
Eurobricks Dukes
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About robuko

  • Rank
    Robuko Innovation Kaliphlin
  • Birthday 05/12/1974

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  • Location
    Hong Kaliphlin
  • Interests
    4 year old son, 1 year old daughter. Hiking, running, traveling, enjoying local food. I lived in the UK and Japan before moving to HK.


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    Hong Kaliphlin
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  1. robuko

    [MOC] Ma.K. Raubvogel

    Utterly splendid, wonderful parts use!
  2. robuko

    AG - Kawashita Group Dojo

    A Kawashita badge for me please and the rest of my credits to EE
  3. robuko

    [K-F09] Herpyderpyderp

    Tags: exploration, land vehicle Found this old reconditioned Mars tech. Looks like someone didn't like it
  4. robuko

    [O-G03] Watching the Surveillance Drone

    That's a great build, hats off
  5. robuko

    [K - G10] Catfight

    Tags: exploration, land vehicle Luckily a friend came to my rescue and I could activate the emergency escape protocol
  6. location: G10 Onix tags: land vehicle, space vehicle, exploration Not all of the biomechs were friendly at first. Alien ships enjoyed the action.... from a safe distance
  7. robuko

    [K-G09] Raging Bull

    tags: land vehicle, space vehicle, exploration picking up transmissions from Arium Major ...yeah, it's from the Raging Bull. Why the rage? Oh, because we should have taken this damn planet 2 weeks ago but the judges kept forgetting to count our points when we were 29 points ahead!! yeah, he's found the source of those EMP pulses. Looks like another alien biomech. Let's hack it to become a Kawashita ally. Looks like a useful friend. (The walker's feet can rotate either as a wheel-and-a-toe with the 2 dark red heads rotating, or with all 3 heads rotating for greater clearance)
  8. robuko

    [K-F09] Angel

    Location F09 Arium Minor Tags - exploration The Angel came to me in the desert in the night. Your faith will be tested, it said.
  9. robuko

    AG - Introduction and Discussion

    The build shows a land vehicle which is also a local fauna, and a space vehicle - I believe it qualifies for 3 buff points, it has been given 2. I hate to be that guy, but, Kawashita is only one point away from taking control of G09 which is a game-critical point and this is the missing point!
  10. robuko

    AG - Introduction and Discussion

    Please ignore the previous post, input trouble. May I know please why my Elephander build did not score full tag buffs for land vehicle, space vehicle and exploration?
  11. robuko

    [M - G05] Fugitives Pt 3

    Nice texturing on those guns, and very effective color.
  12. robuko

    [M - F04] The Forwarder

    Great story again, your photography is so good at generating a claustrophobic atmosphere for these small tense scenes.
  13. robuko

    [O - F09] Not the Zoid you're looking for

    Ha ha ha! I'm glad someone is paying attention to our engineering efforts. Those feet may struggle a bit on the rocks
  14. robuko

    [K-G09] Local hero

    Location G09 Greater Drigo Tages -space vehicle, land vehicle, exploration This had become a hot zone. The only safe way in and out of Octan space for a Kawashita agent was in a stolen Mantis scout craft, with a stolen Octan call sign. The MSS Preemptive Retailiation was manouevreable enough to avoid trouble. This was a sensitive mission. The local rebels had asked Kawashita for assistance against the overweening rule of the Octan bureacrats. They wanted access to our technology, but would not accept the bio-engineering. Kawashita scientists found a happy compromise, and the rebels were able to move their shield generators at will. Their only resource needs were nice hot water and food.
  15. robuko

    AG - Introduction and Discussion

    Kawashita as the injured party should be given discretion as to where to relocate the builds, if at all.