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Tournament of Retribution

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I'll post my vig tomorrow(I hope) so we can start then, if someone else doesn't post.

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No, thats fine.

To bring fear into our enemies hearts, here a short preview on my next blow against the blue scum: The HMS Destiny, which brings the end of the age of sail, or to say exactly end to all this rotten and underengineered pregant wooden bluecoat and wormriodden seashells, all these sailing barrels of canon food: Every ship which name starts with a "L' " soon will be a diving attraction for tourists in the next century, but I'm afraid also then nobody will like them...




*still working on photoshop.....

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I don't mean to be spamming this, but I have been gone for a couple weeks. Am I supposed to be participating in this? Any info please?

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I don't mean to be spamming this, but I have been gone for a couple weeks. Am I supposed to be participating in this? Any info please?

Ive been here for the few weeks and I don't even know whats going on! I thought it was Bluecoats vs Bluecoats, Then, Redcoats. This contest seems way to confusing now...

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It's simple: We will have the glory to defeat the Big Blue Bastards and then, in the next turn, the bigger looser of the blue, green or however coloured other tournament.

The only thing new is me in the Bloody Brilliant Redcoats Team ;-)

Best Regards, Jan

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Ive been here for the few weeks and I don't even know whats going on! I thought it was Bluecoats vs Bluecoats, Then, Redcoats. This contest seems way to confusing now...

Joey I know you don't miss anything, so if you don't know whats going on, who the heck does?! I guess I'll just hang out until someone tells me to do something. I think I most likely will just hang up my hat until a real building contests comes up, as far as I know that should be soon.


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What is happening is round two. Since three of the Bluecoat teams won and only one redcoat team it was decided that two of the bluecoat teams would face off against eachother (though one of the teams ate something weird and turned into a greencoat team). The remaining Bluecoat team is facing the redcoat team in this thread though no one has posted yet so its likely to get busy very quickly in this thread as everone has to post by Saturday.

Martin I don't remember which team you were one but I thought it was one of the winning bluecoat teams so if that's the case I think they are going to need you unless they replaced you in your absense.

I'm building mine tonight and will probablly post it here on Friday. Someone from one side or the other should post if anyone is ready...

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What is happening is round two. Since three of the Bluecoat teams won and only one redcoat team it was decided that two of the bluecoat teams would face off against eachother (though one of the teams ate something weird and turned into a greencoat team). The remaining Bluecoat team is facing the redcoat team in this thread though no one has posted yet so its likely to get busy very quickly in this thread as everone has to post by Saturday.

Martin I don't remember which team you were one but I thought it was one of the winning bluecoat teams so if that's the case I think they are going to need you unless they replaced you in your absense.

I'm building mine tonight and will probablly post it here on Friday. Someone from one side or the other should post if anyone is ready...

But what I don't understand is that, The Redcoats were beaten...Well, I was going to say fair and square but some votes *cough* Adam *Cough* may have been on purpose :pir_laugh2: So if the Redcoats have been beaten, why do the bluecoats get to carry on making MOCs to insult Redcoats! If it is indeed "Blue vs Blue" they should fight, Blue against Blue!

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I'm really sorry about this, guys, but my god-darned camera still won't work with my computer, nor the library's. I'm still in, but I can't be sure when my MOC will get posted. Once again, I'm really sorry, someone else can start if they're ready.

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So if the Redcoats have been beaten, why do the bluecoats get to carry on making MOCs to insult Redcoats! If it is indeed "Blue vs Blue" they should fight, Blue against Blue!

Nonsence! This is the Red Vs Blue Tournament of Retribution and it will remain Red Vs Blue regardless of who the teams playing are! Apparently, Captain Green Hair's team didn't grasp this, but Out of the Blue is taking his Green Team out in style! :pir_laugh2:

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Ok, if nobody else wants to throw the first stone - I'll do!


The crew of the HMS Destiny got bored by destroying one bluecoat wooden sailing barrel after the other from a safe distance or of counting how many bullets their armor can repell, so the wanted to do some training with there SECRET WEAPONS (Tamdatamdam!).


Because the made enough prisonsers and collected them on further notice on a small island, they decided to do game -a deadly game- called Rat Race. They put two of those bluecoat darwinist creatures on a row boat and told them to get away. Even under normal circumstances any kind of physical activity is a deadly thread for those lazy bastards, under stress they have enourmos problems at the brain/muscle coordination skills - and we will have enough to laugh about.


Captain Admundson, although willing to motivate his crew didn't like all this new high tech stuff. He discusses it with the glorious leader of the light marine infantry, Colonel Ironbeard.

"I'm pretty sure nothing of this Abakadabra will enlighten me..."

"Sir, I'm sure it will"

"I bet it won't"

"You bet . I'm in. 20?"

"Thats fine..."


"Sir, at first we let Mylady Leia shoot it out. We have a new Browning Long Distance Rifle and she would like to try."

(Shouting to the Top Mast: "Ok, get'em, Mylady"


Unfortunatly, Mylady isn't real good at shooting.


"Damn it. But you can't be good looking and good shooting. Ok, then its time for our first new weapon: The swimming bomb. The name is strange, I'll guess there make a better one in the next years. FIRE !"


"and here it goes..."



"Wasn't that fun, Sir?"

"Hmm. Not really. Next one."

"You will like that - we call it Bluecoat Barbecue Decivce. FIRE! (and I mean it)"


"Sarge. the wimp jumped out of the boat - could you please take care of him?"

"It will be a pleasure...."

"Sir - you really enjoyed this one, didn't you?"

"Could be better. There is too less suffering."

"Then you will like this one:"


"We call it the"Red-o-zap-Turbo Gun". We had to train two of our most capable seaman for it. "

"What does this thing do?"

Sir, would you please pay some attention to those boats over there..."


"FIRE !"



"Wow - thats great. There is no greater punishment then this! You really got me - here is your money..."


And now it seems I've to recallivbrate the Red-O-Zap to green and black....

Best Regards.


Edited by jansued

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These are extremely nice MOCs! But weres the Bluecoat entry, eh?

I love how you use the fire plume to make the Admirals hat on fire :pir_laugh2:

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Nice going Hornbricker!

Sooo...Im guessing the Blues are going to lose this round...

I mean we already have 3 entries, shouldn't they have at least one entry? :pir-sceptic:

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Finally a bluecoat creation :pir-classic: Simple but effective! But the other 2 are also great. They made me very angry so they did their job! Funny idea to make a weapon for changing bluecoats into redcoats, and the faces are also very clear :pir_laugh2: The last redcoat one, with the bluecoat loserorus is unacceptable, but also very good...

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I'd like to point out two things...

Generally, the creation posted should be new, as in built for the Tournament and for the Tournament alone.

And second, Zorro said, "Redcoats start," not, "Redcoats start and then not let anyone else continue." I would assume entries are to be posted IN ORDER from now on.

Personally, as a judge, I am willing to let this fly. But if either side does it again, you will be penalized.

This is not to say I am not pleased with the entries. :thumbup: You are all doing an excellent job in that category.

And WHERE are those bribes?!?! :pir-grin:

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I'd like to point out two things...

Generally, the creation posted should be new, as in built for the Tournament and for the Tournament alone.

And second, Zorro said, "Redcoats start," not, "Redcoats start and then not let anyone else continue." I would assume entries are to be posted IN ORDER from now on.

Personally, as a judge, I am willing to let this fly. But if either side does it again, you will be penalized.

This is not to say I am not pleased with the entries. :thumbup: You are all doing an excellent job in that category.

And WHERE are those bribes?!?! :pir-grin:

No one needs to bribe, you vote for anyone who doesn't disagree with you... :pir-sceptic:

And as you said about in order, I don't even think the Bluecoats know what order they are in. Frontbeast must be first, so who is next?

And this time, I can't lose points for my team with comments. :pir_laugh2:

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I'd like to point out two things...

Generally, the creation posted should be new, as in built for the Tournament and for the Tournament alone.

And second, Zorro said, "Redcoats start," not, "Redcoats start and then not let anyone else continue." I would assume entries are to be posted IN ORDER from now on.

Personally, as a judge, I am willing to let this fly. But if either side does it again, you will be penalized.

This is not to say I am not pleased with the entries. :thumbup: You are all doing an excellent job in that category.

And WHERE are those bribes?!?! :pir-grin:

There was lots of back an forth on tweaks to the rules in the discussion thread before we started round 2. We dropt the alternating days and went with a try to spread them out approach but its flexible to accomidate peoples schedules. Not sure what you mean by original creations. I know Jansued just built his and I don't seem to recall having seen Frontbeast's before but maybe its older?

Here's the final post that we went with:

I agree I think we need to get the Tournament back on track so I propose (based on all the feedback) That the four remaining teams go again. One Bluecoat and one Green coat teams will face one another in one match and one Redcoat and one Bluecoat in another match. Zorro can randomly select who goes against which teams. I would also propose that we open the matches this Saturday the 5th and go for 8 days. Each member of each team will post one entry in this round - no alternating days (but lets try to spread them around so we aren't all waiting to the end or rushing on the first day to post - the back and forth is kinda fun). Work for you Zorro?

Sorry - I know there has been some confussion.

Edited by Captain Green Hair
You forgat about Green coats. :-P

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There was lots of back an forth on tweaks to the rules in the discussion thread before we started round 2. We dropt the alternating days and went with a try to spread them out approach but its flexible to accomidate peoples schedules. Not sure what you mean by original creations. I know Jansued just built his and I don't seem to recall having seen Frontbeast's before but maybe its older?

Here's the final post that we went with:

I agree I think we need to get the Tournament back on track so I propose (based on all the feedback) That the four remaining teams go again. Two Bluecoat Teams will face one another in one match and one Redcoat and one Bluecoat in another match. Zorro can randomly select who goes against which teams. I would also propose that we open the matches this Saturday the 5th and go for 8 days. Each member of each team will post one entry in this round - no alternating days (but lets try to spread them around so we aren't all waiting to the end or rushing on the first day to post - the back and forth is kinda fun). Work for you Zorro?

Sorry - I know there has been some confussion.

I am not speaking of "original" creations, but new creations (built for the Tourney). I did not keep up with the Tournament Discussion Thread, or wherever that final post came from, but I have no knowledge of there being "two teams left out." Whether or not posts are alternating by day, which I am assuming they are not, I find it slightly unfair for one team to post three times in a row. This may be because that team was "ready before the other," but it puts the other team - and the judges who score between MOCs - to a disadvantage. I don't know if what I'm saying is coming across correctly, but I feel that there should be at least some form of guidelines as to when to post your creations.

And since I'm in a ranting mood, no machine guns! :pir-grin:

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And since I'm in a ranting mood, no machine guns! :pir-grin:

But I thought the meaning of the contest was "Fun" as I learnt from before?

"Participants can use any other Lego factions, themes, sets, etc. as they see fit as long as at least one Redcoat and one Bluecoat appears in each submission" :thumbup:

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But I thought the meaning of the contest was "Fun" as I learnt from before?

That has nothing to do with it. It's an inside joke. :pir-wink:

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