
(Completed) Call to Arms! Battle of The Wither Woods (And LDD Ch

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She survived. After I finally get done writing the last three chapters, I will do an epilogue that gives a quick rundown where everyone was and what they did.

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So Sir Rex is still fighting :wink:

I'm looking forward to the battle's result :sweet:

BTW, this is Sir Rex's head (he's not that bad :laugh: )

Edited by Garmadon

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Sorry everyone, no more edited photos as for some reason I cannot log onto Flickr to upload them.

Chapter 18

The King is Dead, Long Live the King.

In the hand of Alden Logan, Second Lord of Eastgate, serving Petera.

Continued letter to Lord Petera from earlier…

Your brother arrived, and made quick work of most of Lord Zach’s men. I thought that Dugal and Paulos had made a blunder here sending such few forces towards our secret attack. The first set of Titans that attempted to charge were even defeated and an Ice Storm from Mikeo’s hands left many of the Kaliphlin Guard dead. However, this was apparently just a ruse, as the real counter attack came shortly after.

The GEAR light horse bowmen opened up a devastating volley of arrows that took the lives of many of the Blackguard serving Mikeo.

In the hand of Alden Logan, Second Lord of Eastgate, serving Petera.

Then came the dwarven rockets…

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A large burst was heard clear as day on my side of the field, this rocked killed almost all of the snake guard with Mikeo, and downed the leader of the Black Guard.

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A final fireball from one of their mages wiped out another half of the blackguard. In 25 seconds we lost our whole counter attack and one of GEAR Co’s finest companies.

The Kaliphlin Guardsmen with Dugal mopped up the stragglers.

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If that was not enough, I turned to my left and saw the “King’s” body rematerialize next to his horse. That damn honor duel you set up backfired. With all respect, I told you that that man would get himself killed. I guess it is time to think about backing my claims to Cedrica, now?

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The son immediately saw this, and was mortified. Some gruff sergeant fighting near him saw the sight, and screamed “The King is Dead!” Panic went through their lines, until the same sergeant yelled, “Long live King Farrion, King of Cedrica, King of Historica, Lord Protector of the Valkarian Order, Grand Caliph of the Fivefold Faith, King of Varlyrio!” His men shouted and cheered with pride. For a second I thought we were going to see an inspired rally.

But no… That boy took all of his remaining men and ran away with his father’s body on the back of his horse.

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The Bad News Continued…

Lord Ravencroft, after he teleported some of our best troops into a disastrous spot on the battlefield tried to teleport away from the battle, leaving everyone he brought there! Your mistrest, Avona screamed to me that Ravencroft was trying to leave. I told her to stop him at all costs. She said she would nullify his spell. A few moments later Ravencroft teleported next to Avona, knife in hand.

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She recoiled from him, and they began a war of wills, no spell successfully going off, as we could see her turn away his icy advanced. They screamed in primal rage as lightning bolt after lightning bold were torn away from the sky just above the opposite caster’s head.

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I knew at this point that the battle was lost. Blaspheos and I sounded the retreat and let what was left of the red guard cover our rear.

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Finally, Avona created a portal behind her and stepped through it. I have no clue what happened to Ravencroft from then on.

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(sorry could not upload the photoshoped version)

A this point, we made our way off the field

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I assume you must be disappointed. Please take it out on Avona and Ravencroft as neither could put aside their differences and finish off the enemy. One good attack with them working together would have won us the day, instead they worked opposite of each other the whole battle and then came to blows at the end.

Your servent,

Alden Logan, Second Lord of Eastgate.

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Chapter 19

To the Losers go the Spoils.

In the hand of Mikeo MacLean, fighting for Petera.


The ship is safe. You were right, that fool Alden could not lead this battle, and Wade got himself killed from what I heard.

After we arrived via your portal, the luck dragon rebelled against his handler. We were victims of incredibly misfortune, as our enemy gained the boons we thought we would have.

We did well destroying some of their forces, but after a rocket burst in the center of our line, I had your Efrite Donjini teleport us all to their black ship of death.

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I unfortunately had to leave the rest of the blackguard and some of my personal guard, as Donjini was not willing to bring the “inconsequential” among us. Please pay their families well.

We easily took the ship as they left it unguarded and only manned by the gun crew. We learned later that most of Dugal’s men fled the ship not trusting the weapon to work properly.

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The Efite then teleported the whole ship to our current location, where we await your orders. IF I do not hear from you within two weeks, we will sail to Gearsport as I assume you will have been defeated at Eastgate. Good luck brother.


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Chapter 20

A New Hope

In the hand of Darrin Longshot, retainer for Garret Hailfist. (still to his wife, this is the end of the original letter)

Fighting for Dugal

After the rockets went off and many of Mikeo’s men lay dead, it was evident that the rout was on. We cheered as the rockets fired again, and more of his men fell. Jakon and Mark started to run in that direction to help finish off the survivors.

All of the sudden Mikeo and many of his men blinked out of existence… I looked right and saw commotion on board the dwarven rocket ship… They had teleported to our secret weapon! Within moments the ship then disappeared again. We still do not know what happened to it.

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Jakon and Mark had made it to the line of Blackguard still standing… and honey, I swear this happened, Jakon did a flip over their sergeant, sliced his head from his body, whirled, cut down three more men, and did not get a drop of blood on him. The head that fell from the sergeants body almost hit the ground in the time it took to kill all four of them. I say almost, because Mark kicked the head straight towards the dragon! The pathetic looking creature turned his head and caught the head, like a dog eating a treat!

Mark and Jakon exchanged glances and charged towards the Dragon’s captor.

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Almost simultaneously they cut the creature holding the dragon into three pieces. Then the chain fell free, and into Jakon’s hand. I am not sure what he did with the marvelous beast, because at this point I was called to my master’s bidding. There was a lot of after battle activity I had to help with. Hailfist tasked me with taking roll of the prisoners and the injured.

We immediately revived Lord Zach, unfortunately sensei did not make it. We also brought up Lady Phrixelle, and a few other nobles.

It turns out that the Palidin Romak Norr had already accepted Lord Torsten’s surrender, while the Angels of Death calmed down enough to take Rex’s surrender and tend to their wounded.

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The Gnomes took prisoner (somehow) Victor Victorious, a fellow mercenary.

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The Aleenridders lost two of their own, and captured Anton Wyles, who was responsible for one of their deaths. It is unknown what they will do with him.

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We had an incident. Aleden Mantherin, head of the Blueguard, our victorious line, captured the Redguard Commander, Captain General Flint. He had him brought before him after the battle.

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I got there just as this began. The Eastgate Redguard and the GEAR Co. Blueguard are bitter rivals, and have been for some time. Perhaps that is what spurred this action. As I arrived, Aleden was shouting at his rival. “Fool, you know nothing of loyalty!” I tried to interject here, but Aleden’s temper got the best of him. “Not only were your men worthless when they faced us, they shivered in fear when they met me eye to eye on the battlefield. I sent many of your men to their grave wetting their pants.” He laughed, a long deep laugh.

“What do you have to say about your betrayal now?” he said to Flint.

Flint waited a second and replied: “Orders are orders, we are always loyal to Eastgate.”

Aleden smiled.

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With a lightning quick strike, Aleden beheaded Flint. His men gasped, I almost soiled myself. I ran back to inform Garret as soon as possible, but I could not find him.

The rest of the day was much calmer, Petera’s forces that escaped were not pursued, as we had many dead and wounded to tend to. We had dealt a blow to Petera’s army, and our forces would not be pinned against the walls of Eastgate during the siege. We were victorious, and in good time we will win the War of the Brothers and rid this realm of Petera and the Valkarian Order! I must finish this letter now, honey, as I think I may still be able to catch Jakon and find out what he is going to do with the dragon.

Hugs and kisses, your Darrin

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Hurrah for Dugal! Many of our forces fell, but not in vain!

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Hurrah indeed! This was fun, and it's very cool to be on the edge of your seat, waiting for the next chapter to come and see if your characters have lived or died.

Also, I captured a dragon, beat that internet.

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Wow, that was great, can't wait for the next one :) It is sad that sensei had to die, he will have a proper funeral as well as the other soldiers who died. BTW, what stats did u use for my units? And will you say on here or make another topic when you post the rules for this (awesome) game.

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Poor Hataman! He had such high hopes for his people so I have a few questions that need settling before I can build Yukar again:

1. Are all the Yukar fighters at the battle dead?

2. Did Hatman's pet drake die?

3. What is the fallout of the battle for the Yukar? Specifically: are they just another bunch who fought/died or did they win some prestige? IIRC they fought for Dugal so will he be granting the Yukar some territory as they hoped?

Thanks Ska and Scarst. What a riveting ride.

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Poor Hataman! He had such high hopes for his people so I have a few questions that need settling before I can build Yukar again:

1. Are all the Yukar fighters at the battle dead?

2. Did Hatman's pet drake die?

3. What is the fallout of the battle for the Yukar? Specifically: are they just another bunch who fought/died or did they win some prestige? IIRC they fought for Dugal so will he be granting the Yukar some territory as they hoped?

Thanks Ska and Scarst. What a riveting ride.

You had them ride to aid Petera, so they fought on that side of the battle. However, Hataman was critically wounded but not instantly killed. He was captured and is under the care of field nurses. (whether he lives or dies is up to you) After seeing their bravery and honor in battle, Paulos has approached him and offered him and his tribe land outside of Queencross if they will swear to become part of the defense of that city if needed. Four Yukar warriors went into battle, one was killed outright, another was lightly injured, one unscathed, and Hattaman is touch and go (all up to what you want to do here). They fought well, took down many soldiers, and had a hand in killing one of the Aleenridders. Overall they did pretty well against the toughest flank of the battle. P.S. The drake lived.

Wow, that was great, can't wait for the next one :) It is sad that sensei had to die, he will have a proper funeral as well as the other soldiers who died. BTW, what stats did u use for my units? And will you say on here or make another topic when you post the rules for this (awesome) game.

I will post when we do put them up. I can't upload pictures on Flickr right now, so I can't throw up a picture of your guy's stats right now.

Edited by SkaForHire

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You had them ride to aid Petera, so they fought on that side of the battle. However, Hataman was critically wounded but not instantly killed. He was captured and is under the care of field nurses. (whether he lives or dies is up to you) After seeing their bravery and honor in battle, Paulos has approached him and offered him and his tribe land outside of Queencross if they will swear to become part of the defense of that city if needed. Four Yukar warriors went into battle, one was killed outright, another was lightly injured, one unscathed, and Hattaman is touch and go (all up to what you want to do here). They fought well, took down many soldiers, and had a hand in killing one of the Aleenridders. Overall they did pretty well against the toughest flank of the battle. P.S. The drake lived.

Cool beans. I'll say Hataman is on his deathbed and may do a build for him to pass on his rank to one of the surviving warriors. What does Paulos look like? He's on Dugal's side? I may include him and portray his offer in sweet, sweet Lego.

I'll also have to look into Queenscross because I'm pretty sure the Yukar will agree to Paulos's terms.

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Crap. I don't have any of his stuff. Is he Dugal or Petra?

He is on Dugal's side. I think his body is the crown knight king, his armor is all brickforge... This is him sans armor: 13391759814_babe64526e_z.jpgDSC_0739 by skaforhire, on Flickr (red cape guy)

Great ending!! Will there be more stating who survived and that stuff?

Yes, I will do an epilogue here, maybe tonight.

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What, Sir Rex surrendered?! (I guess they promised not to take his stash of gold :laugh: )

Well, he might end up fighting for Dugal during the siege of Eastgate now (if he gets paid well). :grin:

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Will there ever be a story like this again? I would have loved to send some troops but... you know... :blush:

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I so loved this series, I`ll be putting a bloggiepostie about it (if that`s okay) one of the days

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Will there ever be a story like this again? I would have loved to send some troops but... you know... :blush:

Yes, I hope to get the siege for Eastgate running by end of October -- Depends on how long it takes us to build the part of Eastgate that the battle will be featured in.

I so loved this series, I`ll be putting a bloggiepostie about it (if that`s okay) one of the days

Go right ahead. I hope that brings more people to the forum and to GOH!

What, Sir Rex surrendered?! (I guess they promised not to take his stash of gold :laugh: )

Well, he might end up fighting for Dugal during the siege of Eastgate now (if he gets paid well). :grin:

He was too likable to kill. Plus, he was too damn hard to kill. I am sure money could be found to fight in the siege of Eastgate.

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