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Everything posted by durazno33

  1. durazno33

    [ENTRY] 1747 Treasure Surprise Remake: Rum Rock

    I'll start off by saying, I didn't connect this set to the original with all of the changes. The theme is the same but it is quite the shift. Not an unwelcome one; just a bit of a surprise. The rocks on the left side of the set is a bit flat. I think you could fix that by removing one leaf piece and putting a 1x2 dark grey cheese slope piece there to add some variety.
  2. durazno33

    [ENTRY] Rock Island Refuge (Now Finished)

    Box it up and start taking orders. This looks great! I just rebuilt my copy of this set a few days ago so it is nice to see the improvements that you have made. I like the crow's nest tower. It provides a reason for the bridges to nowhere that were present in the original. I see you changed the sail color on the small boat from blue to red. I like this color change choice. I think my only complain is that one dark grey 2x2x3 slow you have half way up the ramp. I don't mind the lower one as it is close to the other grey ones but that one seems bit far up from the rest of them.
  3. durazno33

    [ENTRY] 6279 Skull Island Remake

    When I compare this to the original I appreciate that you added some stairs to allow the figs to get to the top. Getting rid of those BURPs is always a step forward and changed the red to dark red bricks is a nice touch. As far as feedback: I think it is a little too short. In the original the red portion was taller so that the second floor actually had space for a person to fit their fingers in and play with the pirates at the table. This is a little too short to do that. I imagine that you made it this height so that the stairs that you added on the back would reach from the second floor to the third floor. Lego stair pieces tend to be a bit short. If you look at the medieval market 10193's blue building, you can see that the designer added some bricks at the top to make up for it being too short for a proper floor height. If you have time, which is really short at this point, adding that extra height would help fix the proportions a bit.
  4. durazno33

    [ENTRY] Shipwreck of Avedo

    I do like the tree as well though a couple coconuts or palm fronds could be nice. As far as the model boat? I guess I don't understand it. Is that the top of the ship sticking through the sand or a model ship? Is it the mast of the ship that the pirate has put into the sand? I guess I'm not sure what I'm looking at as far as the "boat" goes.
  5. durazno33

    [ENTRY] Short Pork Island

    It's looking good! I love the details in the idol, the prison cell, and the throne in the tree. The catamaran seems to have a really thick side float. Can you make it a bit thinner? Maybe just taking the 1x4 red tile off might do the trick. I think it would make it appear less heavy.
  6. durazno33

    [ENTRY] Purple Privates (Mini Set)

    I like the purple theme as something different. Something a private merchant force might do. I'm not sure I like the orange minifig though as it clashes with the rest of the theme. Also why does one of your row boats have a completely flag seat so that a minifigure can't sit on it? And since one of your boats has white oars, I would suggested having all the boats have the same color. Brown would work fine so that they don't disappear with the white boat behind them.
  7. durazno33

    [ENTRY] Eldorado Bastion

    As has been said, you did a great job of integrating the raised baseplate. I got vibes of a star fort when I first saw it. I wonder if you had two or three copies of your MOC, if you could create a star fort. I do wonder why your east and west towers (looking down from above) don't match styles? It would add some continuity between the two corners of the build.
  8. durazno33

    [ENTRY] Caribbean Brig - better known as the Ironram

    There is a lot to love here. I like how you brought out the yellow as a contrasting color to the black and blue with white as a neutral color. It makes the ship POP. I do think that there are a few too many cannons though. Each cannon takes a couple of sailors/soldiers to shoot so you are either over cannoned or under staffed. I'd recommend taking a few cannons off the top deck. and maybe the aft. That way the ship appears well manned.
  9. durazno33

    [ENTRY] 1802 Tidy Treasure - Remake (Mini Set)

    The original set was my first pirate minifigure ever. I loved the play feature of hiding the treasure. The gold was a particularly favorite part of mine. The particular gold pieces don't seem very shiny. Have you experimented with how this looks with brighter/shinier gold pieces? That might be a nice addition. Great job on this remake!
  10. durazno33

    [ENTRY] Imperial Outpost Remake 6263

    The red awnings look really sharp with those rounded corner tiles. I like the curved top as it provides an opposite to the curved arches below. All the hidden treasures are also really nice. I might suggest adding some wheels to the cannon so that it can be turned about. Looks great!
  11. durazno33

    [ENTRY] 6269 Redbeard's Rocky Island Escape

    I like the awning a lot. It adds a lot of interest to the shape and to the story. Looks good!
  12. durazno33

    [ENTRY] Shark Cart

    Haha, this makes me laugh every time. Who needs a motor with lots of horsepower when you have motivation plus sharkpower at your disposal.
  13. durazno33

    [ENTRY] 6281 Pirate's Perilous Pitfall Remake 2023

    This is a nice step up from the original. I like how clean your brown bridge is from the island to the shipwreck. It looks solid yet nicely detailed. The one thing that stands out to me as a bit odd are the light tan colored "dried" fronds on your palm tree. The shape looks a little off to me. Are you representing the dried seed pods that some palm trees have? Or is it just dried palm leaves? I'm not sure what they are.
  14. durazno33

    [ENTRY] Shark Cart

    That's hilarious! Made me smile when I saw it. Is there room for a fishing rod to dangle a fish in front of the shark?
  15. durazno33

    [ENTRY] - King Kahuka's Outrigger Boat (Mini Set)

    Maybe it is just the lighting but I do like the one on the left a bit more. The red bars and the red spike make it seem that much more appealing.
  16. durazno33

    [ENTRY] Shipwrecked Survivor (Mini set)

    As has been said before, great color scheme. It looks sharp. Speaking of sharp, doesn't a pirate need a sword? I guess the question is, "What's more important to a pirate: an awesome mustache or a sword?"
  17. durazno33

    [ENTRY] Fortune Idol (Mini Set)

    That's a fun islander set. It would have been a great mini set back in the day. One suggestion I'll add is to ask if there is a way to round the end of the tongue? I thought maybe using a red surf board instead or adding two quarter circle 1x1 tiles. The red surf board might be hard with the hole but the 1x1 quarter circle tiles might be able to do it if you can find a extra piece to remove. (You'd have to move the 2x4 light grey plate down one stud but it might work)
  18. durazno33

    [ENTRY] The Lost Lagoon

    Wow this is great! Like Islanders meets Ewok Village. There is a lot to love. The only thing that could make this better and is totally is probably a pipe dream is that if you were able to incorporate the throne and gold from the 1994 Lego Catalog somewhere in there. Maybe on the second or third level of the center building. But that might be too much at this point. Great job
  19. durazno33

    [ENTRY] Rock Island Refuge (Now Finished)

    Looks like you're making some great progress. I agree with what has been said about that raft. That's a great sail. Keep up the good work!
  20. durazno33

    [ENTRY] Base impériale

    I like your crenulations and how they make room for the cannon to fit with an upside down curve. It look unique and really good. The curved staircase is also great. As far as feedback goes, I do think the tower would be fine with only 2 lanterns as 3 seems a bit crowded on top. Your bridge looks great but could use some ropes on the side so people don't fall off as they walk over it. Well done! I don't speak French so here is what Google translates my comments as: J'aime vos crénulations et la façon dont elles permettent au canon de s'adapter à une courbe à l'envers. Cela a l’air unique et vraiment bon. L'escalier courbe est également génial. En ce qui concerne les commentaires, je pense que la tour conviendrait avec seulement 2 lanternes, car 3 semblent un peu encombrées au sommet. Votre pont est superbe mais pourrait utiliser des cordes sur le côté pour que les gens ne tombent pas en marchant dessus. Bien joué!
  21. durazno33

    [ENTRY] Caribbean River Soldiers (Mini Set)

    I like the changes. It's a nice way to have it be a battle pack and sneak in a build element. Though do feel sorry for your loss. He was a great soldier. May his soul rest in pieces. ;)
  22. durazno33

    [ENTRY] 6254+6258 "Remastered" - Atolls

    This is a great build! I love the story telling with the cast away guy sees the boat as the real treasure thinking he is saved and can now leave the island while the pirates are after the treasure not realizing they might be short a boat real soon. (just my imagination). The shark must be really hungry to attack dolphins. And to see the little turtles hatching and running into the ocean. As far as feedback, I don't have much in the way of criticism. I really wish you could add a soccer ball named Wilson but I don't think it would fit the theme. :)
  23. durazno33

    [ENTRY] 6269 Redbeard's Rocky Island Escape

    I think what you have is a solid build. I do have a couple ideas. -When I look at it from the front, the build is very flat and square. I think it needs some variation in the height so that it isn't a square build. If you put an awning over the door to the jail, that would give some shape to the back. On the top, you could also add some shade as it would be natural to want to sit on that bench in the shade. You could do this by draping a sail or other fabric at an angle from 3 or four vertical poles. This seems more like a house than a fort. Maybe remove the crenulations and put in a railing or something else to make it less fort like. The cannon is fine as a good pirate gentleman would keep his fine cannot to impress his house guests as well as keep back nearby ships. Just a couple suggestions. Happy building!
  24. durazno33

    [ENTRY] Rock Island Refuge (Now Finished)

    Looking like a great foundation for something spectacular to come!
  25. durazno33

    [ENTRY] 1492 Battle Cove 2.0

    I do like that you included the brick built cannon instead of the regular one. However, the brick built cannon is a bit smaller so could you shrink the opening a little bit between the walls and maybe put it on a small platform? It seems a bit too small for the opening.