
Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by AwesomeBantha

  1. AwesomeBantha

    [Review] 75049 Snowspeeder

    Whoops, my bad! Updated the post!
  2. AwesomeBantha

    [Review] 75049 Snowspeeder

    Great Review, Darth Yannick! I agree, it's a good set but it's horribly overpriced. Even the $35 30 in the US is too much for me for this set. $20, is what it IMO is worth.
  3. AwesomeBantha

    [MOC] Proxy's Advanced Mos Eisley Cantina

    Awesome MOC, Proxy! You've made a great set even better! I like the overall look of it-the bar is especially cool! I wish LEGO had made the set a little bit bigger, but you've given us a good option-an alternative build! Now, I've gotta find two of these on clearance!
  4. AwesomeBantha

    [MOC] Umbaran Mission Briefing

    Where did you get THREE Clone Lieutenants ?
  5. AwesomeBantha

    Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here

    Exactly. Why would they bother releasing a single figure that is unique, totally out of context. Maybe TOR stuff is coming...
  6. AwesomeBantha

    Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here

    It is Lando. I have all four sets and I would say that the palace is the best; you get Jabba and 8 more figures, all intricately detailed and of superb quality. The Rancor pit is the next best thing because, you guessed it, the Rancor. It's huge, its arms, fingers and mouth all move. It can eat a whole figure. The skiff is good for figures and parts, but the set is kind of meh. The barge is similar; you buy it for the figures, but the parts aren't all that great and the build is below average. Also, even though it comes with Jabba, there are fewer figures than the palace. You, IMHO, have made a good choice. Have fun building!
  7. AwesomeBantha

    Making a Lego death star out of an IKEA lamp

    Unleash the Kragle!
  8. AwesomeBantha

    Steampunk AT-AT

    As always, this MOC doesn't dissapoint! I love the coal-powered engine ! Good luck!
  9. AwesomeBantha

    My weak sauce Imperial Tie/In Tie Interceptor

    In the movies and comics, the TIE fighters have somewhat of a blueish appearance when they fly around. The blueish color is also present in the comics, and so, for some reason that I don't know, TLG decided to make the ships more EU (comic) accurate. Hope this helped, and good luck with your fleet upgrading!
  10. AwesomeBantha

    Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here

    Yep, Attack of the Wargs and GKB are both great to have. Laketown Chase is also a good choice. Pick these up if you find them on clearance: 50% off or more. But sets can only get you so far; you'll eventually have to use BL/eBay for the leaves because AotW doesn't have enough. So, you might as well buy slopes and leaves on BL and build a tree, because it's easier, and you won't end up with extra parts or figures. Have fun building!
  11. What a great build, Rolli! I love thr color scheme! The best part about this build is that instead of the dirty, grimy, machiney (is that even a word?) look commonly associated with SP you've made something upscale and classy! Like your other MOCs I love the part usage; the plumes are a very creative solution. Good luck!
  12. AwesomeBantha

    survey Picture versus Video Reviews

    I personally like pictorial reviews because I can easily "skip ahead"; I don't want to spend 15 minutes looking at various minifigs and 2 minutes looking at the set.
  13. Hello Everyone, Today I checked my spam inbox and noticed that in the past month or so, I've received 54 spam messages. I've never gotten more than 3 spams per month, but I noticed that almost directly after I signed up for EB I started getting ads for "cheap drugs" and fake watches. Has this happened to anyone in the past? Are there any steps I can take to make my EB account more secure?
  14. AwesomeBantha

    Spam Emails after signing up for EB?

    No, I haven't given anyone my email at all. Maybe it's something else. I'll try a little experiment; I'll change my EB email to a blank email address. If I get spam, I can trace it back to the EB database.
  15. AwesomeBantha

    [SoNE Ep. 6] Boba Fett's Messenger

    Is the cloth from this set?
  16. AwesomeBantha

    [SoNE Ep.6]Boba Fett said "Thank You" too

    Yep, couldn't agree more!
  17. AwesomeBantha

    [MOC] Moe's Classic Cantina Redux

    Great update, Vitreolum! You've made a great MOC even better ! The dewback is awesome !
  18. AwesomeBantha

    LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors

    Yeah, they probably won't. But maybe they'll release exclusive figures (like SDCC)... You forgot the T--16 Skyhopper! It's the one set I'm excited about!
  19. AwesomeBantha

    Zombie Eye Scream Truck

    Eye Scream, You Scream, We all scream for Eye Scream! Again, great MOC, summo13!
  20. AwesomeBantha

    MOC: Benny's Super Cycle

    Great job, summo13! This is what NCS (Neo-Classic Space) is all about-combining original colors and ideas with modern building techniques. You've done a fabulous job with the stickers, and I love the tailfins with the logo! My only (minor) criticism is that the wheels are a bit low. Other than that, Everything is Awesome !
  21. AwesomeBantha

    MOC:Bad Cop's Pet Shark

    Lasers! Sharks! Laser Sharks! Nice BW flamethrower !
  22. AwesomeBantha

    Future Star Wars Minifigs

    A Bantha! :laugh:
  23. AwesomeBantha

    Show Your Army, Navy, and Collection Display

    Cloud City ! I'm so jealous !
  24. AwesomeBantha

    LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors

    No, but the NYCC (New York Comic Con) is from Oct.9-12. Maybe we'll see a release there...
  25. AwesomeBantha

    How do I find someone who does commissions?

    [OFF-TOPIC] ResIspaLoquitur, I was around there recently (Brickfair VA and other stuff) and was wondering what the historic building is. When the model's complete I'd love to see it!