
Eurobricks Dukes
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About Toastie

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    Good Spirited
  • Birthday 02/17/1962

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    LEGO, electronics, micro controllers, lasers, making things work


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  1. Toastie

    Some Builds

    And as per usual: Tipping hat, a slight nod, and a very deep bow. Incredible, what you have accomplished. As said, per usual; when you post, I don't click right away on the thread/link. No, I relax a bit, make myself comfortable, maybe a Scotch, maybe a Northern Germany beer. Get this and that out of the way on my desk ... and then, just let it flow. Others have said what should be said. Thank you very much for sharing! With very best regards, Thorsten
  2. Oh, and that is absolutely fine with me - they don't have to, though. Technic nowadays looks much "cleaner" - as was pointed out before (with studs adversely affecting the looks). I have the impression (and that may be totally wrong) that this happened because the main theme of Technic went from "machines" to "cars" - not right, but maybe to sets, that require cleanliness rather than function. Yes, I know, you can have all the functions you want with studless Technic, and the gearbox inside such a set in (to me) a miracle, but I can't really see it in operation. You will have to use quite some panels to cover the "exposure-to-prolonged-machine-gun-fire" look when using all these beams for the "hull" of these machines. Which is also fine with me! I just can't adapt to that concept (of making Technic display super cars); I like building Technic "machinery" that does something to the extent that studs don't even come into focus, although they are there. I yes, this is my personal view, this is the world of moccing and not of making as much money as you can. And I am also aware, that virtually nobody in this forum finds any of my stuff appealing at all! So - all is good! Best, Thorsten P.S.: I tried to be - hmm - a little provocative with the post you referenced, so no offense! P.P.S: Just purchase on eBay a used #8485 set - with still working (!) flex system elements - there is no better Technic set than the fully studded dinosaur attached to control center II roaring on my desk ... in my opinion
  3. Oh yes ... "Technic" 4.5V lights can do the same magic - and match very well with the 4.5V train section ... @Andy Glascott: This is so incredibly nice. I have copied your pictures, enlarged them and just sat there and enjoyed every detail ... All the best, Thorsten
  4. Yes, they use gases, but not so much specialized liquids (other than highly volatile liquids = be careful). As far as I can tell, they don't like chemicals at all (as you already pointed out) but much so (very) dry conditions. It is not the low temperature killing mold (they more so fall asleep), but "no water" available. At low temperatures, generally, the water content in the surrounding >air< is low (but upon freezing it condenses, on surfaces, which could be the affected paper as well). If the freezer is not tightly sealed, more water enters and condenses on surfaces - and upon defrosting the "object" may get wet again. Dry conditions are thus pivotal, as "molds" hate that, but it is not that easy to get there if no suitable environment is available. Does not help much, I know, but the "freezer" was catching my attention ... Best, Thorsten
  5. Here we go, studded Technic wise ... And make that in all Technic studless whatever technique ... I love the combination of all LEGO systems. Best, Thorsten
  6. Toastie

    [MOC] RC Scania R450 with Trailer in 1:45

    OK, it is what it is, but when I am posting in that forum (my electronics stuff virtually nobody is interested in, and that is totally OK), my "MOCs" are certainly not to any scale, but are Mindstorms related. Which is Thomas' truck as well, isn't it? Besides a nice enclosure, there is some advanced electronics at work here. But: It is up to Thomas, of course. Thank you very much for taking your time responding, highly appreciated! Best, Thorsten
  7. Toastie

    [MOC] RC Scania R450 with Trailer in 1:45

    Hi Thomas, I absolutely second this - you should summon some mods ... like @Jim and @Milan It is called the "... Mindstorms ..." sub forum. And scale? Of course, when something is to scale, who can possibly care about the numbers in the scale? And using an Atom M5, the PUp remote, BLE code, IS SO Mindstorms. This post belongs exactly in the "... Mindstorms ... Scale Modeling" forum! OK, that was that. Wonderful scale model - as all your models are!!! And these Tenka hubs/motors are so cool, I love them! Wow, another marvel ... Thank you very much and all the best, Thorsten
  8. This. I believe this is truly "pivotal". Plus all the "decoration" routes, apparently "pure" Technic (^^) can >never< accomplish. BTW - I also >never< got my head around any question about studless vs studded Technic. LEGO is LEGO. Studs or not. Hell, they made Technic holes into studded beams. What the heck is wrong with that??? Best, Thorsten
  9. Toastie

    Color Question

    There are times, when I feel like an idiot messing up colors ... And then there are times, when I'm just sailing along, gray is gray and green is maybe red ... or ... green. Well ... Here is to feeling good All the best and have fun with colors! Thorsten
  10. Well ... ... when TLG "needs" to continue printing instructions of encyclopedia size because they don't want anyone left behind, then - yeah, they better go digital. The one piece per step approach is a bit "paper consuming". And as they are targeting the newbies so much (I know, yeah, they have to) then, yes, go digital. I really don't like digital instructions at all, but well, it is what they decided on, when cranking out the black boxes. All the best, Thorsten
  11. This is soo Technic - using a totally bare minimum of Technic parts - I love it! Thank you very much for sharing! Best, Thorsten
  12. Oh yes, this is absolutely true - and the place you want to be ;) Have fun around here - and welcome to EB! Best, Thorsten
  13. Damit! This thread - as per usual - just drowned in the "Technic" forum. This is simply - bad. Either one pays attention every hour to new entries on this forum - or such entries are simply swamped with TC's, super duper cars, trial trucks, whatever. Man. I need to catch up on this @maehw!!! Thank you very much for sharing! Best wishes, Thorsten
  14. @BrickTronic Hello Jo, thank you very much!!! You are absolutely right - I sketched two versions of this matrix in my scratch book; one with the columns in reverse order ^^ Upon transforming the columns into ascending order in the PowerPoint document - what could possibly go wrong? I hope I fixed the main post properly - as I said before, I am an expert in screwing such things up. I also replaced figure 3, as "PG" = Program 1/2 was not labeled properly. And wow, that datasheet of the Motorola MCU - that is a nice chip! Thank you for the link, just downloaded it. Cool. And I really appreciate your kind words and particularly your deep dive on the content! All the best, Thorsten
  15. Yes, could very well be. "Real answer" or not ... or do you have TLG input on this? If so, that settles it. If not ... ... ABS is not concrete. As far as I am concerned (and yes, I don't know anyone in TLG Valhalla, just speculating ) - I believe the hollowed out stud is a little more "giving". The solid stud is - well - solid ... But what do I know ... All the best, Thorsten