
Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. peppe1983

    [MOC] Second Project: BLACK PEARL

    It's finish....
  2. peppe1983

    [MOC] Second Project: BLACK PEARL

    Yes you are right, however the limit I have set myself is that of not exceeding 75/80 cm. To make the hull with the same proportions as the real one I would have to add 2 more central sections and space the cannons at least 6 bricks (now 4). As for the trees, the sails and the shrouds, I prefer to do them live by assembling the pieces. If I had to increase the central sections of the ship I would have to reach 90 cm and then it becomes complicated if I have to insert it in a diorama :( If I keep these proportions, maybe I should move the last wing a little further back?
  3. peppe1983

    [MOC] Second Project: BLACK PEARL

    here is my final version of the black pearl hull. I still have to work on the masts and sails, but I prefer to deal directly with the assembly. Let me know what you think, A greeting Giuseppe
  4. peppe1983

    [MOC] Second Project: BLACK PEARL

    ok i try :) consider that the only change I made to the structure is that the distance between the guns has been reduced. For maximum accuracy I had to put six bricks between each cannon, instead of 4 (as I did) ... but I had to make this change to have the more contained measures :(
  5. peppe1983

    [MOC] Second Project: BLACK PEARL

    there is something that does not convince me in form, maybe I should slightly lower the aft cabin or maybe the bow that must be raised a little ... I'm trying to respect the dimensions of the original, but there is something out of place .... Maybe it should be a little longer? help me to see some errors in the shape of the hull please :)
  6. peppe1983

    [MOC] Second Project: BLACK PEARL

    Hello everybody, I share naval updates with you :) I'm quite satisfied with the shape, even if the scaling doesn't allow too many details to be entered. even the black color is a real problem when you want to enter the details ... at the moment the color of the bridge is dark gray, but in the end I will decide whether to change it to brown, then adjusting the cannons and the rest ... there are some things that are not definitive, such as the interior, the cannons and other details ... the interiors are still to be completed ... I accept advice, criticisms and everything you want to improve my work ... Ps: I am considering putting it on lego ideas once finished .... but I have to resize it because I'm already at 2800 pieces !!! A greeting joseph
  7. peppe1983

    [Moc] Red Lions Castle

    Amazing... Fabulous ... How many pieces does it have? Why don't you try putting it on ideas?
  8. I ask you for help .... I'm always looking for lots to increase my "library" of pieces and minifigures. Does this seem like a good deal for 50 euros?
  9. peppe1983

    [MOC] Second Project: BLACK PEARL

    Hi everyone and thank you for your answers. the project is going on with many difficulties, because of the small scale it is not easy to replicate the original model in every detail. As you can see from the new photos I modified the aft hull under the cabin, then I replaced the lego cannons with moc cannons. I am tempted to increase the space between the guns of two other bricks, but I should then redo everything. At the moment I am finishing the main structure, then I will move on to the details that will not be easy to bring out because of the black color of the ship :(. How does the ship look compared to minifigures? seems too small? The length of the model is about 63 cm (without the bowsprit) Any advice or criticism is welcome :) Sorry for the mistakes. Thank you
  10. peppe1983

    [MOC] Second Project: BLACK PEARL

    Thanks for your comments :). Consider that the bow is still missing to get the final length. As for the proportions (length and width), I should be very close to the real ones because I am following the construction plans of the wooden sailing ship. Then it may seem a little too high, but 2/3 bricks in height should not be considered because they will be covered by the water that represents the waterline. The mouths of the cannons seem to be slightly smaller and more spaced from each other ... But on this scale (about 1: 70), it cannot be done. While on a minifig scale everything can be done more precisely .... as long as you give up the lego hull ;) Thanks :)
  11. peppe1983

    [MOC] Second Project: BLACK PEARL

    I present to you the beginning of the works of my second project inspired by the black Pearl.
  12. peppe1983

    my first moc ship

    Hi everyone, I take this topic to show the photo of my first ship which was completed in May. As you can see I chose the black color. The ship is actually not complete, some details are missing .... The trees must be improved and some details are missing on the bridge. However, this project will not be improved because in a few weeks a favor will be demolished for the new project I am already working on. What do you think about it?
  13. peppe1983

    my first moc ship

    italiano Hi everyone, I'll update you on the ship. At the moment I finished the sides, the stern and the bow. The sides are of two different colors .... I can't make up my mind :). What does the shape of the ship look like and which color (of the side) do you prefer? I enclose photos ... Thank you all