
Never put LEGO in your nose...

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His father wondered how he did it, we as AFOL's probably too. We also wonder what tire he got in his nose? Probably a slick one? Luckily there are pictures in the original article.

Here is the article:

Original article:


I don't know that part actually:


So will this make TLG abolish wheels like they did with the loose magnets?!

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Yikes! Three years with a Lego tire up your nose? *huh* How can you just forget about that, or live with that much discomfort, for three years? Granted, he was young, but it's still crazy. :wacko:

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In that one pictures, it looks like next thing will be him eating that tire++ (tire with some gross stuff I mean ;))

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I don't think that's actually LEGO. I certainly don't recognize that tire, and I can't find anything on BrickLink that appears to match. And, in theory, this part is from 2009 or earlier, so it shouldn't be a new part. I'm guessing it's a Mega Blok tire, or some other clone brand.


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It certainly doesn't look like LEGO. Imagine having MegaBloks stuck in your nose, that'd be even worse! :wink:

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It's most definitely not Lego.

As many others have aready mentioned across the internet wherever this story was reposted, this looks more like the protective covering of an in-ear headphone bud.

Looks like a combination of dumb people (doctors?) and non-critical, gullible media are giving Lego a bad name. I guess fact-checking isn't really necessary to be a journalist anymore.

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It's most definitely not Lego.

As many others have aready mentioned across the internet wherever this story was reposted, this looks more like the protective covering of an in-ear headphone bud.

Looks like a combination of dumb people (doctors?) and non-critical, gullible media are giving Lego a bad name. I guess fact-checking isn't really necessary to be a journalist anymore.

LEGO produce the most types of wheels in the world, it is an understandable mistake, to a degree.

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but seriously why were his parents letting a 3 year old play with such small toys?! :hmpf:

I'm going to guess you don't have kids :)

I think it's sort of silly that it was "assumed" to be LEGO. I can only imagine that the doctor or the parents suggested this, and from there on out, that's what everyone was told.


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I posted the following comment on the video:

Okay, first of all, the proper term is "Lego bricks" or parts, and second, IT'S NOT EVEN A LEGO PART! The Lego group has never made a wheel like that. Please oh please do the research next time. Anyway, the part with the guy asking for his tire back was funny. Oh, and a message for all of you Lego nuts in the audience: Store the parts in a box, not your nose.

Although, it's from "Broken News", so that should tell you a lot about how serious these guys are. :laugh:

It's still an error, but understandable. Not everybody on this planet can be bothered to know what every kind of Lego tire looks like. :laugh: It would only be natural for a normal parent to assume it was a Lego part, as those are very common.

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True story, when i was 4 or 5 (can't remember) i put one of those lego canon bullet in my ears. at the hospital they use some sort of water jet gun and flooded my ear with water. lucky they got it out

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I dont know what it is with kids and orifices. I'm sure my observations are not varied enough but I have never seen or heard of an Asian kid eating toys or putting things in orifices that dont belong there. I'm Asian and Im pretty darn sure I never shoved things up my nose beyond the occasional finger for gold mining haha.

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How is it even possible to stand that being up your nose for that long? The irritation would be unbearable.

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He must have been pretty tyred of it!

(EDIT: I know it's not a tyre, but the phase "he must have been pretty earphoneproctectored of it didn't sound as funny!)

Edited by allanp

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