but all are superb.

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