
Some Ships

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4181 posts

These are some quite good MOC's. In fact they are quite simply awesome. But maybe add some images into your first post so that people disadvantaged with dial-up connections can look at the images without having to load brickshelf, and you may find this on the frontpage.

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Your fleet is awesome, StoneW4 !

You got an enormous amount of cannon, I can see that for a point...

Please make some more ships for your fleet (and pics of course), I always enjoy looking at them.

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25124 posts

StoneW4 you have some impressive ships! Like Captain Zuloo suggested, you may benefit from adding some images to your first post as this usually increases the number of views and responses your MOCs will get.

So first, may I recommend our How to perform a batch image resize Tutorial as we prefer the images to be in .JPG format and no larger than 800 x 600 pixels so as not to burden those with slower Internet connections and smaller monitors.

Then may I recommend our How to Deeplink and Post Images Tutorial as this will teach you how to link directly to your Brickshelf images.

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May I recommend our How to perform a batch image resize Tutorial as we prefer the images to be in .JPG format and no larger than 800 x 600 pixels so as not to burden those with slower Internet connections and smaller monitors.

If I had a dollar for every time you have said that... :pir_laugh2: But is true. And MOC's with images in the first post do tend to get more attention than they would without. And these are models that deserve attention - and lots of it.

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2506 posts

I wish I had so many hulls and masts to make ships :'( , it's a really really nice collection I especially like the phoenix and the minautorus, the chronos is originally nice too!

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I wish I had so many hulls and masts to make ships :'( , it's a really really nice collection I especially like the phoenix and the minautorus, the chronos is originally nice too!

I think someone got a few BSB's for Christmas... :pir_laugh2:

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47 posts

Thanks for feedbacks!!! :pir-classic:

I'll try to show some pictures in an other way, following the advices I've got and in smaller size:

Here's a picture of "Minotauros":


And another view:


The "Phoenix":



The "Chronos":



Parts of my fleet (one of these ships has already been deconstructed; the big one in the third picture ("Neptun III")):






In the last two pictures you can see my actual flagship ("Neptun IV"). I'll upload more pictures, if it is complete (there are some sails missing and few changes necessary).

Edited by StoneW4

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5595 posts

They look so incredibly good now with the new pics, I especcialy like the Neptun III and neptun IV, too bad you had to break the first one down to build the second one :look:

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141 posts

I like the Chronos-E13 it looks good, along with the rest of your ships. It's quite a fleet you have amassed there.

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Perhaps here and now some pictures of my “Neptun IV”. I must admit that the ships are not where I’m living now. I’ve actual lots of work to do and so few time to change things on my ships (I visit my “old” home, where the ships are standing perhaps one time per month). So I want to show some views of my flagship now:









And also pictures of my "old" fleet...




Edited by StoneW4

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I count 92 guns on the Neptune IV. It's beautiful. It's amazing that you can keep that many ships at the same time. I especially love the sterns of all of your ships.

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165 posts

Wow your ships are amazing!!!!!!!!!!

whe have gat a schip that has the same name........ mine is called the HMS Poenix

i thought that i had a few cannons, but WOW!! :pir-oh: i surender at any time when we meet in open waters

love your work!

claus von nassau

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Thanks a lot for all your statements!! I’ve not expected that my ships cause such a “noise” through the pirates forum! It’s a great honour for me now to be present in this forum! :pir-cry_happy:

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4181 posts

Thanks a lot for all your statements!! I’ve not expected that my ships cause such a “noise” through the pirates forum! It’s a great honour for me now to be present in this forum! :pir-cry_happy:

Well you are a very welcome asset to it.

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15480 posts

When I entered this thread I had no idea I would be staying for such a long time looking at those amazing pictures which appeared. It shows you are a true pirate/ship fan and a lot of passion went into this fleet. Seeing your work has an inspiring effect on me. It makes me want to build another big ship (I currently only made one 'big' sail-ship).

Let me ask a typical question. Did you add any interiors to these ships? Can parts of them be opened so you can see the gun-decks, cabins, ... ?

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5025 posts

Man you've got a lot of fire power on those beasts.

These are some excellent MOCs StoneW4, I especially love your flagship. I mean, four levels of cannons!? It's amazing! The design is great and it just looks fantastic. I also like how you have cannons on the back as well, the four near the bottom and the two up top. And then, if that isn't enough, cannons on the front too! I wouldn't want to meet that ship out on the seas! :pir_laugh2:

I also really like how you have done the sails, it is truly a masterpiece. Great work indeed. :thumbup:

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I really love the way you have used the BSB hull without making it look too tall for its width - something I struggle with. And, Dragonator, as far as canon placement, for a ship of the line with three decks, six at the back is a tiny number. And most warships had them at the front unless they were really puny boats.

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No, Bonaparte, I only focused on exterior details. The interior only consists of bars and pillars and such things so that the ship gets as robust as possible.

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5595 posts

As said, I really like your fleet, but could you please resize your pics? Members from down-under will barely be able to load them...

800x600 or 640x480 would be better I're choice of course if you'd do it or not :pir-classic:

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