
Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by jester

  1. New parts - I'll take a look what i can do with images, thanks! Also update for today
  2. I'm a quick study. Also forgot those parts
  3. My small update for last 3 days
  4. Sorry for maybe spamming, but i can't stop
  5. Thank you for tutorial guys!!! The next question is: how to create decoration map for new parts (or simplier - two-colored parts like 35660)
  6. I'm already working on decorations for Ms. Marvel ))
  7. jester

    CMF Series 17 Rumors and Discussion

    I still hope to see basketball player because we already have soccer football hockey
  8. jester

    Ideas for CMFs

    I really love that design!
  9. Also if you have scanned stickers and can take a photo of minifigs and others prints so we can add it to official library you can contact me by pm here or on Mecabricks ( nickname Stas ) Have a good time)
  10. Yep, i don't have it on Steam yet too
  11. If i remember on 30 january must be an update for lego worlds
  12. Where did you get them?) and what about the back of sam wildon?
  13. I want to see double coloured legs and arms
  14. jester

    Decal Wish List

    I have them
  15. It's a very hard way to extract files Simply download quick bms and ttgames file for it Look http://aluigi.alterv...rg/quickbms.htm
  16. Does it work with nxg_texture or only tex files?
  17. I'd like to see the stickers not decorations
  18. So Ihave the update too but there is a problem it's updating and after running there are no new parts when i close it and run it's updating again and after four times it's the same
  19. Nice work ,lego2lego! I've tried to do opera house, but couldn't because os anle of shells