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About SylvainLS

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    <p> Classic Space </p> <p> Go Brick Me! </p>

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  1. Hi, There's no password anymore on Studio files nowadays. So they are just Zip files. And there's been a few other modifications. First, try to extract your .io file with standard Zip tools (7-zip for instance). If that doesn't work, well, mostly there's no way to get back your model. And if that works, look at these three files in that order, they are all plain text files: model.ldr: look at its size, if it's not 0, then open it in Studio, you should get back your model. modelv2.ldr: look at its size, if it's not 0, then open it in a simple text editor (like Notepad). You'll need to edit it to make it a true LDraw file. For that, you edit all the lines that start with “11”: replace the “11” with “1”, don't touch the second number, delete the third number, the “False” and the number just after. For instance, “11 4 1260 False 0 -130.000000 -60.000000 -89.999980 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3070b.dat” should become “1 4 -130.000000 -60.000000 -89.999980 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3070b.dat”. That's lots of work… unless you now how to write scripts…. Once the file has been edited, it should be exactly what model.ldr would have been. You can try to open it in Studio. model2.ldr: look at its size, if it's not 0, then you'll need to edit it even more than the previous one: you'll need to change all the colour codes (second number on each line) from the BrickLink code to the LDraw code and you'll need to cut all the bits that define things that are not needed… which is quite complicated to explain.
  2. Okay. I don’t think that’s something many people will use and so making an option for that is too much work. So here’s a solution just for you: Open lxf2ldr.js in a simple editor (Notepad or such), go to line 500 and replace “push” by “unshift”, the line will then be: siblings.unshift( g ); This builds the list in reverse order.
  3. Hi, Could you give an example file so I can understand how you’re using groups?
  4. SylvainLS Noob Questions

    The .zip contains the unofficial subfiles only. If a subfile is official, it’s not included… but Studio is still releases away from the last official LDraw release, so it’s missing those files. For instance, the part mentioned above, 48156p01, has a subfile, but the tracker doesn’t propose to download the Zip with both the main file and the subfile. You need both for PartDesigner/Studio.
  5. Update 2024-07-05 Parts Added: 88964 / 88964.dat Bar 0.5L with Curved Leaf 2L Custom Parts Added: 1997 / 1997.dat Plant Vine Curled with Bar 2229 / 2229.dat Tile 2 x 2 with Rounded Slab 2514 / 2514.dat Minifig Hat Newsboy Cap 3417 / 3417.dat Door Frame 3 x 6 x 6 with Inside Grooves 3571 / 3571.dat Windscreen 4 x 12 x 3 Curved 3628 / 3628.dat Bar 2L with Three Clips 3863 / 3863.dat Brick 2 x 4 x 5 with Hole for Worm Screw 6L, Runners for Channels and Elevator Platform 4367 / 4367.dat Plant Flower with 7 Alternate Petals with Centre Ring with Bar and Pin Hole 4368 / 4368.dat Technic Engine Crank Disk 4369 / 4369.dat Technic Engine Piston with Stud 4410 / 4410.dat Tyre 44 x 32 / 56 Smooth Racing 4412 / 4412.dat Technic Dome 5 x 5 x 2.5 4413 / 4413.dat Technic Dome 11 x 11 x 5.5 4472 / 4472.dat Wheel Cover Smooth for Wheel 34 x 56 4500 / 4500.dat Technic Panel Smooth Inverted 7 x 3 x 2 4527 / 4527.dat Technic Panel 3 x 13 Curved #52 Tapered Left 4920 / 4920.dat Brick 1 x 2 with Click Rotation Pin 4974 / 4974.dat =Tile 8 x 16 Type 2 5032 / 5032.dat Door 1 x 4 x 6 Fence 5090 / 5090.dat Bracket 1 x 6 with 1 x 4 Cutout - 2x 6 Up 5091 / 5091.dat Tile 1 x 2 Cut Left 45 Degree 5092 / 5092.dat Tile 1 x 2 Cut Right 45 Degree 5151 / 5151.dat Plant Serrated Leaf with 1 x 2 Rounded Plate 5175 / 5175.dat Bracket 2 x 4 - 1 x 4 Down 5240 / 5240.dat Technic Rotor Blade 40L with Beam 3L 5258 / 5258.dat Door Frame 1 x 6 x 6.333 with Rounded Top and Front Right Clips 5259 / 5259.dat Window 1 x 4 x 3 Square Top with 4 Panes and Sill 5260 / 5260.dat Window 1 x 4 x 3 Curved Top with 4 Panes and Sill 5294 / 5294.dat Technic Suspension Arm 4 x 6 Triangular 5401 / 5401.dat Windscreen 7 x 6.5 x 2 Motorcycle with Beam 3L 5404 / 5404.dat Slope Brick 18 2 x 1 x 0.667 5426 / 5426.dat Technic Panel 3 x 13 Curved #53 Tapered Right 5466 / 5466.dat Door 1 x 4 x 6 with Window and Wood Structure 5520 / 5520.dat Tile 2 x 2 with Rounded End 18034 / 18034.dat Minifig Sword Roman Gladius with Thick Crossguard 49699 / 49699.dat Panel 1 x 6 x 4.333 with 4 x 3 Opening and 4 Pin Holes 54568 / 54568.dat Propeller Two-Blades Twisted Cap 59276 / 59276.dat Minifig Hood Long Angular 62469 / 62469.dat ~Electric Power Functions Pole Reverser Top (Needs Work) 62473 / 62473.dat ~Electric Power Functions Pole Reverser Lever 62875 / 62875.dat ~Electric Power Functions Pole Reverser Slider 77263 / 77263.dat Minifig Tail Mouse 80910 / 80910.dat Technic Cross Block 2 x 4 Split (Pin/Axle/Axle/Pin) 105162 / 105162.dat Wheel 13.4 x 24 with Integral Smooth Racing Tyre 105645 / 105645.dat Wheel 22 x 50 with Integral Smooth Racing Tyre 106700 / 106700.dat Minifig Robe Cloth 13L Tall Custom Assembly added: 61929 Electric Power Functions Pole Reverser / Polarity Switch (incomplete: missing bottom) 619291 Electric Power Functions Pole Reverser / Polarity Switch without Secondary Inverter (incomplete: missing bottom) md5sum: fc27b241e61abf5d611a787849be7627
  6. Update 2024-07-04 New Colours. Some clean up. Added Parts: 11129 / 11129.dat Minifig Mask Lion 12607 / 12607.dat Minifig Head Ninja Turtle 14225 / 14225.dat String Braided 31L with End Studs 21968 / 21968.dat Minifig Body Ghost 21969 / 21969.dat Minifig Arm Ghost 21970 / 21970.dat Minifig Head Robot 22380 / 22380.dat Minifig Helmet Space with Air Intakes and Top Pin Hole 25972 / 25972.dat Minifig Hair Swept Back with Slight Widow's Peak and Short Sideburns 26049 / 26049.dat Minifig Head Jake the Dog 26057 / 26057.dat Minifig Hair Swept Forward with Ears 27955 / 27955.dat Minifig Hat with Folder Brim and Bob Cut Hair 63142 / 14225.dat String Braided 31L with End Studs 87788 / 87788.dat Bionicle Mask Hau 87996 / 87996.dat Minifig Horn 90396 / 90396.dat Minifig Hair Mid-Length Wavy with Centre Part 90538 / 90538.dat Minifig Hat Fedora with Wide Brim 90539 / 90539.dat Minifig Breathing Apparatus 93224 / 93224.dat Minifig Helmet Hazmat Suit with Trans Clear Visor 93225 / 93225.dat Minifig Spray Gun with Hose Added Custom Parts: 4190 / 4190.dat Plate 2 x 2 Slope Inverted Corner 44740 / 44740.dat Minifig Hair Decoration Plume Ribbon 67649 / 67649.dat Minifig Head Minion 2 x 2 x 1.667 with Mono-Goggles 80394 / 80394a.dat Cockpit 6 x 4 x 4.667 md5sum: e892fe5e624f272540e8f90f4b5ef615
  7. SylvainLS Noob Questions

    Those parts are available in LDraw Unofficial. You’ll need to use PartDesigner to add connectivity and to import them in Studio as custom parts. A bit more info on the Parts FAQ on the Studio forum (you need a BL account to read it).
  8. Using Rebrickable is fine… but exporting to HTML and then using Excel is what I find overly complicated. Yep, that’s the one :) It’s indeed more oriented toward sellers but it’s great for managing parts lists / Wanted Lists and orders. Better than juggling with multiple formats and Excel. What I find it’s missing is a way to manage a builder collection: a list of sets & MOCs, some built, some not, and, from that, an automatic list of available parts or an easy way to find what set/MOC you need to scavenge for that one elusive part. Rebrickable has something similar: you can tell it if a set you have is built or not… but I find it’s a bit complicated for MOCs (or subsets).
  9. Oh boy, that’s complicated. Why not simply use BrickStore?
  10. Hi all, Now that Studio’s Eyesight has been open sourced, I managed to build and run it natively on Linux 🥳 and to make Studio use it seamlessly 🥳🥳 and with the GPU too 🥳🥳🥳🥳 If someone wants to give it a try, I wrote a howto.
  11. SylvainLS Noob Questions

    There’s a buffer exchange feature but it only allows to move parts in the current step.
  12. Update 2024-03-23 Added: 18277 / 18277.dat Minifig Tail Fluffy 95341 / 95341.dat Animal Goat Added Custom Assemblies: 18386 Minifig Hips and Legs with Black Leg Extenders 100943 Technic Steering Wheel Bearing with 2 Towballs Added Custom Parts: 1994 / 1994.dat Technic Cylinder with Peghole and Half Click Rotation Joint Ball 1995 / 1995.dat Flame / Vapor Trail 3 x 12 with Axle Hole and Marbled Core 2821 / 2821.dat Container 2 x 2 x 1 Crate Reinforced 3167 / 3167.dat Technic Beam 2 x 3 C-shaped 3171 / 3171.dat Constraction Finger Angled with Clip 3233 / 3233.dat Window 1 x 2 x 3 Train with Underside Ridged Stud Holders 3484 / 3484.dat Bar 1.5L with Clip Type 3 3563 / 3563.dat Brick 1 x 2 x 0.667 with Curved Top 3565 / 3565.dat Plant Palm Leaf 2 x 6 Rounded with Rounded 1 x 2 Plate 3567 / 3567.dat Tile 2 x 2 Round Inverted with Groove 3573 / 3573.dat Slope Brick Curved 4 x 1 x 1.667 3627 / 3627.dat Constraction Lightsaber Blade 10L with Axle End 3766 / 3766.dat Plate 4 x 6 with Rounded Ends 3803 / 3803.dat Bar 1L Quadruple with 1L Peghole Hub 3917 / 3917.dat Ring 2 x 2 with Stud Holder 3968 / 3968.dat Figure Arm Bent Long with Peghole and Friction Pin 4041 / 4041.dat Panel 4 x 4 x 3 Corner Round 4042 / 4042.dat Bar Curved with Axle End and 2 Opposite Studs 4304 / 4304.dat Plate 2 x 2 x 0.667 with Two Studs On Side and Two Raised with Partial Closed Understud 4585 / 4585.dat Bracket 2 x 1 - 2 x 1 Up Centred 4586 / 4586.dat Technic Beam 9 x 0.5 with 3 Holes 5065 / 5065.dat Panel 6 x 5 x 3.333 with Curved Top 5066 / 5066.dat Plate 2 x 2 with Horizontal T-Bar Below 5152 / 5152.dat Brick 3 x 3 Corner Round 5405 / 5405.dat Technic Gear 4 Knob 45° 21788 / 21788.dat Minifig Hair Short Smooth 35809 / 35809.dat Minifig Pen 37784 / 37784.dat Minifig Hair Half Giant with Beard 42876 / 42876.dat Minifig Food Turkey Leg with Oval Opening on Back 65203 / 65203.dat Figure Micro Doll Body with Long Dress 65700 / 65700.dat Plate Round 2.5 x 2.5 with Melting Drops on Sides 65766 / 65766.dat Technic Steering Wheel Bearing with 2 Pegholes & 2 Axleholes Arms Type 2 67037 / 67037.dat Minifig Helmet with Cheek Guard and Neck Protector 67144 / 67144.dat Sheet Plastic 8.5 x 7 Motorcycle Windscreen 67361 / 67361.dat Brick 2 x 2 Round with Tail/Neck Curved Extension with Tip Pin Hole 67697 / 67697.dat =Technic Beam 2 Liftarm with Straight Ball Joint 68212 / 68212.dat Minifig Tuft 69857 / 69857.dat Minifig Hair Curly with High Ponytail 72132 / 72132.dat Plate 2 x 6 x 0.667 with Four Studs On Side and Four Raised Reinforced 73764 / 73764.dat Brick 2 x 2 x 1.667 with Hole for Worm Screw 6L 78333 / 78333.dat Hose Reel 2 x 2 with Stud and Pin Holes 78643 / 78643.dat Minifig Armor Breastplate with Round Shoulder Pads and 2 Back Studs 79735 / 79735.dat Minifig Chopsticks 79766 / 79766.dat Technic Beam 15 x 7 with Open Center and 3 Truss Bars 79767 / 79767.dat Technic Beam 15 x 5 with Open Center and 3 Truss Bars 79808 / 79808.dat Minifig Whisk with Notch in Handle 80295 / 80295.dat Technic Reel 4 x 3 80835 / 80835.dat Container Treasure Chest Lid with Flat Top 100942 / 100942.dat Wheel 37 x 45 Hard-Plastic with 6 Curved Spokes md5sum: 91c6fddb739e1933d31ce922d285baea
  13. Studio is more resistant to changes these days… but you need to stay in the Instruction Maker: don’t go changing steps or creating/releasing submodels in Build mode, do it in Step Editor. That may still mess up the instructions for the current submodel but the next ones are generally resilient now.
  14. Update 2024-02-08 Added: 10056 / 10056.dat Minifig Helmet with Cheek and Neck Protection 10065 / 10065.dat Minifig Beard with Braided Moustache Ends 10829 / 10829.dat Minifig Helmet Deep Diver with Lens 11098 / 11098.dat Minifig Armour Breastplate with Shoulder Pads, Front Stud and 2 Back Studs 11107 / 11107.dat Minifig Sword Serrated with Bar Holder 12551 / 12551.dat Minifig Mask Crocodile 12894 / 12894.dat Minifig Hat Cone 16768 / 16768.dat Bar 4L with Flame Protusions 17348 / 17348.dat Minifig Princess Hair with Hat 18051 / 18051.dat Vehicle Mudguard 3 x 4 x 1 2/3 with Curved Fenders 18742 / 18742.dat Bucket 2 x 2 without Handle Holes 18959 / 18959.dat Minifig Hat Nemes 19026 / 19026.dat Minifig Helmet Cyborg Open Side 20690 / 20690.dat Animal Dog Sitting Great Dane Body 20691 / 20691.dat Animal Dog Sitting Great Dane Head 24084 / 24084.dat Minifig Weapon Spiked Ball 98129 / 98129.dat Minifig Helmet Visor Samurai 98132 / 98132.dat Minifig Armour with Shoulder Pads and Scabbard 98133 / 98133.dat Minifig Hat Ninja Wrap Type 1 98725 / 98725.dat Minifig Hair Female Long Wavy with Tiara 99251 / 99251.dat Minifig Neck Ruff Added custom parts: 60189 / 60189.dat Brick Braille 2 x 4 with 1 Stud (DOTS-1) 60290 / 60290.dat Brick Braille 2 x 4 with 6 Studs (DOTS-123456) 65559 / 65559.dat Brick Braille 2 x 4 with 1 Stud (DOTS-5) 65579 / 65579.dat Minifig Hair Parted in Middle with 2 Round Buns on Top 73210 / 73210.dat Mario Pixelated md5sum: 6e5456c9d8359b6508c0e8c09d41fd62
  15. The bug is fixed in both ‘production’ and EarlyAccess in version 2.24.1(1). You need to (re)download and (re)install as you can’t click Accept in the older version. The fix for PartDesigner is in testing now. No exact ETA on a release. Should be soon.