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Puerto Rodrego

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Hola todos! Donde estan mis calcetines? Mucho mucho espanolo gola gola quiero ir a la playa en las vacaciones bueno bueno bacalao manzanas y el pitufo tornasol! Me encanta espanol! :pir-grin: (I actually speak it quite well, but in the holidays I to miss out words)



New crop technique. Always falls apart :pir-hmpf_bad:


There's always been a need for some decent seagulls; will these do? There's a flying one (already released though) in the main picture. The one to the right is supposed to be landing/ruffling its feathers.



Domestic violence (they start early these days)...


I like to think of this as some sort of masonic hall, only converted into an opium den. It's up for interpretation...



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"Puerto Rodrego...Never will you find a more wreched hive of scum and villiany" (Spelt correctly?)

I like the smoke from the Pipes! And the dead soldier in the swamp...

I love the Evil baby, A born Evil Genius... :jollyroger:

Brill! :thumbup:

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Wonderful and pretty scenario, really! :pir-wink:

The fun I had with "domestic violence" image: priceless... :pir-cry_happy::pir-laugh:

Por cierto, veo que tu español va mejorando aunque, sin ánimo de ofender, quizá sería conveniente que revisases un poco la gramática :pir-tongue: Por curiosidad, ¿en tu escuela o academia estudiáis español de Sudamérica o castellano? :pir-look:

Edited by BlueBard

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23 posts

really like this MOC and I must comment on the great sea that you've done I love the way how you've got it to "wave" and all the other nice little touches, the scarecrow is awsome and the baby with the knife was a definate lol moment.

the seagulls could do with some little work but other than that this is a really cool Pirate MOC

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I was marveling over this on brickshelf. The style is very distinct, I could tell it was you without even clicking 'Up' to see your gallery. It is all done very well, the little details and techniques, though some connections look weak, such as on the crops, the picture is very strong and I stand in awe at the result. It is all done very well, and I applaud this. Well done. I don't give praise alot, but your stuff truly deserves it.

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Once again, amazing, SlyOwl! I  :pir-wub:  :pir-wub:  :pir-wub:  :pir-wub:  :pir-wub:  the scarecrow, and the seagulls are great! I snickered when I saw the violent baby; I've always loved the way you use a turban to hold the baby. Also, using those chain links for a roof is pure genius. Great job :thumbup:!

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An excellent MOC, it looks really run down and near collapse which looks great. The seagull designs are interesting and the best I’ve seen. I assume you’ve painted the doors can I ask with what and how well it’s stayed on? I love the opium den you’ve constructed especially the heads used, clearly opium is rather effective.

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Simply wonderful, an awesome lot of brilliant ideas and, most impressive, so very well staged. :pir-cry_happy:

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Very nice. How did you do the wave? I like the seagulls also. If you look at it from a distance, they look a lot better. How did you get the one in the first picture to fly?


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Gracias mucho mucho tesero! :monkey:

"Puerto Rodrego...Never will you find a more wreched hive of scum and villiany" (Spelt correctly?)

Puerto Rodrego is spelt right...but the English isn't as good :pir-grin:

Por cierto, veo que tu español va mejorando aunque, sin ánimo de ofender, quizá sería conveniente que revisases un poco la gramática :pir-tongue: Por curiosidad, ¿en tu escuela o academia estudiáis español de Sudamérica o castellano? :pir-look:

Estudio castellano, pero a veces tenemos que hablar espanol de Sudamericano (no tengo ganas buscar los accentos en mi ordenador) ~ no es tan dificil...

I was marveling over this on brickshelf. The style is very distinct, I could tell it was you without even clicking 'Up' to see your gallery. It is all done very well, the little details and techniques, though some connections look weak, such as on the crops, the picture is very strong and I stand in awe at the result. It is all done very well, and I applaud this. Well done. I don't give praise alot, but your stuff truly deserves it.

That was quick moderation - I only uploaded them a few minutes before you posted! :pir-oh3: And yes, the whole thing is pretty weak; it's a norm with my MOCs. However, as I don't display them, instead destroying them immediatly after I've uploaded photos, it doesn't really matter. When (if) I ever display anything publicly, it'll be built more strongly.

I assume you’ve painted the doors can I ask with what and how well it’s stayed on?

Yes, I painted them with medium green enamel paint, as I wanted to use less brown in the MOC, but the official green doors were too bright. The paint comes off with white spirit, so it doesn't really matter, but I like them as they are.

Amazing details. Blogged. Also stolen the title.

Roof from treadlinks is my favorite. Never seen this before.

Thanks! :pir-wub:

Very nice. How did you do the wave? I like the seagulls also. If you look at it from a distance, they look a lot better. How did you get the one in the first picture to fly?

Lots of 1x2 bricks built into a wall can be bent/twisted a surprising amount, so that's how I did the wave :pir-wink: The seagull was supported by a trans 5L bar, but I edited this out (you can see that the dark-tan 3x3 wing beneath it looks a bit strange, as I didn't do a particularly good job), a it looked funny.

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SlyOwl why are you so talented? You've crammed a lot of brilliance into this creation!

The decomposing Imperial Guard is a macabre yet demonstrates your high level of ingenuity.

This MOC must be frontpaged!

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Why did I not yet post in this great thread? Thank God we have Classic-Pirates to remind me.

The wave in the water is unique, so is the roof of the building on the left side, the animals are funny and the decomposing soldier also brings a nice touch.

Superb MOC!

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^^ that's a really nice moc Slyowl, as Usual, I saw it when I joined the forum, there is a lot of cool and amazing techniques on it!

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Slyowl does it again :pir-classic:

I like the rubbish look of the town, it looks like a place full of sickness, famine and death. I also like the numerous smart building techniques! the roof, the dock, the grain, the animals... too much :pir-blush:

At every point where I look there's something special, this is very nicely done!

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Hey how could i have missed this...

Awesome as always Sly, the seagulls look great! :thumbup:

You did a crap paintjob on those doors though, do you recycle your MOCs all the time?

Wouldn't matter much then ey.

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