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Skeleton Pirate Ship

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Fvin has built this awesome ship, based around the skeleton minifigs' components and their horses...



Edited by SlyOwl

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That's a true masterpiece!!

What a patient that guy must have.

Great design. Very creative.

We must have him here!

What does strike me though, is how low the oars are.

I'd expect that particular part to be under the waterline.

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Wow, nice! At least someone found a use for those skele horses... *sweet*

Would look better with skeletons (instead of regular pirates) in my opinion, but sweet design and size, anyway.


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Would look better with skeletons (instead of regular pirates) in my opinion, but sweet design and size, anyway.

Black ones though :'-)

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@Phes - there's an email in the folder; maybe you want to pressgang recruit him... ;-)

Why thank you SlyOwl, but I always leave the pressganging... Errr... recruiting to others...

Yes, that is a hint for someone to go and contact him. :-D

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It's byoo-tee-full! It'd make a great addition to the Skellies. :-D Man, it's so cool! Absolutley beautiful... *wub*


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Black ones though :'-)

Mhm, that would make some great contrast right there :'-) .

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Here's an innovative way to "smuggle" a Castle Skeleton Horse into the Pirate theme.


Hmmmm.... Now that gives me an idea for the "A Pirate's Life" competition...

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Now for my views:


-Great use of parts :thumbup:

-Great colour scheme

-I'm not too sure that a live crew is the best idea :pir-tongue:

-Just look at this broadside! :pir-oh3:


-Although I'm not the biggest fan of the technic blasters... :pir-

Yes, that is a hint for someone to go and contact him. :-D


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439 posts

Now I ain't no pirate expert, but that's one damn fine looking ship there. I love the way the skeletons and horses are incorporated into ship. It's brilliant.

Edited by Plural

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A fascinating work and a great find, thanks SlyOwl. I´m really impressed with all that creativity, and I especially like the bow of this great ship. :jollyroger: on! :pir-laugh:

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Yes, that is a hint for someone to go and contact him. :-D

And it's a maybe. He's a member of the upcoming Hong Kong Lug, but said that he may be around in due time... :pir-classic:

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365 posts

Amazing stuff. I wonder if it floats??? :pir-blush:

Not a fan of the cannons either, but hey, the rest is mind blowing.

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And it's a maybe. He's a member of the upcoming Hong Kong Lug, but said that he may be around in due time... :pir-classic:

Hi all,

I am Fvin, the designer of this skeleton pirate ship. I am so happy to note the discussions of my creation in this prestigious AFOL forum. Thanks so much for the notification & invitation from SlyOwl too!

The ship was designed for a gathering of Lego Fans in HongKong, April 2008. As there are some members of less than 10 years old, I cannot say it is an AFOL gathering at all. =P

The ship took me almost 30 hours to build, 2 weeks to complete. It was my desire to use Skeleton Warriors as sailors or replacing the sailors' head with skulls. But finally I chose to use normal sailors for this ship so as not to make this ship too horrible to some young members.

This is the first time I build a pirate ship. I think there are still many places to improve. Please feel free to comment and suggest anywhere to improve. Thank you!!

Just one question to all of you. Could anybody figure out the meaning of the sign on the canvas sail? ;-)



Edited by Vincent Cheung

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Great to have you aboard! :pir-tongue:

Just one question to all of you. Could anybody figure out the meaning of the sign on the canvas sail? ;-)

It's mind-boggling! I can't work it out, no matter how much I tried! It looks pretty cool upside-down, with the E looking like a person :pir-laugh:

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5485 posts

Woa i missed this one, but thanks to our great newsletter i am looking at it now!

Very creative, nice colorscheme and i actually like the life crew.

They could be really dark, evil guys that had no money for wood and butchered a vilage just to make a new ship :jollyroger:

Welcome to EB Vincent! :thumbup:

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