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  1. Asper

    NS 345 Battery Powered

    Great job integrating everything in such beautiful eninges! Yes, that's me ;-) So It's the same codebase... (asper was not availalbe on github and I'm living in KArlsruhe...)
  2. in C this could be sprintf(buffer, "%+04d%c", ((velocity==0) ? 0 : (55 + abs(velocity))), 'a'+channel) velcotiy can be 0..200, channel 0..2. (with a "deadband" for the velocity) So setting velocity for a to 100 and c to -140 you have to send "+100a-140c". b will be set to 0. The M5 has very limited resources, so I could not use Legoino, but used the information I found there to implement the button callback for the LEGO remote. The idea was to build the M5 directl in to the trains. I used, since Visual Sudio Code offers more C/C++ extensions and features than the Arduino IDE. But you need to install the Arduino IDE also, as it is used in the background to build everything. So you should be able to use the code with the Arduino IDE.
  3. Asper

    [MOC] WR 15xx 0-6-0PT

    Great job to integrate all the PF elements into this engine!
  4. Asper

    [MOC] BR Steam Crane (RC)

  5. Thomas, Thorsten, Thank you! As far as I remember the Atom has very limited resources. So I could not use the Legoino code. But I could use all the information about the PU remotes (Which UUIDs do they use, what commands where used for the buttons, ...).
  6. Asper

    [MOC] Rc railway crane

    Great MO!
  7. Asper

    [MOC] Sächsische I K

    Great! Wonderful engine, with many clever details!
  8. Asper

    [MOC] Sächsische IV K

    Wow, wonderful! You managed to put many detail in this small narrow gauge train.
  9. Great - as always!
  10. Asper

    [MOC] 1930's Tram "Eletrico de Sintra"

    Wonderful tram! Great job fitting two motors, passangers and so many clever details into this!
  11. Great MOC and a wonderful video!
  12. Asper

    Wickham trolley

    Wonderful! So many details to discover