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About hoiharry

  • Birthday 02/28/1996

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Harry Potter
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    Harry Potter

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    the Netherlands
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  1. hoiharry

    [MOC] Ravenclaw common room

    Thanks! The curtains are a simple build, but I don't have a lot of blue parts. Therefore it was a little tricky for me to come up with something so I could build 8 of them. But it worked out in the end :) Thank you so much! It's always nice to hear people like the way I make photos and videos. I used natural daylight so that it looks as realistic as possible and I like the way the light comes through the windows.
  2. hoiharry

    [MOC] Ravenclaw common room

    Hey everyone, Today I share with you my latest moc. The Ravenclaw common room. As it is the house I'm in myself, I wanted to try and make my own version. I hope you enjoy it!
  3. hoiharry

    Destiny 2 inspired minifigurs

    Hey everyone, Here are just some Destiny 2 inspired minifigures. A warlock, hunter and titan. Hope you like it :)
  4. hoiharry

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    I believe I'm counting 6 new wand moulds in the picture where you can see the inside of Ollivanders . Which means we get 4 of each mould in 2 different colours
  5. hoiharry

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    The Ginny hearpiece they use for Cho in the calendar is also new in black :)
  6. hoiharry

    [MOC] Hogwarts Entrance Hall

    Thanks! I like to do photography in my spare time, so naturally I use some of the same techniques for my Lego photos. Yeah, I took inspiration from some different sources, but the main ones where the early HP games. I was inspired to create this moc after playing Hogwarts Legacy. Thank you! I liked adding the minifigures as well. Some of the students in this moc where even D&D characters in our HP universe (mine was Niall, the Slytherin student with the black hair). Thank you so much!
  7. hoiharry

    [MOC] Hogwarts Entrance Hall

    Hi everyone, I present to you my newest version of the entrance hall at Hogwarts. It took me quite a while to make it look how I wanted and I hope you all like it. (I also made a simpel video to showcase it) .
  8. hoiharry

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    That would be great and I think would help quite a lot of other people :)
  9. hoiharry

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    That's what I'm also very curious about. Cuz if you make the set as flush with the wall as possible without modifying it, it doesn’t look at all 50cm deep. I have the same problem that my shelves are 38cm deep and 76cm wide. So I would very much like to know how deep it is when it's flush with the wall.
  10. hoiharry

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    This set looks beautiful! But I will replace some of the heads and hairpieces with the originals.
  11. hoiharry

    Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion

    He wears a jacket that looks a bit like this and not a shirt. Even then, the patern is different. These lines are broken up, but on his jacket they are continuous lines.
  12. hoiharry

    Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion

    Also trying to figure that out, but can't find anything. Maybe it's just not from Harry Potter at all.
  13. hoiharry

    Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion

    I build mine as well yesterday and it's so cool (best Horntail so far for me). It's the only one out of the three moving creatures I have, cuz I love it's minifig scale. And I really like dragons in general, so this was an instant buy for me.
  14. hoiharry

    Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion

    New torsos are on instagram.
  15. hoiharry

    Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion

    I don't know if it has already been said, but in the ministry set, I really don't understand why they gave Mafalda Hopkirk the ponytail hairpiece. She has no ponytail at all in the film. They should've used used the hairpiece that originaly came with the bride minifig in the minifigure series, it's an exact match of the hairstyle. And they even have it in the regular brown.