Derfel Cadarn

Lonely Lodge & Hangman's Watch - Dark Isle Saga: Chapter 1, Pa

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The Dark Isle Saga

Chapter 1: Grim Hollow

Parts 4 & 5

Sarlina had succeeded in finding a way to read the secrets of Haldur's Scroll. At Raven's Retreat, she had been given a special vial of liquid that once poured on the Scroll, would reveal its mysteries. Taryn had not really believed the legends and was still not sure of it all. He loved the idea of a peaceful Avalonia but believed it should and could be achieved by the doings of men, not some ancient magical nonsense. He knew Sarlina had always been keen to try and make a change to this land but he now began to see signs that perhaps things run a little deeper than he thought with Sarlina. Taryn wanted Avalonia restored with a new ruler and a united land of Historica where men of each kingdom marched alongside each other as brothers. Sarlina on the other hand, seemed as though she wanted just a restored powerful Avalonia that ruled all, hinting that it would come at the cost of other kingdom's lives if it had to.

And so a hint of conflict had appeared between these childhood friends, although neither really knew of it then. Taryn just assumed that Sarlina was just over excited after her recent discoveries and that she would soon come back to her senses.

So the two of them made their way back towards Grim Hollow where Sarlina led them to an old ruined cottage on a hill known as the Lonely Lodge.

The Lonely Lodge: Located on a small hill north of Grim Hollow village. The cottage had once been home to an elderly woman who had been struck down by an illness and so lived her life in solitude. One stormy night, the cottage was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, killing the old women inside. However, legend says that the women was really a witch who once lived in the village. She was cast out by the villagers and went to live in the cottage where she rained curses on the villagers below untill she was killed in the storm which had been an act of the gods. An interesting legend but the truth will never be known.


Sarlina and Taryn climbed the hill and approached the remains of the cottage. Sarlina stopped in front of the cottage and scanned the area with her eyes.

"This will do perfectly" she smiled, then ducked under the doorframe and into the ruin.


Taryn followed as Sarlina walked towards the fireplace then turned to face him.

"You know the legend of this place?" she asked Taryn.

Taryn nodded. "Yes, a powerful witch supposedly once lived and died here." he replied.

"Burnt alive she was" Sarlina spoke, "her ashes now lie entwined with the earth, her power still remains."

Taryn shivered and pulled his cloak tight about him. He could not help feeling they were being watched.

"Maybe we should do this somewhere else" he questioned, "something doesn't feel right."

"Nonsense Taryn" she laughed, "This is the perfect spot. Havn't I always told you to trust me?" she smirked and pulled Haldur's Scroll from her pouch. "Time to make a change Taryn, lets see what secrets this holds!"

She unrolled the scroll and placed it flat on the ground. She then grasped the vial and removed the lid, holding it just above the scroll.


Taryn watched as Sarlina stood motionlessly, poised and ready to spill the vial's contents on the scroll. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and then emptied the contents over the scroll. The strange liquid had a reddish tinge to it and it soaked the scroll, coating it in a glossy finish that seemed to glow. Within seconds, as if by magic, writting began to appear on the scroll. Faint at first but growing ever bolder, more and more writting appeared. Sarlina had been right, this truely was Haldur's Scroll.


Sarlina laughed with happiness. "I knew it" she shouted, "this will change everything!" She raised her hands and shouted in triumph at the sky.

But, it was at that moment, the enemy charged.


Taryn had sensed something was wrong and he had been right. Two fearsome warriors came leaping over the wall with weapons drawn, shouting their battle cry as they ran to inflict slaughter. Taryn reached for an arrow and turned to shoot but it was too late. The first warrior was already upon him and knocked Taryn's bow aside with his shield then brought the pommel of his sword down hard upon Taryn's head. Taryn was stunned by the blow and fell backwards against the fireplace.

The two warriors were both battle scared veterans, fearsome looking with no remorse in their eyes. They stank of Ale and charged like a bull towards Sarlina. It seemed they were not concerned with Taryn.

Sarlina had a few seconds more warning than Taryn and she clumsily managed to turn and draw her sword just before the first warrior reached her. However, she was still caught off guard and was no match for the strength of the fearsome brute rushing towards her. He leapt at her, bringing his sword down from high in a crushing blow. Sarlina held up her sword and tryed to parry his strike but the sheer force of his attack sent her flying to the ground. She stared helplessly up at the warrior who stood grim faced above her. She twitched in fear and tears welled in her eyes, she knew she was dead. The second warrior stood over Taryn while the first glanced down at the Scroll and gave a sly smile. They then lifted their weapons as they prepared to strike the killer blow.


It would have surely been the end for Taryn and Sarlina if it had not been for another young warrior who had been secretly watching. Sarlina shut her eyes waiting for her end to come but it did not.

A third warrior sprung from behind the tree and with incredible agility, leaped over the wall at the brute standing over Sarlina. He turned towards the new attacker and went to raise his sword but the new warrior was just too fast and brought its sword down straight into the brutes neck, cutting deeply and letting loose a rush of blood. He grimaced in pain and sank to his knees as his sword fell from his nerveless fingers. The second enemy warrior rushed towards the new assailant, flailing his mighty war axe violently. However, any good warrior knows that an axe is useless and clumsy in battle. Once swung, it can't quickly be reversed and that small gap of time is all the new assailant needed. The second warrior swung his heavy axe down towards the new warrior who easily stepped aside and back swung their sword deep into the back of the enemies spine. He stumbled, then fell down, lifeless.

It had all happened so quick, within the space of a few minutes. Taryn and Sarlina were waiting for death but they had been saved by this new warrior. Sarlina stared at the warrior as Taryn began to stir and pull himself up. The two of them, in shock and relief, gazed at their saviour who stood with a triumphant look upon their face, a face full of confidence, a face of a young woman.


"Forgive me, but I did enjoy that." the new warrior said, then let out a triumphant shout. She bent down over the bodies of the two fallen warriors and gazed upon the markings on their shields. "Yes, I thought as much."

She turned and grinned at Taryn and Sarlina "Arn't you two lucky I turned up when I did." she laughed.

Sarlina pulled herself up. "Who are you?" she asked wearily.

The warrior smiled. "My name is Ariella but everyone just calls me Ella, so you may do the same."

Taryn stared at Ella in awe. She was a beauty, with a look of caring and kindness that warmed the heart. She was of average height with an athletic physique. She carried no shield, instead choosing to wield two swords with which she was as deadly and quick as a viper.

"We are in your debt" Taryn spoke in wonderment. "I cannot thank you enough."

Sarlina nodded in agreement. "Yes, we owe you our lives."

Ella sheathed her swords and smiled. "Thankyou, I'm just glad I got to you when I did." She looked around then turned back to Taryn and Sarlina. "Now we really must get going, as there will be more like these coming."

Taryn looked puzzled. "Why, what do they want us for?" he asked.

Ella looked down towards the scroll in Sarlina's hand. "Its that thing the're after, not you." A look of concern crossed her face. "They have been watching you two for a while now, waiting for you to unlock the scroll. Now they are coming for it and we must get you to safety."

"Who?" Sarlina demanded.

Ella frowned and walked out from the cottage. She turned back to face Taryn and Sarlina. "Lets just get moving and I will explain all in good time. We must get to Darkmire Mill, my brother is waiting their with a small group of men who can help protect us. Its a long walk but we can stop for a rest at Hangman's Watch, its on the way."

And so a weary and shaken Taryn & Sarlina followed Ella towards safety.

Hangman's Watch: Located half a days journey west of Grim Hollow Village. The tower was once a lookout post that kept watch on the western borders of Grim Hollow. It gets its name from the many hangings that occured at this site. Enemy soldiers captured trying to attack the borders were often hung from the old trees that overhang the tower. Many evil souls have been sent to the afterlife beneath the looming tower and the locals steer well clear of it.


They could see the tower from quite a distance, its dark silhouette splitting the skyline in two. It had been a long hurried walk with the constant fear that there may be more dark warriors following close behind. Ella had kept a fierce pace that the other two had struggled to keep up with and they were both tired. The trio finally came upon Hangman's watch and Ella led them down the small path towards the old tower.


Ella drew her swords and scouted the area. "We are safe for now." she said calmly, then gazed up at the old tower. "Such a violent history this place has." she spoke softly then turned to Taryn and Sarlina. "You may rest for a short while then we must get moving again. The enemy won't be far behind so we must get to the safety of my brother."

Sarlina put her hand on the scroll reassuringly. "Well they won't be getting this." she said defiantly.

Ella laughed in amusement. "Do you really think you can stop them? You would already be dead if I hadn't saved you. I don't think you realise how much trouble that thing is worth!" She shook her head. "Silly girl."

Taryn sided with Ella. "She's right Sarlina, we were nearly killed back there, for that old scroll. I don't see any good coming from it, we should just get rid of it." he proclaimed.

"Exactly!" Ella said. "It should be destroyed."

A look of anger crossed Sarlina's face. She had finally found Haldur's Scroll and revealed its secrets and she believed she could now achieve her dream of a restored Avalonia. Now all that was threatened because of this new upstart warrior.

She looked Ella straight in the face "No!" she snarled. " I will not let you do this. Don't you see, the scroll contains the knowledge of the ancient ones. We can harness their power to restore Avalonia to glory and destroy our enemys."

Ella sighed and shook her head. "I know the legends and I also know that our ancestors left that Scroll as a last resort, only if all else failed. The ancients never really wanted us to use those powers, it is to ourselves that we must look. That is what they would have wanted."

Sarlina laughed " There is no one, we have no hope, it is to magic that we must look." Sarlina gripped the scroll in her hand. " I have the power to restore this land to greatness and its in my hand, why should I risk that for your belief in men?"

Ella drew her sword and pointed towards the distance. "Out there, my brother awaits and with him, a fine group of warriors stand ready and waiting for my cousin to return with his warband. The finest warriors ever assembled in Avalonia are ready to fight for this land and bring peace and prosperity back to its people."

Sarlina smirked "Really now" she scoffed, "It sounds more like a hopeless last stand." she laughed and held the scroll up. "This will restore our land, not your so called war band."

Ella stared at Sarlina for an instant, her face unreadable, then she lowered her head and smiled. "We'll see" she spoke softly.

The three stood there quietly.


Taryn had been watching the confrontation closely and found himself caught between the two. He loved Sarlina, she was his friend since childhood and they had been insepparable. But during these last days he had begun to sense a change in Sarlina and for the first time he felt a distance forming between them. Then there was Ella who he had known for all but a day, yet in that small time he had grown to like very much. She shared the same dreams as him and she had given him hope. For the first time in his life, Taryn felt that maybe things were not all lost, that there were a group of people who were going to change things and fight for what was right. He wanted to be a part of that vision.

He turned to Ella, breaking the silence. "Who is this cousin you talk of?" he asked.

"Artorious" she smiled.

That was the first time Taryn was to hear that name and he looked puzzled. "Can he fight, can he lead?"

Ella nodded. " All that and more she smiled. I would follow him into any hellish dimension and know that I would always return safly with him by my side."

"Is that where we're headed" asked Taryn grimly. "To Hell?"

Ella turned and faced him, drew both her swords then smiled. "Not while I still have these in my hands."

And with that she turned, lifted her cloak's hood over her head and began walking back up the little path. "Time to make a move." she spoke.


Taryn turned to Sarlina. "Lets get going then, the quicker we get to the safety of her brother and his warriors the better."

Sarlina was still angry "This is all a waste of time Taryn, she has it all wrong."

"We don't have a choice" Taryn replyed. "Who knows what is out there following us. At least we can get somewhere safe if we follow Ella."

Sarlina scoffed at that. "Safe? For how long?" She glanced up to where Ella was waiting. "We'll follow her to meet with her brother, learn what we can from them, then slip away. I won't let them destroy this scroll and I trust that you will make the right judgement and follow me out of there." Sarlina placed the scroll back in her pouch and looked at Taryn. " If you care for me as much as I do for you then I know you will make the right decision." she gave him a kiss on the cheek. " Lets get going then."

Whats worse than one beautiful woman? The answer, two beautiful women! Taryn was stuck, drawn to both of them and left knowing that one day he would have to choose. Never an easy task for a young man.

And so the trio left Hangman's Watch and set out towards Darkmire Mill and the knowledge that they would be met by the saftey of Ella's brother and his band of Warriors.


"So we head for Darkmire Mill?" asked Taryn as they set of down the path.

"Yes" replied Ella. "To the safety of my dear brother...Lord Owain."

To be continued...

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Have to echo Kabel here! This is just epic! To first realize that the mocs you have are built by the same abs as we have and then to read the story! Wow!

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Indeed epic as always!!

The more stories you made of this saga, the more I can't wait for the next one!

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Fantastic builds and a great story, can't do much more than agree with the previous posts and look forward to the continuation :)

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Thanks guys, most appreciated. With this part I really wanted to start getting things moving and building up to something. Chapter 1 is drawing to a close with only 2 mocs left now, so I needed to start setting things up for its climax. I was always going to have Artorious featuring in this story as its really all about the time leading up to him becoming ruler. Then I figured why not add in Owain, who was a character you may remember from the whole Revolword saga. So it gives me a chance to flush out his back story as well.

Once chapter 1 is finished I will take a break then start working on Chapter 2 which I have some great ideas for. I also hope to star bringing in a few cameos of other members characters in chapter 2.

Glad to hear you are enjoying the story, that's actually proving to be the hard part lol

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Wow! Your MOCs are more art than plastic! You have an incredible base style and techniques, and you're parts usage is truly amazing! I also love your bases and the dark colors and atmosphere in these MOCs! :wub::thumbup: :thumbup:

I would also like to thank you for posting your guide for us to use! The techniques show in it are great! :classic:

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I think you are a great builder! Your landscaping is superb, and that's not even to speak of the buildings and ruins! Your Mocs inspire me a lot.

Your guide is great too! Will you update it again?

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great job Luke! your MOCs are inspiring, I'm loving the colours and teh dark vibe of this series so far. all its missing is a massive intricate tudor house! :laugh:

looking forward to how this progresses!

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You've really captured a fitting atmosphere for your story by using more realistic color tones :thumbup:

The roof on hangman's watch is superb :wub: and the little barred window fits nicely. The story is interesting as well, anticipating some more incredible builds for the Dark Isle Saga :classic:

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I really like ur new tree design, unfortunately I won't be recreating as I don't have the pieces. I also really like that tower. :wub:

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These are really amazing builds you have here! Great detail on the ruined house and I have always loved that tower technique! As usual great story-telling!

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Really creative builds! Especially those trees! I didn't know trees can be designed this way! Eye opener! :thumbup:

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I knew I recognized the name Owain from somewhere, but didn't remember who he was before I read your comment, including him was a great idea! The darkness of the builds is amazing, and the story is intriguing as always! You've developed both (or should I say all three) characters very well, though maybe Taryn should have a little more thought about the fact that he's leaving his home (instead of being so focused on the girls)? It just seems like he accepted the finding of the map, etc. a bit too easily.

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