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About Lok24

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  1. I only use Eneloop since a long time and I can't remember that I ever changed them during an event (2-3 days). (I use them for the Pybricks-Hubs as well)
  2. Yes, this works without any problems. With any axle holes.
  3. Lok24

    (MOC)(BDP5) Railway Crossing

    Nice! what is elctrical, signals too?
  4. Control+ is just a fixed app for specific sets only. Do you mean "SPIKE PRIME" when mentioning "Spark? Just use any Powered-Up Motor have a look at Bricklink, less then 20,-- https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=bb0959c01#T=S&C=85&O={%22color%22:85,%22ss%22:%22US%22,%22cond%22:%22N%22,%22iconly%22:0}
  5. You can connect the hub to the browser and then start the program from within the browser.
  6. Yes, but starting the program from browser(!) shows what it does and what is connected in the lower part of the screen. So : what happens?
  7. Of course. This is explained here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMBWV_HGYj4
  8. Hi, the basic idea is: Loop: When sensor is white then change direction of steering Wait till sensor is black That's all ;-)
  9. Lok24

    Automating 7866 crossing

    Some intelligence ;-) Let's look for one track: " a bit after" depends on length of train .... What if trains comes from the other direction? And what might happen if two trains meet there, one closing and a second later the other one opening? In short: it is pretty complex, as you wrote
  10. Please explain what you want to connect. You'll find my descriptions of the 6 pins in the net
  11. Yes, you can always start the "Bootloader" mode on any hub an reinstall any FW, Which settings? First you load the FW into the hub, and then your application (crane), there is no smartdevice needed The browser where you do his connects via BT with the hub.
  12. You could use a sensor to calibrate the whole thing
  13. Yes, the article is very old, and I'm not active there any more, and as the program has been enhanced (look the posts above) I don' distribute it any more. Im working on a new version, with better support for the programs "shuttle train" and "battery box".
  14. What is PU (according to TLG): It's the combination of unique connector an the LEGO Wireless Protocol 3.0.00 / BLE What is Control+: It is only one single App (among many others) It is not any "system". Why not? But they may use the same connectors and protocol. @idlemarvel This is really a remarkable work, thanks a lot!
  15. Lok24

    3rd Party Controllers and Powered Up!

    Yes, it's the architecture. I proposed years ago a "booster module", say 4x4x1 stud, connectable (via cable) to the hub and provide two more ports. With no additional intelligence or batteries. This could be done even today by a third party provider (HW + SW) (a stackable hub instead of stackable devices...) But to be honest: yes, this a common request, but from LEGOs point of there only exist very simple trains with one motor and one light, all other is "technic" with the four port hub or even two of them. Some Y cables or extension cables could help, but only for train motors an light. Is there really a reason to use the train motor? speed, perhaps?