
Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. boxyman123

    Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    Oh that would be awesome, a wintery cottage pet shop. I'll be sad if we never get something like that now.
  2. boxyman123

    [PRESS RELEASE] 75936 - Jurassic Park

    This comment broke my heart. I feel we have possible forgotten that this set was designed by somebody, It may not be for everyone but it is stunning all the same. I could only imagine the amount of time and effort put into designing a set as large as this. Keep doing what you do best. :D
  3. boxyman123

    [CONTEST] BSBA - Voting thread

    A: 3-7-2 B: 2-8-6
  4. boxyman123

    [BSBA] Cat A - Riverside Rocket

    Official LEGO set Riverside Boat 31093 ( Riverside Rocket. I tried to keep the same colour scheme and create something Benny would be proud of, so naturally It has lots of engines/ thrusters.
  5. boxyman123

    [CONTEST] Benny's Spaceships Building Academy

    That's really awesome, I love alt builds, they always make you think differently. I may have misunderstood the rules, I thought we had to turn (in this example) the snow groomer into a spaceship while remaining true to the original model. So your snow groomer would have boosters and fins etc. (imagine a flying snow groomer). Is this true?
  6. boxyman123

    Winter Village Station

    This i great, I really like the snow roof, the Indiana Jones artifacts and his hat!
  7. boxyman123

    Winter Village: Elf House

    This is my entry for the "Expand the Winter Village" competition. It is also my first post. Here is a link to the photo including Santa's North Pole set and the Elf's House set : http://i1167.photobu...zps328b9d73.jpg I have created a house for the elves, I wanted it to blend with Santa's North Pole set so I built it similarly. I felt penguins were necessary as was the postbox for the mail to arrive. A better view of the chimney. Finally an inside shot.
  8. boxyman123

    Expand the Winter Village Contest IV - Voting

    21. Darkblane - 2 37. hooky - 1 53. Cara - 2
  9. boxyman123

    Contest Pimp My Camper! Voting Thread

    114. Transformer Camper by Darkblane (3 votes) 155. Minion Mobile concuzz (2 votes) 55. Covered Wagon by Dr Spock (1 vote) 97. Bag End Camper by rodiziorobs (1 vote) 175. Steampunk Camper by aditayam (1 vote) 109. Tie BomperGIR 3691 (1 vote) Edit by Rufus Corrected entry number to match title/creator