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  1. Most of the motors still have less current draw than a buggy motor, but the point was to load it more than 4 buggy motors might do. Interesting for me is that it works fine with this amount of motors, but not with 4 cada buggy motors. Also, all of these ports are still synchronised. Technically it's one port powered by a single ESC
  2. Trying to figure out if there's a problem with new version of RCDeck unit or with my 4 cada buggy motors. (there's a throttle delay and similar things) During previous days I built the RCDeck and exchanged whole electronic units trying to find the issue. Seems like it was not the components issue. Trying to find more arguments to say that's the motors fault and move on! With all my remaining motors it seems to work fine. But I'm still not sure
  3. Working on connections layout and trying to build one.
  4. I added some instructions about first samples in the beginning of the first post in this topic.
  5. Well, actually more I'm hanging around this topic, more I understand this is not really a right way. Now as I was testing new components and it was simply easier to throw everything in a car:) Seems like this topic is showing me maturing into a real RC hobby grade electronics:) In my opinion separate housings are just a way to go!
  6. Yeah, those esc's are also usually being described differently, even through it's the same damn thing. Now I have this one to thinker about. This one is clearly rated for 4s so we do have a clearance. Although it's rated 10A It was working with 4 buggy motors without a problem. No matter how are you going on throttle. You can pretty much do whatever you want with your throttle! However it has a weak BEC circuit which cannot handle a geekservo as it is(it can provide 0,5A). So because PU isn't THAT useful thing for such type of bricks I'm about to leave it without one. But instead of it, there's going to be a dedicated UBEC controller (it's continuous current is scheduled to 1,5A which is probably enough for typical 1/10 scale servo) allowing you use something more than only geekservo. For example more torque or speed rc servo. All of these in a new body:) With 4 full size PF ports and more convenient build. Port and ESC arrangement required a little bit different body... so it's completely new. Hoping for a better cable management too!
  7. This is actually a nice idea. Definitely going to so this as soon as possible!
  8. Every of them were tested, at least one 3s pack with my skyline. I don't know if my driving style is that comfy for the electronics pr there's a different reason. In your case there probably will be a shipping. And then there's a risk of burning an ESC with not careful enough driving. (I ran exact your one with 3s 5000mah 65c battery, I have no clue how the hell it can handle this, but die using 2L motors in other case) The only thing I wasn't playing around is 2s or 3s. Always 3s and no problems. From this judgement comes out the problem-free use of 2S. Surprisingly, all the damaged bricks were damaged from use with similar 3S batteries. As far as I know you wanted to use it with 2s, maybe yours is safe? I got a sample, but as I said I can't just put it inside an actual version of the brick
  9. So far yours was the only one with external receiver. Other units have this done inside. However I have to say you customers found a flaw I didn't find by myself during my testing. Seems it need a better ESC for those PF ports, otherwise it can be burned quite easily. I did not found any alternatives that can be used with a current RCDeck body, so I'm thinking of recalling it back. I don't know how much time will it take to redesign it. P.S. Customers, please contact me if you already had bad experiences. We'll try to solve that in some way. Sorry for wasted time...
  10. You're defending first to post about them:) Thanks for kind words!
  11. They don't break the circuit, so they don't need to handle that much current I mean all the components inside RCDeck now are hand soldered together, the pcb I was talking about isn't really a big deal, it's just a base for all the connections
  12. But for stock switches theres a problem that they are also almost 2 stud high or 1 stud wide. Going for smaller switch leads to a different problem, as we want to break the circuit, switch could not handle all the current going from battery to esc Something like that. I am a little bit jealous to this thing as I cant make such a nice handmade electronics😅 I would say there's only one extra wire compared to original rcd.
  13. Mine was in 1/10 brushless rc. I raced it maybe in 12 o'clock (discharged maybe to 3,5v per cell) and that midnight buzzer was screaming. Maybe components we are using have less battery draw in this conditions, but now I wont leave it like that:) Original RCDeck uses circuit breacking switch, but I still rather disconnect it This is actually a great idea, I would try this! Also you do not need to reduce studs, 2 of them can stay