
Eurobricks Vassals
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About SevenDeadlyStreamers

  • Birthday August 31

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    Forest Men
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    LEGO D&D

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    LEGO, gaming, cosplay, crafting


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  1. SevenDeadlyStreamers

    [ENTRY][SMALL] End of the Pier

    You put a lot of character into this small build, well done! And I like this take on “walking the plank” My only critique would be to add some danger once Steve falls from the pier. Maybe some rocks or a classic shark!
  2. SevenDeadlyStreamers

    [ENTRY] [SMALL] Steve's Origins in the Desert

    I never knew Steve was actually Aladdin until now, lol This is a fun little build and that wanted poster made me laugh. And seeing Steve’s first vessel is a nice treat too! Not much to critique, I would just say the flag should be flowing with the wind to give us the sense that Steve is really flying down that hill!
  3. SevenDeadlyStreamers

    [ENTRY] [LARGE] Escape from the Imperial Trading Post

    Beautiful rock work and I like the touch of red in the brick walls. You also managed to make Steve quite good looking! The small dingy looks great too. The only critique I’ve got, is I’d love to see a nice big flag, however it would need to be quite detailed to fit in with your MOC.
  4. SevenDeadlyStreamers

    [ENTRY][SMALL] Mini Imperial Trading Post

    Neat idea… unfortunately we don’t own the original trading post. Perhaps someone who does would be willing to build their own MOC?
  5. SevenDeadlyStreamers

    [ENTRY] [LARGE] - Steve's Upgraded Cutter (The Untold Story)

    Brilliant build! I love the little YouTube video, it really adds to the storytelling. The ship stays true to the original Cutter. My only critique would be that I’d like to see a bigger bolder ship, maybe even as large as the Skull Eye Schooner (after Steve commandeered it perhaps) But honestly I really like this build as it is, well done!
  6. SevenDeadlyStreamers

    [ENTRY] [LARGE] Steve's Double-crossing

    2 days!? Well done, especially with all the wonderful details and storytelling. I don’t have any critique since you pulled together such a large comprehensive build in just 2 days!
  7. SevenDeadlyStreamers

    [ENTRY][SMALL] Mini Imperial Trading Post

    Thanks, I did try the nanofigs, but I couldn’t depict Steve well enough.
  8. SevenDeadlyStreamers

    [ENTRY][LARGE] Origin of Steve the Merchant

    Nice of you to notice, lol Thank you, I was immersed in the world as I was building it and tried to imagine what it would be like to stumble upon these ruins.
  9. SevenDeadlyStreamers

    [ENTRY][SMALL] Infamous Steve and the Fountain of Fortune

    I love Steve’s dog, especially where he’s holding the hat! How many pieces did you use? I’m with Horation, you could have done with a bit less foliage on the island. Perhaps Steve’s dog could’ve had room to dig in the sand too!
  10. SevenDeadlyStreamers

    [ENTRY][SMALL] Mini Imperial Trading Post

    Aye, thank ye matey! That is great news! I sent this post to her and I’ll let her choose the set to claim. I should mention that we are in Canada, so let me know if that poses any issue. Thanks again for putting on a fun contest and best of luck to all the contestants going for that grand prize!
  11. SevenDeadlyStreamers

    [ENTRY][SMALL] Steve meets Cap’n Tongs!

    Haha, I know the exact landing gear part. I wanted to make sure I stayed below the piece count so I kept the base pretty small. Taps on the barrels would be a nice touch, it’s definitely worth a revisit. Thanks for the tips! I was originally going to use Capt’n Tongs raft/restaurant, but the contest calls for a new build so I started from scratch. Now that mentioned it, I think I could make some tweaks to turn this into a ship’s mess deck! I enjoy reading your comments, so thanks for the extra insight into the story. I have a bit of a backstory for my sigfig over in the BotBS forum. Essentially Capt’n Tongs is searching for someone, so there may be more to this meeting than meets the eye.
  12. SevenDeadlyStreamers

    [ENTRY] [SMALL] Quadruplets?

    Very good, and I’m even more impressed that you merged the photos and I never even realized! As fast as etiquette, I think you made the right choice, however I usually just add a new photo and explain (I just find it easier)
  13. SevenDeadlyStreamers

    [ENTRY][LARGE] Origin of Steve the Merchant

    I just realized, the first time I heard about the Steve contest was on your YouTube channel. I just want to say thank ye Mikey J!
  14. SevenDeadlyStreamers

    [ENTRY] [SMALL] Quadruplets?

    Interesting concept, and I’m impressed you have so many Redbeard head pieces. Critique would be the photo is a little dark in places, but such is the challenge of photographing a physical build. Oh, and I think you need more room on that shelf, the bottle is about to tip over! Well done matey!
  15. SevenDeadlyStreamers

    [ENTRY][SMALL] Mini Imperial Trading Post

    I’m jealous, this is one set I didn’t have growing up. And I hope you like the new box art image I’ve added. Thanks for the critique, it is tricky to add a story when you are trying to replicate the original. Thank you so much @BrynnOfCastlegate I will let Sydney know she passed 25 comments regardless of the outcome!