
Is it right to refuse to sell a MOC?

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If that guys had put as much energy and creativity in a Lego creation, he might have created something which is worth putting on Lego Ideas himself.

It reminds me of the story that Lego sets are used as currency in crime, as it is untraceable, keeps (or even increases) its value and is widely abundant (more info here).

Anyway, I wish you good luck with dealing with those guys, if there is anything we could do, give a shout.



Edited by Cumulonimbus

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Yeah, certainly give us a shout. He is one (half baked idiot!) and we are many!

Just remember guys (especially you Sariel), when showing your working places and MOC videos, do not give clues as to where you live.

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@Sariel: Get legal advice. Submit a Copyright infringement suit or send him a cease and desist letter.

@Blackbird: you really offering him your Lego room as a refuge? I'll probably take apart all the models from your shelfs and turn them into a new amazing, ginormous MOC. ;-)

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Just remember guys (especially you Sariel), when showing your working places and MOC videos, do not give clues as to where you live.

That's good advice in general. The internet is full of great people, but sadly there are also some folks soft in the heads out there.

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Internet is dangerous thing if it comes to stalking - you need to count with that before going public. But as long as you aren't threatened directly or being stalked in real life (weird person warching my house), I don't think it's really worth contacting police. I wouldn't expect them doing much more than writing it down for record.

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Is your YouTube channel your primary source of income? If so, his point may have some ( still very little) weight to it.

If it's just for entertainment purposes then I think the answer is obvious tbh

Why would his point have any weight to it? As far as I can tell the channel doesn't offer anything other than being a platform to show various builds and reviews.

Having a YT account as a source of income still doesn't mean you have to offer people anything. You put videos on and people watch them... that's where the income is generated. There are videos my 6r old watches of people opening bling bags and other such toys... even at 6 she doesn't think that the person posting the video owes them anything... doesn't have to sell them anything... doesn't have to tell them where to buy them. The people posting videos owe the viewers and subscribers nothing.

The person posting the comment is either stupid or trolling. They're both perfectly good reasons to block and ignore someone.

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...but my recommendation is going to a thrift store, and finding a nice baseball bat...

Who needs a baseball bat when you have hamsters. It's a well known fact that there's nothing more dangerous than an angry hamster! :classic:

Edited by grum64

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To the original poster: What an obnoxious brat! He sounds like a "leet speak" 13 year old. The way he put the "F-word" in there tells me he is some one who thinks swearing in leet speak makes him tough, despite the fact he looks like an idiot. Had this been 1930 and he was speaking to you like that you'd have every right to slap him and drag him home to his parents and tell him their son was acting like a discrace. Don't sell your MOCs to snots like this.

And on the subject of the Lego Ideas project, I think every Eurobricks user should get on Ideas and flag that stolen project until Lego comes around and shuts it down.

Edited by xboxtravis7992

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The stolen project has just been removed from Lego Ideas, no doubt thanks to your many reports. Thank you guys! :)

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I think that what you are going through right now borderlines on criminal activity. No one should have to deal with this kind of crap. I have followed you over the years and have enjoyed everything you had to offer. The tools you have given us have benefitted everyone who works with Lego!! Do what you think is best for you.

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Had a similiar case, though the guy wasn't rude at all, but he would not understand. I solved it by giving hima reallt exorbitant value for the MOC (something like 5K for a modular MOC). When he saw he couldnt afford it, he desisted.

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Hi Sariel!

First i was a bit puzzled to your question, whether you are obliged to sell you MOCs just because someone asks for it. The obvious answer as many others has said is NO! End of discussion

But when you wrote that someone is seeking informations about where you live, and is going very far to get that info, i better understand your question above. And that the question has a lot more to it than that. I understand why you are worried, and also frustrated that someone even makes fake profiles on social medias. About your MOC on the Lego Ideas, using your Photo with your brand on it, tells me that this Fellow isn't the brightest lad.

Isn't there someone who could trace the facebook profile, and the IP adress for you, so that you could find out who might be stalking you?

I don't know what i should advice you to do more than what all the other Guys have adviced you to, except for continuing to build fantastic MOCs, and sharing them with the World. You do a admirely amount of work for the AFOLs, with your MOCS, tricks, ideas and even books. Just keep up that good Work, and better not answer trolls or maniacs that likes to get you wired up in a discussion.

I have had several requests for my biggest MOC, the Ropa sugarbeet combiner, and i always gives people the same answers, its not for sale, or you can't afford it. People normally respect it, and i haven't had a cas like yours yet, fortunately :-)

Keep up the spirit and the good mood, we are a lot of Guys who supports you and has huge benefits of what you create, and shares with us. Thank You so much for that!!

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I never cease to be amazed by the People Of The Internet. And it doesn't seem this will stop any time soon...

Good luck with fighting these obnoxious people. Hopefully, this guy sounds creepier than he is.

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In today's episode of "creepy people from the web" - apparently the same person is posing as me at Facebook:

He's created this profile a while ago using photo from my website and he's doing weird stuff, I know that he was spamming Nico71 with some messages pretending to be me.

Does anybody know how to solve this? I did, of course, report him to Facebook as my impostor and they did exactly nothing about it. Their reply was that they can't verify that he is posing as me. I wouldn't bother you with it, but apparently he continues to contact other people as me. If you get any messages from this account, I had nothing to do with it.

Edited by Sariel

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Not being serious, but a funny way to go about it is to agree to sell him the MOC and then pull the Harrison Ford on Conan stunt and have it shatter right in front of him... But I'm evil like that.

I have no real information to give you that others have not already.

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