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Everything posted by Henjin_Quilones

  1. Henjin_Quilones

    Book III - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion

    Use the BBCode option from Flickr to share the pictures (using the curving arrow at the bottom right of the picture). Just copy and paste the link from the box into your post here, and voila! it appears.
  2. Henjin_Quilones

    Book III - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion

    Yes, that should work. If someone else tries to claim it, well, it is whoever gets a settlement established in the HSS first that gets their settlement on the map.
  3. Henjin_Quilones

    Book III - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion

    The border with Mitgardia is the north eastern region, not western. There is already a bustling center of trade there near the Mitgardian border on the sea, called Osgard (check the map in the first post). You could prospectively site your city one or two river mouths over, or you could in fact be towards the north west and be near @Grover's settlement. There is room for you regardless, and I can't wait to see your first creations! I will get you added to the member list soon.
  4. Henjin_Quilones

    Book III - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion

    @CedricWoodgard, welcome to the Guild of Avalonia! All that you have listed there is possible. Your next step is to post the sigfig here with a bit of backstory (a sentence or two is enough, or several paragraphs if you so desire). As long as the island is not large it should not be a problem, though it likely will not appear on the map. I look forward to seeing your builds!
  5. The streets of Nar Shaddaa Category C Henjin Quilones III fingered the controls of his custom speeder as they approached the sharp bend up ahead. He knew this street well, having grown up here in a small apartment above Ursuylla's Horny Dragon Club with his twin sister and mother after his father had mysteriously vanished during the Clone Wars. His father had been a Jedi, his mother claimed, though clearly not a very good one if he had kids with a nightclub dancer on Nar Shaddaa. But fast reflexes Henjin certainly had, an ability to almost see things before they happened, and his Jenhin, his sister, did too; so perhaps his mother was correct about his dad. His reflexes certainly came in handy piloting these landspeeders at near-top speed down the twisting and narrow streets of the lower levels of Nar Shaddaa. Just before he was about to crash through the open door of Veenac'ebla's garage, doing who knows how much damage to the repair shop of the Twi'lek who had practically raised him, Henjin leaned hard on the levers, scraping the edge of the speeder on the pavement below, sending up a spray of sparks. The speeder reacted just as it was supposed to, and he did not crash into the shop, nor into the columns at the edge of the street; but he did crash into the side of the red speeder carrying the thugs of the Scarlet Spicer, a crime boss who claimed this territory. Henjin and Jenhin used to work for him before setting out on their own, but their petty thefts and basic annoyances had become too much for the boss to overlook anymore. Hence the thugs. Damn, their speeder was nearly as fast as his. And the pilot was good, too. The impact of speeder on speeder knocked his sister's aim off balance, and the bolt of plasma that was destined for the masked pilot's head seared the wall by Veena's door instead. Jenhin fired again while dodging a bolt from the purple-skinned Togruta in the other ride. She looked familiar, Henjin thought as he stepped on the accelerator and sped away from the corner. The chase was back on, with blaster bolts flying through the crowds that were flying out of the way, some even jumping over the edge of the road to the level below. Hopefully he could lose them somewhere in the narrows ahead; otherwise things were going to get a whole lot worse. ______________________________________ My entry to Category C. The interior of Veenac'ebla's shop is narrowly visible through the blast door, which was my entry for Cat. B, but the scene is entirely different; and the exterior build here is substantial on its own, well over 48x48 studs. I hope that will satisfy the judges. I am not nearly as happy with the lighting here as I was in the speeder shop, but it does the job well enough for an urban evening scene. C&C welcome.
  6. Henjin_Quilones

    Book III - Mitgardia: Guild sign-up and Discussion

    The welcome is about the only thing warm up there in the tundra!
  7. Henjin_Quilones

    Book III - Mitgardia: Guild sign-up and Discussion

    @Aurore, awesome fig combo and welcome to the Guilds!
  8. Henjin and Jenhin Quilones' speeder Henjin Quilones III and his twin sister Jenhin need a fast speeder to get away from trouble, but somehow trouble always seems to find them. Their latest ride is a souped up landspeeder from the shop of Veenac'ebla, with all sorts of upgrades from the base model. They need every one of them to stay alive day to day. He drives, she shoots. Back view: _____________________________ I drew a ton of inspiration, but only a few techniques, from @Inthert's beautiful M-68 Landspeeder. Of course, mine is not based on anything in official (or unofficial) canon, so I could do anything I wanted, and his is super accurate to the source material. There are studs facing in almost every direction, and it is fairly sturdy, too (though definitely not sturdy enough to survive my toddlers). I am pretty satisfied with it, myself. C&C welcome.
  9. Veenac'ebla's speeder repair shop Everybody's speeder needs a tuneup every so often, even those living on the smuggler's moon of Nar Shaddaa. Here in the Twi'lek Veenac'ebla's shop, her professionals will get your ride back on the streets again in no time, ready to speed you away from the scene of your latest escapade. Modifications by her crack team can give your ride that extra bit of zip to evade the heat when you need it most. Henjin Quilones III knew that Veena was the one to hook him up with the speeder he and his twin sister, Jenhin, would need. They were forever getting into deeper trouble here on Nar Shaddaa, trouble that could only lead them into one of two places: death, or service to the Black Sun. Or the Hutts, perhaps. For now, however, they were still free. Wex and Phril might be grumpy, but they are good at what they do. But Tiba and Anni'kena are better. That is why Henjin and Jenhin always looked for the work of Tiba and her apprentice. The speeders: _______________________________________ This represents my first build in the Star Wars universe (that I will publicly share; there were some years ago, fresh out of my dark ages, that scarcely deserve mentioning). It was fun to do stuff with greebles and technology, as opposed to medieval fantasy all the time. Plus, it gives me an excuse to use the hundred-plus SW minifigs I own for their intended purpose. As a little Easter egg, the propulsion units from Luke's landspeeder (set 7110) from 1999 are in the back corner, this being the 20th anniversary and all. The story isn't much by my usual standards, but it will do for now. C&C welcome. @MKJoshA, through the door you can see the street where the race will occur, but it is clearly not the focus (nor in focus) for this build. Hope that works!
  10. Henjin_Quilones

    May 2019: Star Wars Landspeeder Contest

    Category A: Category B: Category C:
  11. Henjin_Quilones

    Realm of Wytheria

    Hi Cedric, as long as Wytheria can fit somewhere within the established lore of Historica, this is the place for you! The first thing to do is to read through the first posts (you don't need to read the whole thing unless you want to) of the New Member Guide, as well as to browse the different Guilds (Avalonia, Kaliphlin, Mitgardia, Varlyrio) to see which you would like to join. There is room in any of them for a new kingdom, with its own lore, stories, and adventure, as long as it can "play nice" with others; that is, no claiming to be the most powerful this-or-that that the world had ever seen, or something of that sort. You'll find that most of us are inspired by LotR, GoT, HP, Narnia, and countless other books, movies, and video games. It all fits in here, somewhere. If, on the other hand, you want to tell your own story and not have to fit into any sort of pre-existing framework, as loose as it is, perhaps posting your story in the main Historic Themes forum is the way to go. I hope you will choose to build here, though! If you need any help choosing a guild, or have any need of advice, ask in the New Member Guide, or in a particular guild's thread, and someone will be delighted to help. I'd recommend Avalonia, myself, but I am a bit biased as the leader of that fine Guild...
  12. Henjin_Quilones

    Castle Factions

    And that was the beauty of the old factions - any of them could be good or bad, depending on the viewpoint of the builder, without it being pre-programmed into the builds. Perspective was everything!
  13. Henjin_Quilones

    Castle Factions

    The Wolfpack was always my favorite, due in no small part to my favorite animal as a child being the wolf. They typically allied themselves with the Forestmen, as both were a bit outside the main stream of law, but both were heroic like Robin Hood and the like--noble outlaws. The Black Knights (probably the same as the Black Monarchs, but in the literature I had they were the Black Knights) were the most populous of my knight collection, and they were usually the "bad" guys of the established order, against whose laws the outlaws were out. They were not usually evil, though, just unjust to the common man, or at least to some common men. Since I had only one Crusader, that shield went to a special knight, usually a leader among the Black Knights, and my few Black Falcons were interchangeably allied with the Black Knights or the Wolfpack, depending on the backstory I had devised that particular time. I missed the rest of castle, until (just barely) Kingdoms and Castle 2013, when I had come out of my dark ages. I wanted many sets from the mid-late 90s, but never got them due to other prioritization of limited LEGO resources, sadly. Even now, though, I refuse to adhere to the good/evil paradigm that LEGO puts forward, and the knights with dragons often end up being the good guys for me, and the lions end up being the disliked rival faction (though not evil). But to answer the original question, I don't think any of the factions were good or bad inherently in the Golden Age of LEGO castle; Crusaders, Forestmen, Black Falcons, and Black Knights were all neutral until the builder him- or herself decided.
  14. Henjin_Quilones

    Ninjago Legacy Contest - Voting

    8 - 1 point 13 - 2 points
  15. Henjin_Quilones

    MOC Medieval Windmill

    You can cut hose and still be purist; older LEGO instructions required you to cut your own hose to the proper length, so it counts as a legal move.
  16. Henjin_Quilones

    Challenge III Mirandor Castle

    Book III Challenge III is currently underway.
  17. Henjin_Quilones

    May 2019: Star Wars Landspeeder Contest

    Plus there needs to be at least 10 entries for the prizes to be awarded...
  18. Henjin_Quilones

    May 2019: Star Wars Landspeeder Contest

    I had been going to ask for an extension, so this is good. I've got Cat. B almost done, and three possibilities for Cat A, and bold plans that might just work out now for Cat. C.
  19. The Crowning of Wilfred Sigurd Final Entry for the Game of Thrones: Avalonia Mini-challenge Wilfred Sigurd began to walk slowly down the center of the throneroom, the scepter feeling odd in his hands, the crown, newly placed upon his head, uncomfortably heavy. Perhaps someday he would grow accustomed to these things, the trappings of his new office, but he did not think so. There was much to do; the vow he had made to his dying wife, all those years ago, to forswear war and violence and to dedicate himself to peace, came to his mind. He would have to work hard to maintain the peace that the realm needed so badly. He had alliances to forge, taxes to collect, verdicts to decide...but all that could wait. He straightened his back, made eye contact with his son, Robert, and then began to smile warmly at the gathered lords and ladies of the realm; all of the inhabitants of Avalonia, it seemed, had come out to see him crowned king. He would not disappoint them. ____________________________________________ ........................................................................................ My entry, on behalf of @Servertijd. The architectural details are pretty cool, in my opinion, even if the tiles on the columns were nearly impossible to keep straight; I need more light bley jumper plates, apparently. The lighting, on the other hand, was unpleasant. It took multiple sessions and different configurations before finally getting something that at least was halfway decent. It looks a bit like the dim light of an old castle, I guess. The red window, commissioned to honor the blood spilled by the fallen Avalonians during the wars with Revolword and Raavage, shines particularly bright. Every member of Avalonia had his or her sigfig placed in the build somewhere, though unfortunately not all are visible. Some are up above in the balconies, some down below. All are fleshie, regardless of how they are otherwise presented, and the closest approximation I could get from the parts I had on hand. So some don't look that close, unfortunately, especially if three other sigfigs used the same hair or torso...
  20. Henjin_Quilones

    May 2019: Star Wars Landspeeder Contest

    Sounds good. When I get some decent progress built I'll share it with you.
  21. Henjin_Quilones

    LEGO Sci-Fi 2019 Pictures and Rumors

    It is not released yet. It's set 76118.
  22. Henjin_Quilones

    May 2019: Star Wars Landspeeder Contest

    @MKJoshA, would it be acceptable to combine the builds for Cat. B and C into one large build? Specifically, I am planning on building the interior of the shop for Cat. B, but want to build a bit of cityscape visible outside the open door of the shop (to have an immersive, all-LEGO scene); but I want to have the two speeders racing on a street for Cat. C, which would be the same street visible from the inside of the shop, and perhaps some part of the shop interior would be visible through the still-open door. Each portion of the build will be sizable (in the neighborhood of 48x48 each), but to create the immersive views some part would overlap. Could it be entered in two categories, since the view and presentation would be radically different in each?
  23. Henjin_Quilones

    The Future of Lego Space. (opinions, ideas, discussion)

    This depicts the Earth-based launch center, not a location on Mars. The figure in space clothes is presumably running through a simulation, hence the scientist-looking person with a laptop looking on. The theme is Mars Exploration, but most of the sets are still in LEGO City on Earth, getting ready to explore Mars, doing the typical NASA-type stuff like tests and simulations. They need to make sure the gear does what it is supposed to do, after all, before sending it thousands of miles across space to another planet!
  24. Henjin_Quilones

    May 2019: Star Wars Landspeeder Contest

    I have never posted a Star Wars MOC, but this might get me to try my hand at something. I certainly own enough SW sets and pieces...
  25. Henjin_Quilones

    Book III - Challenge III: What Will Tomorrow Bring?

    The relevant section of the rules is here: To re-phrase the rule, the size restriction is 1296 studs (36x36=1296); thus, if your creation occupies a footprint of less than or equal to 1296 studs, you should be fine. Now, I would not advise building anything 1x1296, but dimensions as extreme as 18x72 are theoretically possible (if we follow a pattern based on previous challenges) or irregular bases that have a stud count of 1296 or less. You posted as I was beginning to reply! You are correct that 33x44 is off-limits for Cat. A, but you could use it for Cat. B if it fits the prompt. You do not need to hit the extreme upper end of the limit, after all.