
Eurobricks Vassals
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About exstatik

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    United Kingdom

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  1. @tsi these are excellent! @Bloodwave very nice!
  2. Wow, that looks great!
  3. exstatik

    [MOC] Classic train - 12v Shell Terminal

    @JasperL please do and show us the results. Would love to see this in real bricks!
  4. @WesternOutlaw that looks great in Red. I imagine the parts are a whole lot cheaper than blue too! ?
  5. exstatik

    [MOC] Classic train - 12v Shell Terminal

    Any progress withactually building this??
  6. Yes I think so too! ? Someone must have done it, I'd quite like to see how it looks before I look at ordering and gathering parts!
  7. True. I might try that. I just wondered if anyone has built those 7740's and 45's in 7710/7725 etc scale. Would be interesting to see. That monorail looks great!!
  8. I was thinking more of 6x16 plate ones like 7710 but in 7740 and 7745 design. I wouldn't mind seeing monorail versions though...
  9. As the title says really. Has anyone created anything like this? Would love to see them if so. Same goes for the other way round too. I've seen a nice long base 7710 carriage before on here. Look forward to seeing anything you've created along these lines!
  10. exstatik

    9v track power problems - advice needed

    Thanks guys. Yes, I think I will invest in one.
  11. exstatik

    9v track power problems - advice needed

    @zephyr1934 unfortunately double the price from any uk sellers ?
  12. exstatik

    9v track power problems - advice needed

    @freestorm hi, thank you for your detailed reply. At step 2 the light is going dark when I turn the transformer dial so it must be this that is faulty. It looks fine with no damage that I can see so not sure what is wrong with it. Are they known to do this? Unfortunately it looks like they are quite expensive to buy ?
  13. exstatik

    9v track power problems - advice needed

    @dr_spockI don't unfortunately. What might be making things short? And how can I teat without a meter?
  14. exstatik

    9v track power problems - advice needed

    @BrickMusher hey again! ? Yes, when I turn the yellow dial it gets darker/ dimmer with the connector attached. And yes it is the same when I do that. Thank you! ?
  15. Hi all, I recently picked up an old bundle of 9v stuff and I'm a bit stuck with son power issues and hope someone can help. I'm a 12v guy so I'm a bit lost! ?. The transformer seems to work. I can't get any power to the track. If I connect a cable from the transformer to the motor directly it works fine (or seems to anyway). When I connect the track connector cable to the track it just won't work. I've tried cleaning the track etc. Also, if I leave the normal 9v cable connected to the motor and then place it on the track with the track connector attached it cuts the power to the motor. Does that make sense to anyone? Haha. Hope someone can help as I'm baffled. Cheers!