
[GoC] Class VII 38 Gun Frigate HMS Argonaut

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Rear-Admiral Fletcher
Commander of the Royal Terra Novan Fleet

Wullham became quite busy. The city flourishes and there clearly is no shortage of work. But on the other hand we struggle under a shortage of supplies, an unfortunate moment, as a new ship, the 38 Gun frigate Argonaut, just launched, now sitting in the harbour with only the standing rigging complete. The situation would benefit from the admiralty taking up an official position about the importance of Wullham and its trading value. I hope to solve the issue as soon as possible.

Your humble servant,
Jorin Farrensman
Shipwright of Wullham


So now I need the help of other Corrington members. To make it an offical GoC entry, I need you to post additional tasks to get the ship being able to participate in the game.
For example I thought about some scenes like preparing the yards/chopping some trees, making the sails, recruiting the crew, collecting the food rations and other supplies. Or whatever you can come up with.
So once 4 tasks are done, I will add the frigate to the GoC thread. It would be nice, if you post them here as well, of course you can license them.

This idea was somewhat agreed upon by @Bregir, if anything won't work, I will change or delete it.


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Beautiful ship. The rigging, shapes and details are all on point. She's very big... Also: the minifigs complete her!

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Excellent hull shape on this ship. The masts are sturdy looking and impressively tall. The intricate rigging and closeup shots with lots of detail make it for me - I love the brick built guns and the tubework at the fore.

Great looking crew! I mentioned on your Spudkirk build, but the little red coats on the marines look cool. Big fan of the bluecoated naval officers for Corrington - I like to think of Corrington doing that similarly to the British navy.

:thumbup: for GoC from me! I was waiting to post here to see if others with more knowledge of ships would post first, but figured it was time! Great work!

Edited by evancelt

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This definitely deserves more attention! - excellent job on the hull and masterful rigging, mate!  As one of the things that are always lacking on my vessels, I'm impressed with the amount of crew you've pretty comfortably got in there too, and the prow is quite well done too, but the cabin section has got to be my favorite part of this - very clean!  An excellent job overall :pir-classic:

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