
Eurobricks Citizen
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  1. Rjbricks

    Warhammer brick animation

    This was brilliant. 🤩
  2. This is just brilliant!
  3. They were in stock in the UK when I saw the message. Couple of hours later, wolf pack was out of stock.
  4. Rjbricks

    21348 Lego Ideas Dungeons & Dragons and D&D CMF

    @Arjo, I know the feeling :( when I’ve wanted a full box I’ve gone via eBay. One of the sellers does discounts (normally £119) for 36 figures if you buy directly.
  5. Rjbricks

    21348 Lego Ideas Dungeons & Dragons and D&D CMF

    Woohoo! look awesome. I was building my own generic sorcerer baddie but now I have Szas Tam to use instead.
  6. Rjbricks

    21348 Lego Ideas Dungeons & Dragons and D&D CMF

    So have those leaks been confirmed as true? I’d be totally bummed if not.
  7. Rjbricks

    Classic vs. modern (set 6055 vs. 10305)

    I like the second one (and have done something similar myself). The sand green torso may not go great with red legs but then I don’t think the grey one does either!
  8. Rjbricks

    Lego Licensed Parts available from Bricks & Pieces

    Saw on Jay’s blog that the grey goat and the Wolfpack torso will be on PAB from July. Hopefully be in stock sometime next year when I’m online….
  9. Rjbricks

    2025 Castle Theme [wishlist/speculation]

    https://www.brickstickershop.com/Replacement-Sticker-for-Set-910001-Castle-in-the-Forest?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3-eBk93IhgMVBBiiAx3BxwIfEAQYASABEgJr2fD_BwE if you had too
  10. Surely there’s enough Viking mythology that could stretch to some sort of sea beast that would decorate a standard of a faction?
  11. Rjbricks

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    Hmm, not sure. Doesn’t look grand enough somehow. Sauron head piece looks awesome. Whole fig does. Really, really want it.
  12. Black skeletons back with the new Thor v Surtur set. I also like the new cape and the buildable Surtur.
  13. I’d second Richard’s comments. If you can cope with them losing bits, let them go wild. Otherwise, no. I have a 6 and 4 year old. Any Lego set will soon get broke and all the minifigs broken down into their component pieces. And then left round the house/shops when they decide to take pieces with them out.
  14. Rjbricks

    [Figbar] The Fellowship of The Ring

    Love a good Yellowship of the Ring
  15. Rjbricks

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    25 years! That makes me feel sad. 😞