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About Skalldyr

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    A helping hand in a petrol kiosk!
  • Birthday 12/16/1990

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  1. Hi everybody! It is some time ago since we met in a small groupe this year in Günzburg. Nevertheless I wanted to share some pictures and also encourage all eventees to post their pictures to for everybody to enjoy. Welcome to LEGOLAND Günzburg! The pricepool this time enriched with some games and puzzles. Some amazing corner builds representing the eventees or telling a story about them. Good old "copy the transparent build"-contest. One day shopping in Munich on May the 4th. And of course some Rat-Spitting with the new champion of this years event! All the best Skalldyr
  2. I am sorry to hear that but I am looking forward to meet you again next year hopefully.
  3. So an update regarding the schedule of the event: It will get more concrete in a couple of days but for now I wanted to let you know that we will be in Legoland on the Friday the 3rd and to Munich and the Lego Store on the Saturday. Then it should be less crowded in Legoland and we can make it to May the 4th to the shop where they will have a special Star Wars build that day.
  4. Hey there Eventees! with it beeing one Month until we will see each other again in Günzburg it is time for an event building challenge! This year it will be: Build your own "Little Corner Space". So get creative and show us what you can come up with. It can represent a space fitting for you or be a space for your sig-fig (just tell a good story about why this is the build you choose).That way we also learn even more about each other. The rules should be easy (if you have questions just ask) and as following: Use LEGO to build a vignette on a 8x8 plate. Keep it in the following dimensions: 8x8 plate with two walls being 6 bricks high. Top it off with a row of tiles with some studs exposed. That way we can stack them together at the event and build a nice struckture. Therefore it should not have an overhang that would block this option. The space inside the walls should be filled with your imagination and your sig-fig or person inhabiting the space. And most importantly - Have fun! Here you find a reference picture: All the best and see you soon in Günzburg
  5. Hi everyone, please share in this topic where you want to stay. We have some possible options for accomodations near Legoland Günzburg: There is a Legoland Village (but no common room ) so I would rule this option out. There is a Hotel called Eurohotel (they have the option to get a conference room for our activities - I would need to ask how much it costs tho.) We could also get a holiday house for up to 6 people. Then we have a base camp where we can stay in the evenig. Prices are also cheaper then the Hotel. Of course you can also stay on your own and many opportunities are open for that (hotels, camping site, etc.), but then you have to see yourself. Eurohotel from 02.05.-05.05. (so 3 nights): Single room -> 402,50 € Double room -> 468 € (234 € per person) 3 people room -> 580 € (194 € per person) 4 people room -> 640 € (160 € per person) Plus eventual extra costs for a conference room (no price yet) Breakfast at Hotel is 12,5€ per person and night Holiday House (6 people) for 3 nights: Option 1: 567 € in total (94,5 € per person) 2 rooms with 3 beds each (1 double and one single each). Distance to Legoland -> 15 min. Option 2: 913 € in total (152 € per person) 4 rooms with 1 doublebed each. + 1 couch for 2 people. Distance to Legoland -> 15 min. Prices for the houses are a bit cheaper if we are less then 6 people staying there. If we stay 5-6 people that need accomodation still I can offer to be responsible for booking the accomodation. If someone else feels for it please leave a note if you would like to take over the job. Please everyone comming tell me your favorite option until the end of the week and we can proceed with the booking. My prefered option would be Holiday House Option 2. It offers a lot of space and is still cheaper than the hotel (with 4 people in one room). An even has a big garden and sofa lounge area.
  6. I editied the sign ups. And altered the dates by one day. We still have space for more Otherwise it will stay a little bit more cosy this time and there will be more chance to win at the event contest Accomoddation topic will come up next week.
  7. Better late then never! Last year we could finally restart our beloved Eurobricks-Event again and of course we are planning another Eurobricks event for this year! As we try to alternate locations it will be held in Günzburg, Germany. From Thursday, 02th of May until Sunday, 05th of May. Those who have already attended to one of our events know what I'm writing about - those who don't have an idea what this is all about, might want to check out the last events in the forum first. So if you are willing to be part of this fun and entertaining event, please reply here. As soon as we know how many people will participate we can discuss the accommodation options. Information about the program will follow soon - we still have room for YOUR thoughts and ideas! Set are the obvious attractions like Legoland (the FABRIK!!!) and Munich. And I have a feeling that some competitions will be held as well... Since Holodoc can not participate this year I took over some of the organisation but will also relate on you all to make this years event happening. So who is in? EDIT: Skalldyr Eiker86 Lasse D Ryushi Vaionaut Cwetqo (90% sure) plus family Bfenz / Dfenz (03. - 05.) Guests for the day: RC 1136 Quarryman Maybe: Aredhel
  8. And here are some of my pictures:
  9. Here is my entry: It is a recreation of the Ravensburger Museum. The building is one of the oldest patrician houses in the city of Ravensburg and is protected as a cultural monument. Houses of the World - Ravensburger Museum by Valentin, auf Flickr Houses of the World - Ravensburger Museum by Valentin, auf Flickr Houses of the World - Ravensburger Museum by Valentin, auf Flickr Houses of the World - Ravensburger Museum by Valentin, auf Flickr It was a real pleasure to see all the beautiful builds at the event and I feel honored that I even won.
  10. Skalldyr

    Eurobricks event 2023 countdown

    such a nice contest! And again thanks to you and the rest for the competition.
  11. Skalldyr

    Eurobricks event 2023 countdown

    There is currently 0 NEW versions of this set for sale on Bricklink (only used ones).
  12. Skalldyr

    Eurobricks event 2023 countdown

    That is some pressure... I will go with 0 prints in this sweet yellow castle.
  13. Skalldyr

    Eurobricks event 2023 countdown

    I am happy! The hard work payed off. (This one was actually hard. I had to dig deep to get this idea.) And as always it was an amazing ride of emotions checking the forum and finding out cool new things about Lego sets! Thank you very much for the organisation and all the others for the good competition!
  14. Skalldyr

    Eurobricks event 2023 countdown

    The instructions are only 1 "page" on the back of the box.
  15. Skalldyr

    Eurobricks event 2023 countdown

    The number 1 is visible on the printed raccoon tile.