
Eurobricks Citizen
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About Disco86

  • Birthday 05/29/1986

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  1. There has been a contest about tv series at my local LUG and one category was about building an important location within the series of our choice. I couldn't resist building for that contest and had to build one of the scenes I always wanted to recreate: The Breaking Bad Superlab. Most of you may know it, so I stop writing and let the pictures stand for themselves... Thanks for watching and commenting
  2. Disco86

    [M - A04] Infiltration

    Identification: Paul Bricktron Occupation: Explorer Report Code PB - WB - A04 Report: Infiltrating Kawashita base - Searching important informations - Reached gas facility Report: Secret mission - Enough spots to hide Report: Kawa guards won't see me - Seem to be inattentive Report End
  3. Disco86

    [M - D10] Asteroid field

    Thanks for all your great comments ! Sorry for not commenting at others builds and being that nice like all of you, but I got a lot to build on my desk and not enough time these days. Thanks, this effect was made with Gimp, I unfortunately don't know what the effect is called in english.
  4. Disco86

    [M - D10] Asteroid field

    Identification Paul Bricktron Occupation Explorer Report Code PB - WB - D10 Report: Asteroids ahead - Switching to manual controls Report End
  5. Disco86

    AG - M.A.N.T.I.S. Training Camp

    Please transfer 133 credits to woofmcmoose.
  6. Disco86

    AG - M.A.N.T.I.S. Training Camp

    Please transfer 40 credits to BigSal
  7. Disco86

    AG - Introduction and Discussion

    I have checked the different scores and start to believe that stories are getting more important, am I right ?
  8. Disco86

    [M - C10] Snow Patrol

    Identification Paul Bricktron Occupation Explorer Report Code PB - WB - C10 Report Arrived at the planet Marden - starting exploration Report Snow-trike in action - perfect vehicle on that terrain - may test top speed later Report Need to be careful - detected Kawashita units in this sector - weapons armed Report End
  9. Disco86

    [Challenge 2] [Cat B] The Spotted Orchid

    Your build has a cool classic vibe to it. Reminds me of Benny's spaceship transformed into Mantis style.
  10. Disco86

    Challenge 2: Unknown menace

    I amthinking about building a second ship, that may be more impressive. So I wanted to ask, if I may edit the complete post of my ship so far into a complete new one ? I also would like to use the transporter I already build in a weekly build after the challenge, if that may possible ?
  11. Disco86

    AG - M.A.N.T.I.S. Training Camp

    Please transfer all my credits to MysticModulus Thanks !
  12. Disco86

    [Challenge 2] [Cat B] MTT- Troop Transport

    Thanks a lot for all your cool comments Yeah, I totally love to reuse and modernize any themes of my childhood.
  13. Identification: Paul Bricktron Occupation: Explorer Report Code: PB - CH2 - CATB Report: Unknown menace detected - Need to test new transport vessels - Surpising new design Report: Corporate identity included Report: Could carry up to 4 soldiers - Needs just one pilot - Modern navigation system - Developed for orbital transport Report End
  14. Disco86

    [M D-04] Radar Raid

    Thanks for all your great comments. Was a joy building for MANTIS again, now let's start a spaceship As he already mentioned, the first version of this symbol was made by EpsilonEta. Thought it was awesome and so I made my improved version. Thanks, your basic version was really inspirational. First had problems to close the gap, but then I found one. The bottom slope is upside down and not connected. But it could be connected of you put it in front of a wall. The section over this is filled with vertical Studs and 1x1 plates.
  15. Disco86

    [M D-04] Radar Raid

    Identification: Paul Bricktron Occupation: Explorer Report Code: PB - WB3 - D04 Location: Terrial Minor Objective: Search & Destroy Kawashita communications Report: Explorer found radar station - starting attack Report: Enemy contact Report: Strong Defense - Elite troops in sight Report: Reinforcements incoming Report: Heading to destroy radar Report End