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This is a continuation of A Backpackers Guide to the Greater Siccus Badlands

Beasts (here) and Intelligent Species (this post) of the Siccus Badlands

EDIT: I decided to make a new post for the intelligent species encountered in the Siccus Badlands because the original post was getting too long. I want to eventually make all pics the same size. Also plan to add a humorous description to every entry.

Intelligent species of the Siccus Badlands

Ay'Kabile A seafaring humanoid. Meaning "moon tribe" in the ancient Col'dili language, their skin radiates a soft blue hue in the moonlight. It is quite possible that they are the cause of many of the "ghost ship" sightings, for from a distance in the moonlight, they have a spectral appearance.


Centaurs - A humanoid having the lower body of a horse and a torso and head of a human.

(painting by Dugal MacLean)


Dwarves - A humanoid of short stature that loves to grow a long beard. They are found in just about every land of Historica.

Elves- A humanoid with long ears and large eyes. They are of only few numbers in the Siccus Badlands as they for the most part do not enjoy the heavy heat.

Grelves A humanoid rarely encountered, not much is known about them. However it is concluded from all encounters that they are a powerful and wealthy race.


Humans - The most common intelligent species of Historica. As the Siccus Badlands has a multitude of races, it is not yet known whether Humans are in the majority here.

Jivana Cusana - As described by Kcaj Nosnikta: "They lurk in tainted ruins across the plains of the Siccus Badlands, they hide in the shadows and ambush unsuspecting victims taking shelter, the Jivana Cusana suck the very essence of life away from you until there is no more. With enough life essence the Jivana Cusana can live forever until they are banished from this world."

(painting by Kcaj Nosnikta)


Karinca A humanoid of the desert known for their orange skin and their custom of painting white markings on their bodies to ward off desert spirits.


Lerik'ai- As described by Dugal MacLean, "They call themselves in their native tongue "The People of the Flame" we traders of Kaliphlin know them as indigenous peoples of the badlands, bandits, pests, evil-dwellers, devils, but most commonly we refer to them as Lerik'ai. They are humanoid, but have strange red, black, or gold skin colorings that set them apart from humans even from the farthest distance. They do not use animals for transportation, but can travel quickly over the desert sands. They live in small hobbles and in the rare cave or cavern within the badlands. They worship the black life force that the badlands provides, and hate that we traders take it from the ground. In fact, many a trader has lost their life to such a creature because they brought from the ground this crude. With the oil they tend to the ceremony of the flame - burning a vat throughout a ten day period in order to cleanse their souls. The Lerik'ai tend to be reclusive, and it is said if you see one, you know you will be attacked shortly. Oddly, Lerik'ai rarely leave their tribes - for they are hunted down and killed if they do. This has presented one of the few known instances of Lerik'ai entering a city or lands not parched like the badlands - as soon as the traitor has been dealt with, they return to the sands. They are a dangerous people, but just one of the many threats in the badlands. Beyond this, not much else is known about the People of the Flame."

(Painting by Dugal MacLean)




Minotaur - A bull in humanoid form.

Mountain Mummy Tribes- A humanoid that wraps himself in scraps of cloth to prevent dehydration found primarily in the Siccus Badlands. It is rumored that they are hundreds if not thousands of years old.


Edited by Mikel Kalores

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Mikel, I am very glad you joined our guild. Again, some great stuff you are coming up with.

it sounds like the Karinca and the Larik'ai could be distance relatives... The Larik'ai tend to have darker skin, but are known for painting their bodies for religious reasons also. Something our anthropologists will have to look into I think.

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Mikel, I am very glad you joined our guild. Again, some great stuff you are coming up with.

it sounds like the Karinca and the Larik'ai could be distance relatives... The Larik'ai tend to have darker skin, but are known for painting their bodies for religious reasons also. Something our anthropologists will have to look into I think.

Thanks! My creative side has really been inspired by all of you so I'm having a lot of fun with this!

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Rasputin do not let the name fool you! Kathryin is as much a slave as I am. We both escaped together from the same camp... I call her my Slave-Sister, as we watched over each other like brother's and sister during our ordeal... but that is a Legend to be told at a different time. (What Dugal said... but before i turned the page)

I thought she looked rather, well, smarter and foxier, than the average dwarven bearded lady, but one can never be sure with modern families. You must introduce us next time she is in Town.

Ska, the Wiki looks a very interesting idea. I have never contributed to one, and I am slightly intimidated by it. Is the cross-referencing automatic? Intriguing possibilities as a library.

Grelves A humanoid rarely encountered, not much is known about them. However it is concluded from all encounters that they are a powerful and wealthy race.


We love the Grelf so so much! You can tell it's a brilliant idea because it's a real "why did no-one already do that?" moment. How did the Grelves get so rich? I look forward to seeing more of them! Superb presentation too.

Belkar welcome, do share your stories over a beaker of mead.

Gex, welcome back. Your rapid propulsion over the white dune seas seems inspired by too many meads, how do you propose to get back uphill? Sailing on a kite or something equally preposterous, I wager :laugh: We must look into the profitability of adventure tourism in the desert.

I have put together my myth MOCs, the photography is pretty awful as my camera left the country without my knowledge. Some of the building is pretty ropy too, I had to get everything built and photographed in one day before the light faded, and it kind of shows. I'll try to write it up tomorrow, I think I will be breaking a few rules :wink:


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I, Belkar Docken pledge my service to this honorable guild.


Sorry for the tardy welcome... I've been absorbed in my projects, but here is warm welcome for you! Glad to have another member added to this amazing guild!

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I, Belkar Docken pledge my service to this honorable guild.


Also a warm welcome for you! If you are tired while trading, don't hesitate to visit Mpya Stedor!

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Belkar-- welcome aboard! Glad to have you with us!

We love the Grelf so so much! You can tell it's a brilliant idea because it's a real "why did no-one already do that?" moment. How did the Grelves get so rich? I look forward to seeing more of them! Superb presentation too.

I like them too. Looking forward to more backstory on the Grelves.

Gex, welcome back. Your rapid propulsion over the white dune seas seems inspired by too many meads, how do you propose to get back uphill? Sailing on a kite or something equally preposterous, I wager :laugh: We must look into the profitability of adventure tourism in the desert.

Well, I was in Mitgardia at the time, so I was roaring down the snow-covered mountains, not dunes. But I suppose it could work in dunes, as long as you kept away from the sand-worms. Or in the northern Rakath mountains.

The dwarves have rigged up some ingenious contraption to take us back up to the top of the hill. Couldn't tell how it worked, something about lava heating water into steam and turning wheels and moving cables... Apparently they tried using tame dragons to fly people back up, but the dragons' breath kept melting all the snow.

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Ska, the Wiki looks a very interesting idea. I have never contributed to one, and I am slightly intimidated by it. Is the cross-referencing automatic? Intriguing possibilities as a library.

Not sure if I fully understood this, but nothing automatically updates. We would have to do it ourselves. But since anyone can create or edit a page, it should not be too hard to copy and paste the same information as they posted here (the back story) and put up two or three pictures with links back to the post on Eurobricks and to their Brickshelf or Flickr folder.

Oh wait... do you mean the cross-referencing on the page? Like, do I just put in a link titled the same as another wiki page? yes, yes it is.

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Dugal What a great idea for WIKIpage!

That definitely has some potential! You're right at 3 months already we almost have an impossible amount of information to categorize.

So I'm keen to try this out - though can you can you easily transport information from wiki to another? eg right now we have the Kaliphlin wiki, and if this idea takes off and works well, I'd like to apply it across the board - I'd hate to redo all that work... so maybe we should try with a GoH wiki?

Also with regards to the cross referencing question - I think they mean if I type:

"Dextrus Flagg was raised on the mean streets of Petraea"

does it auto link to Dextrus and Petraea? or would we have to link it all together?

Mikel wow what a great collection of information. You're our very own little Charles Darwin! Categorizing species of Siccus!

Lizardmen makes me laugh :laugh:

I thought she looked rather, well, smarter and foxier, than the average dwarven bearded lady, but one can never be sure with modern families. You must introduce us next time she is in Town.


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Mikel wow what a great collection of information. You're our very own little Charles Darwin! Categorizing species of Siccus!

Lizardmen makes me laugh :laugh:

I do believe good sir, that understanding more about the inhabitants of a place does much to increase the understanding of the architecture and culture of such a place.

As there seems to be quite a bit of interest in the Grelf, I am pleased to announce that luckily I was able to dine with one for lunch and learned a bit more about them, one thing of which they are not the most informative of creatures. I was hoping also after finding out the age of the Grelves that perhaps they could help us in search of the Water Crystal, but after my Interview with a Grelf (I plan on placing it in the description of the Grelf tomorrow) I am convinced they will not reveal anything even should they know the answer.

The Lizardmen are funny indeed! However my painter does not share the same feelings for he became covered in paint when he jumped in fright as the Lizardman charged at him. But he had nothing to worry for I had my trusted guards ready with the nets and no one was harmed.

I must say that I have fallen in love with the Siccus Badlands and look forward to discovering more about it.

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About the subject of a wiki, making a wiki at is very easy, and I see no reason to not have 1 wiki for the whole Guilds of Historica. I like the idea and would definitely be interested in helping with it.

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Oh, well I don't think it automatically cross references, however if there is a page with the same title as the text, you can just highlight the word, click link and then make sure internal link is checked - it should automatically find it.

As for a GoH wiki, I have Thursday off, I could start that and then transport the little we have right now over to it manually (copy and paste, but we only have a few pages so far) Then if the other guilds don't want to do it, we can just run Kaliphlin side of the site by itself.

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In the last page of the Mitgardia thread, they have noticed the Kaliphlin wiki idea, and already created a Mitgardia wiki page. I didn't click on it yet to see what it looks like, but we may want to coordinate with them.

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As for a GoH wiki, I have Thursday off, I could start that and then transport the little we have right now over to it manually (copy and paste, but we only have a few pages so far) Then if the other guilds don't want to do it, we can just run Kaliphlin side of the site by itself.

Or you could just rename the existing wiki to be the GoH wiki, maybe? Not sure if it's that easy. In any case, I will hold off making any updates until you do your thing on Thursday. But I will make some updates to the detail Kaliphlin maps to get ready.

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Depsite the fear of ingratiating myself on my noble guildsmen, I was wondering if one of you could clue me in a bit more on the "mini-challenge" that I heard mention of a few pages back. I've been out of town for a while and working 60-70 hours a week (doesn't leave much time for creative exploration in bricks) so I missed the initial discussions about it. Unfortunately, I also wasn't able to get my embassy (in the Avalonian port of Brulum Harbor) done in time, but will still post it as a free build later. Hopefully things will slow down a bit at work and I can get back to building what I really want to build (as a construction manager I ironically much prefer the little plastic bricks to actual building materials).

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Or you could just rename the existing wiki to be the GoH wiki, maybe? Not sure if it's that easy. In any case, I will hold off making any updates until you do your thing on Thursday. But I will make some updates to the detail Kaliphlin maps to get ready.

It is probably easier to make a new one ;), anyway, I am happy to set one up right now?

Depsite the fear of ingratiating myself on my noble guildsmen, I was wondering if one of you could clue me in a bit more on the "mini-challenge" that I heard mention of a few pages back. I've been out of town for a while and working 60-70 hours a week (doesn't leave much time for creative exploration in bricks) so I missed the initial discussions about it. Unfortunately, I also wasn't able to get my embassy (in the Avalonian port of Brulum Harbor) done in time, but will still post it as a free build later. Hopefully things will slow down a bit at work and I can get back to building what I really want to build (as a construction manager I ironically much prefer the little plastic bricks to actual building materials).

On page 50 are the details for the Mini-challenge :classic:

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The chronicles of Mpya Stedor continues:

My link

With the whole city made in Micro-Scale in LDD:


I also will use this Picture for Mpya Stedor in the Kaliphlin Wikia :classic:

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Are we supposed to put everything in the past on the Wiki? (considering it is written nowadays and it is about the past)

or do we have to use the current use of verbs? (considering Kali Wikia is the Library of Petraea)?

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Are we supposed to put everything in the past on the Wiki? (considering it is written nowadays and it is about the past)

or do we have to use the current use of verbs? (considering Kali Wikia is the Library of Petraea)?

There is no point in putting this on the current wiki, it makes much more sense to have 1 wiki for the whole guilds of Historica. Ill make one for that now.

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Hey guys, I started a Mitgardian wiki, but if we want to make it into one GoH wiki thats good! If you have it setup, I can put the stuff I have right now into your wiki. Whatever you guys think is best.

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Just wondering: ain't it better to make it possible that only the Eurobrick members can have acces to edit the pages?

Otherwise some people can destroy our work...

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I just created a character page for myself on the wiki. It occurred to me that it might help if all our character pages follow the same format generally. Not saying my format is the right one, but it might help if we all had the same type of information on our pages. Take a look at mine and let me know what you think. Perhaps there are more sections that could be added. It seems fairly easy to change.

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Congratulations Gabe, another deserved win, hehe.

My dyslexic got the better of me again, I honestly thought you spelled it 'Kaiphilin' from the beginning, I feel stupid. :hmpf:

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