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Everything posted by narbilu

  1. narbilu

    [M-B03] Tapped Out

    Luv the three dimensional feeling of this build
  2. narbilu

    [K - D10] The Discovery

    Cool small scene, compliments!
  3. narbilu

    AG - Kawashita Group Dojo

    Luv m...
  4. narbilu

    AG - Introduction and Discussion

    Engeneers get bonus for structures and buildings, so a floating base would count for me. Another proud KG prove of their superior technology.
  5. narbilu

    AG - Kawashita Group Dojo

    We are on a spree, I see beautiful briefed operations on a dayly basis. Making me a proud KG CEO.
  6. narbilu

    [K - D09] Guarding Supplies

    I love the snot build cave, fabulous.
  7. narbilu

    [O - G07] Chasing Butterflies on G07

    You are on a roll. What a stunning build, again!
  8. narbilu

    [K - B09] Shallow Waters

    Serium B09 - Shallow Water Maian 3815 Everything seems to develop in a proper speed on Orinshi, our help is necessary elsewhere. So the Collition sets to the adjacent system of Serium. Inside the flagship figs run around preparing for the first official scout mission. Brazer sits in the operation room with Narbilu, discussing the first target. When they reach the orbit of the oceaan covered planet, the Collition halts. Narbilu and Fey readied the Renegade and left the Collition to orbit Serium. The craft hovered over large oceans for hours before the scanner showed some sort of surfaced land. When Fey spotted a small sandbank she decended to a height where both would be able to see what was beneath them. Narbilu opened the bar to exit the Renegade after checking the surface for hardness. The ground feels like regular sand and a first glymps doesn't show any from of life. Narbilu took out his scanner to check the content of the surroundings. It revealed a small amount of awesomnium in some craters in the shallow waters. A closer look revealed the veins were visible and easy to mine. When Narbilu wanted to enter the water, a large black snake-like creature surfaced from burrows between the awesomnium. Fey jumped out to pull back Narbilu. Both watched the animals for an hour and study them. Fortunately the creatures seem harmless. They appear more visious than they are. This will be a great planet for our miners. Although they need own supplies to survive.
  9. narbilu

    [M - B03] Linopeia III: Target Engagement

    Nice scene... Love the use of Mantis colours
  10. narbilu

    [K - D10] Exploring Hamilton

    One word... WoW! So proud of KG technology
  11. narbilu

    [K - D10] Everything is Awesomnium

    How deliciously retro space... Awesome
  12. narbilu

    [K - D10] A Path for the Grouper

    I really love the shape of this vehicle... Out of the box, certainly KG tech
  13. narbilu

    [K - C08] Probing through the depths

    Another excellent build commander, I really like your sub.
  14. narbilu

    THUG Interceptor

    This is awesome, you make a pretty fine Kawashita pilot!
  15. narbilu

    AG - Introduction and Discussion

    Unfortunately, tags cant be added later. Ask a moderator to do when it is of high importance, he/she can add some.
  16. narbilu

    AG - Introduction and Discussion

    Welcome to KG, we are proud that such a respected member of the community joins us There is no deadline for joining, just for the first weeks build Myself, I have a small team, each one with a specialty to help my sigfig in exploring. The sigfig is just the main character of my story.
  17. narbilu

    [M - B03] MANTIS LAB on Lenopeia III

    This is a stunning build. Love the logo use. Just an excellent idea
  18. narbilu

    [K - B09] Awsomnium Drilling Station

    Affirmative, I missed the post of your introduction, with pictures. Sorry for that.
  19. narbilu

    [K - B09] Awsomnium Drilling Station

    Good work lad, keep it up and make Kawashita proud. When you have enough posts, I'll add you to our PM group for further instructions. Also don't forget to put a face to your name, we like to see who we're dealing with. A 100x100 picture will be sufficient.
  20. narbilu

    [K - B09] Awsomnium Drilling Station

    What a nice rig!!! Wonderful for a first LDD. Now the only thing to do is make sure your sigfig will be enbedded somewhere. The rig can't function on it's own. I'll discuss with Bob on the timing of your post... think you are just in time. The judges decided to make an exception once...
  21. narbilu

    AG - Kawashita Group Dojo

    Access to resources granted... make sure you are operative as soon as possible, we need everyone operational
  22. narbilu

    [O - H05] Livgorn: First Contact

    Nice one... the first official humanoid alien species discovered in Andromeda!
  23. narbilu

    AG - Introduction and Discussion

    Welcome Operative Q to the humble Kawashita Corporation.
  24. narbilu

    [K - B09] First Steps

    There is going on a lot in such a delicate build... well done
  25. narbilu

    [K: B9] Artefact on Serium

    Nice sand surface...