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  1. RODDY

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Don’t care for a bigger Burrow but I just wanted to say that Molly maybe the most underrated Harry Potter character when it comes to mini figures, she has so many cool different variants but this probably her best one so far.
  2. RODDY

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Most exciting thing here for me is the Dueling Club! Please Lego grace us with another Lockhart variant, we starving out here.
  3. I looove the Desert Skiff if I’m being quite honest. The Luke Skywalker is probably my favorite take on the character they ever done. Always great to have another Skiff Guard Lando. Sarlacc Pit is easily the best and most detailed version they ever done. Love they found yet another creative part usage for that claw/roof piece. Nien Numb is just the cherry on the top. The price is a bit rough, though a bit understandable. I would say it should be $70 to match the Sith Infiltrator but it’s got two more minifigs and bigger pieces so I get it. Seeing this makes me even hungrier for the Barge. Been far too long since we seen both sets and it’s always great to get more stuff from the Return of the Jedi.
  4. I think this year has been great up to this point. We got some really good stuff like the Boarding The Tantive IV, Sith Infiltrator, Rex’s Y Wing and the Clone Battle Pack. I usually don’t pick up sets before the August wave because most of the time they’re pretty skippable. But that’s just the appetizer and the summer wave which is usually the main course isn’t really delivering in that regard and a big part of that is that three sets at decent price ranges are going to show nobody has even seen. That’s why I feel like it’s falling flat imo. I’m still extremely excited for the Sarlacc Pit and UCS Sail Barge (my favorite ship finally gets the VIP treatment) but I feel for the summer wave of the 25th anniversary of Lego Star Wars, it’s not what it could have been imo.
  5. I’m surprised it took them so long to realize this fact, maybe the Jedi Bob circle jerking finally wore off but I actually agree with them. I would literally take anything regardless of what movie or TV show it comes from over a dark Millennium Falcon or a Jedi Bob starfighter. Sets based on an upcoming TV show only an handful of people are going to watch. Especially with it being the The Phantom Menace’s 25th birthday and the only system scale set we have is the Sith Infiltrator which I loved but I want more.
  6. RODDY

    Lego City 2024

    What a shame with the limited run, the crocodile ruin is every what I imagined for a small set for an Adventurers reboot.
  7. RODDY

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Has any one found any comparisons out there between the 2018 Great Hall and the 2023 Great Hall? Trying to gauge a size on this bad boy to see if I’m willing to sink $200 for it.
  8. RODDY

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    I keep looking over the photos of the Durmstrang Ship and I’m just so in love….Like I knew it was going to be good but this just blows my mind every time I see it.
  9. RODDY

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Lego shop says June 1st for all the sets at least here in the states
  10. RODDY

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Indeed it is, you can see a little grey sticking out which I assume is the third snake handle.
  11. RODDY

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Yooooooo the Durmstrang Ship looks glorious!!!! Love the crazy shaping of it and the minifig selection is superb! Also dig all the new shield pieces. Instabuy.
  12. RODDY

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Not really confirmed yet but since all of the other sets from the survey have been confirmed will be releasing or have already been released, chances for The Burrow D2C are really high, like 90%.
  13. RODDY

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Dang, I rescind everything I said about the Great Hall prior, this is such a beaut from the outside! I’ll still probably wait to see the final layout with future additions before picking it up, but this looks wonderful. I imagine the eventual main tower they make to with this is going to be magnificent.
  14. RODDY

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    Another year, another wave of just getting the minifigs. Love Malkin and the Troll. I’m really disappointed with the Great Hall cause I’m not seeing almost double the value of the Chamber of Secrets or Great Hall. Fingers crossed Durmstrang Ship is killer.
  15. RODDY

    Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion

    The Durmstrang Ship is probably the only thing I’m eagerly anticipating in this entire wave. Fingers crossed it’s a decent size with Beauxbaton’s Carriage being included. Also can’t wait for Karkaroff and Barty Crouch Sr., I’m sure they’ll deliver. Oddly enough I’m also intrigued by Madam Malkins and how well it scales with the big DA. I feel like it might go well next to the Magical Menagerie. Not excited for the new Hogwarts because I’m sure it’s gonna look amazing and I don’t need anymore encouragement to buy a third Hogwarts expansion.